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1.1.4 • Public • Published



This is a small lightweight chess FEN parser based largely on regex. It unpacks the FEN into discrete properties which can be modified and then turned back into a new FEN via the toString method.


The following aspects of the FEN are validated:

  • The FEN must acurately represents an 8x8 board.
  • The pieces must be in the standard prnbqk set.
  • The player field is either set to 'w' or 'b'.
  • The castle grants may be none ('-') or contain 'k' or 'q' or any file 'abcdefgh' for Chess960 support.
  • The en passant must be none ('-') or an 'abcdefgh' file, followed by either 3 or 6 for rank.
  • The half-move clock must be 1 to 3 digits long.
  • The move number must be 1 to 4 digits long.

Due to some irregular FENs in use, the addition case of a missing en passant code followed by 0 0 will be allowed. In this case the FenParser will report as if the ending was - 0 1 and the toString method will reflect that change. Thank you chess.com for that :D


npm install --save @chess-fu/fen-parser

Not much else to it.


Basic usage:

  function () {
    assert.isTrue(FenParser.isFen('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'));
    assert.isFalse(FenParser.isFen('xxxxx/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'));
    const fen = new FenParser('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1');
    assert.equal(fen.positions, 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[0], 'rnbqkbnr');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[1], 'pppppppp');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[2], '--------');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[3], '--------');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[4], '--------');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[5], '--------');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[6], 'PPPPPPPP');
    assert.equal(fen.ranks[7], 'RNBQKBNR');
    assert.equal(fen.turn, 'w');
    assert.equal(fen.castles, 'KQkq');
    assert.equal(fen.enpass, '-');
    assert.equal(fen.halfmoveClock, 0);
    assert.equal(fen.moveNumber, 1);
    assert.equal(fen.toString(), 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1');


static isFen(string): boolean Returns true if the the parts of the FEN appear valid at a glance. Use the isValid member to verify run-length encoding.

get isValid: boolean Returns true if the FEN provided to the constructor was validated and represented the full 8x8 board.

get positions: string Gets the encoded version of the ranks, use the ranks property to modify.

ranks: string[] Gets or sets the unencoded rank & file position of pieces using a dash '-' for an empty square.

turn: 'w' | 'b' Gets or sets the color of the player who should make the next move.

castles: string Gets or sets the valid sides (kqKQ) or files (abcdefghABCDEFGH) valid for castling.

enpass: string Gets or sets the currently possible en passant square in file+rank notation, or - for none.

halfmoveClock: number Gets or sets the number of halfmoves since the last capture or pawn advance.

moveNumber: number Gets or sets the number of the full move. It starts at 1, and is incremented after Black's move.

toString(): string Returns the re-assembled FEN string.

hasPiece(string): boolean Return true if the piece (character) is found on the board.

counts(): map(string -> number) Returns a map object for each piece type found to the number of occurrences.


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npm i @chess-fu/fen-parser



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  • rogerk