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1.4.0 • Public • Published

@cprussin/jest-config - v1.4.0

This package contains a set of jest configs that set up runners for running unit tests, integration tests, eslint, and prettier.


Use the package manager of your choice to install:

  • npm: npm install --save-dev @cprussin/jest-config
  • pnpm: pnpm add -D @cprussin/jest-config
  • yarn: yarn add -D @cprussin/jest-config


  1. Set up your jest.config.js, for example:
export { base as default } from "@cprussin/jest-config";
  1. Run jest to run format checks, lint checks, unit tests, and integration tests, or use --selectProjects to run a subset of checks.

  2. Add scripts to your package.json if you'd like. For instance:

  "scripts": {
    "test:format": "jest --selectProjects format",
    "test:integration": "jest --selectProjects integration",
    "test:lint": "jest --selectProjects lint",
    "test:unit": "jest --coverage --selectProjects unit"


Configurations exported with this package will set up the following jest projects:

  • format: Check code style with prettier using jest-runner-prettier.
  • integration: Tests that run out of the integration-tests directory. Functionally not much different than unit, but you can have a separate configuration, different pipeline dependencies, etc.
  • lint: Run eslint checks using jest-runner-eslint.
  • unit: Need I say more?

Running jest will run all four projects. You can run a subset of the projects using jest's --selectProjects argument, as usual.


If you need to, you can extend or wrap the configs generated here by calling the config you want and passing an object as an argument that describes your modifications. The object can have any combination of the following keys:

  • format: Specify extensions or wrappers for the format project.
  • global: Specify extensions or wrappers for the top-level jest config.
  • integration: Specify extensions or wrappers for the integration project.
  • lint: Specify extensions or wrappers for the lint project.
  • unit: Specify extensions or wrappers for the unit project.

The value for each of those keys should be an object containing either or both of config, an object whose values will be spread into the relevant project or global config, and wrapper, a function that should take the config and return a promise containing the final config. For example:

import { base } from "@cprussin/jest-config";

export default base({
  global: {
    wrapper: async (oldGlobalConfig) => doSomethingAsyncWith(oldGlobalConfig),
    config: {
      passWithNoTests: true,
  unit: {
    wrapper: async (oldUnitConfig) => doSomethingAsyncWith(oldUnitConfig),
  format: {
    config: {
      testPathIgnorePatterns: ["foo/*"],

Note that the extensions will be spread before calling the wrapper (so the values in the config option will be present in the argument to the wrapper).

Table of contents

Type Aliases


Type Aliases


Ƭ ExtraConfig<T>: Object

This is the type for values in the optional object that can be passed to each config exported by this package.

Type parameters

Name Type Description
T extends Config.InitialOptions | Config.InitialProjectOptions either InitialOptions (for the global key) or InitialProjectOptions (for all other keys) from jest

Type declaration

Name Type Description
config? T Additional values to spread into the default config.
wrapper? (config: T) => Promise<T> If provided, this wrapper function will be called with the default config to generate the final config.

Defined in



Ƭ ExtraConfigs: Object

This is the type of the optional argument for each of the exported configurations.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
format? ExtraConfig<Config.InitialProjectOptions> Extra configurations and an an optional wrapper to apply to the format project config.
global? ExtraConfig<Config.InitialOptions> Extra configurations and an an optional wrapper to apply to the global config.
integration? ExtraConfig<Config.InitialProjectOptions> Extra configurations and an an optional wrapper to apply to the integration project config.
lint? ExtraConfig<Config.InitialProjectOptions> Extra configurations and an an optional wrapper to apply to the lint project config.
unit? ExtraConfig<Config.InitialProjectOptions> Extra configurations and an an optional wrapper to apply to the unit project config.

Defined in




base(extra?): Promise<Partial<{ automock: boolean ; bail: number | boolean ; cache: boolean ; cacheDirectory: string ; changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean ; changedSince: string ; ci: boolean ; clearMocks: boolean ; collectCoverage: boolean ; collectCoverageFrom: string[] ; coverageDirectory: string ; coveragePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; coverageProvider: CoverageProvider ; coverageReporters: CoverageReporters ; coverageThreshold: CoverageThreshold ; dependencyExtractor: string ; detectLeaks: boolean ; detectOpenHandles: boolean ; displayName: string | DisplayName ; errorOnDeprecated: boolean ; expand: boolean ; extensionsToTreatAsEsm: string[] ; fakeTimers: FakeTimers ; filter: string ; findRelatedTests: boolean ; forceCoverageMatch: string[] ; forceExit: boolean ; globalSetup: undefined | null | string ; globalTeardown: undefined | null | string ; globals: ConfigGlobals ; haste: HasteConfig ; id: string ; injectGlobals: boolean ; json: boolean ; lastCommit: boolean ; listTests: boolean ; logHeapUsage: boolean ; maxConcurrency: number ; maxWorkers: string | number ; moduleDirectories: string[] ; moduleFileExtensions: string[] ; moduleNameMapper: { [key: string]: string | string[]; } ; modulePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; modulePaths: string[] ; noStackTrace: boolean ; notify: boolean ; notifyMode: string ; onlyChanged: boolean ; onlyFailures: boolean ; openHandlesTimeout: number ; outputFile: string ; passWithNoTests: boolean ; preset: undefined | null | string ; prettierPath: undefined | null | string ; projects: (string | InitialProjectOptions)[] ; randomize: boolean ; replname: undefined | null | string ; reporters: (string | ReporterConfig)[] ; resetMocks: boolean ; resetModules: boolean ; resolver: undefined | null | string ; restoreMocks: boolean ; rootDir: string ; roots: string[] ; runTestsByPath: boolean ; runner: string ; runtime: string ; sandboxInjectedGlobals: string[] ; setupFiles: string[] ; setupFilesAfterEnv: string[] ; showSeed: boolean ; silent: boolean ; skipFilter: boolean ; skipNodeResolution: boolean ; slowTestThreshold: number ; snapshotFormat: { callToJSON?: boolean ; compareKeys?: null ; escapeRegex?: boolean ; escapeString?: boolean ; highlight?: boolean ; indent?: number ; maxDepth?: number ; maxWidth?: number ; min?: boolean ; printBasicPrototype?: boolean ; printFunctionName?: boolean ; theme?: { comment?: string ; content?: string ; prop?: string ; tag?: string ; value?: string } } ; snapshotResolver: string ; snapshotSerializers: string[] ; testEnvironment: string ; testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown> ; testFailureExitCode: string | number ; testLocationInResults: boolean ; testMatch: string[] ; testNamePattern: string ; testPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; testRegex: string | string[] ; testResultsProcessor: string ; testRunner: string ; testSequencer: string ; testTimeout: number ; transform: { [regex: string]: string | TransformerConfig; } ; transformIgnorePatterns: string[] ; unmockedModulePathPatterns: string[] ; updateSnapshot: boolean ; useStderr: boolean ; verbose?: boolean ; watch: boolean ; watchAll: boolean ; watchPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; watchPlugins: (string | [string, Record<string, unknown>])[] ; watchman: boolean ; workerIdleMemoryLimit: string | number ; workerThreads: boolean }>>

The base config which is recommended in most cases that don't need DOM testing. Sets up the standard projects and uses ts-jest to run unit tests.


Name Type Description
extra ExtraConfigs extensions and wrappers for the projects and global jest config


Promise<Partial<{ automock: boolean ; bail: number | boolean ; cache: boolean ; cacheDirectory: string ; changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean ; changedSince: string ; ci: boolean ; clearMocks: boolean ; collectCoverage: boolean ; collectCoverageFrom: string[] ; coverageDirectory: string ; coveragePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; coverageProvider: CoverageProvider ; coverageReporters: CoverageReporters ; coverageThreshold: CoverageThreshold ; dependencyExtractor: string ; detectLeaks: boolean ; detectOpenHandles: boolean ; displayName: string | DisplayName ; errorOnDeprecated: boolean ; expand: boolean ; extensionsToTreatAsEsm: string[] ; fakeTimers: FakeTimers ; filter: string ; findRelatedTests: boolean ; forceCoverageMatch: string[] ; forceExit: boolean ; globalSetup: undefined | null | string ; globalTeardown: undefined | null | string ; globals: ConfigGlobals ; haste: HasteConfig ; id: string ; injectGlobals: boolean ; json: boolean ; lastCommit: boolean ; listTests: boolean ; logHeapUsage: boolean ; maxConcurrency: number ; maxWorkers: string | number ; moduleDirectories: string[] ; moduleFileExtensions: string[] ; moduleNameMapper: { [key: string]: string | string[]; } ; modulePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; modulePaths: string[] ; noStackTrace: boolean ; notify: boolean ; notifyMode: string ; onlyChanged: boolean ; onlyFailures: boolean ; openHandlesTimeout: number ; outputFile: string ; passWithNoTests: boolean ; preset: undefined | null | string ; prettierPath: undefined | null | string ; projects: (string | InitialProjectOptions)[] ; randomize: boolean ; replname: undefined | null | string ; reporters: (string | ReporterConfig)[] ; resetMocks: boolean ; resetModules: boolean ; resolver: undefined | null | string ; restoreMocks: boolean ; rootDir: string ; roots: string[] ; runTestsByPath: boolean ; runner: string ; runtime: string ; sandboxInjectedGlobals: string[] ; setupFiles: string[] ; setupFilesAfterEnv: string[] ; showSeed: boolean ; silent: boolean ; skipFilter: boolean ; skipNodeResolution: boolean ; slowTestThreshold: number ; snapshotFormat: { callToJSON?: boolean ; compareKeys?: null ; escapeRegex?: boolean ; escapeString?: boolean ; highlight?: boolean ; indent?: number ; maxDepth?: number ; maxWidth?: number ; min?: boolean ; printBasicPrototype?: boolean ; printFunctionName?: boolean ; theme?: { comment?: string ; content?: string ; prop?: string ; tag?: string ; value?: string } } ; snapshotResolver: string ; snapshotSerializers: string[] ; testEnvironment: string ; testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown> ; testFailureExitCode: string | number ; testLocationInResults: boolean ; testMatch: string[] ; testNamePattern: string ; testPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; testRegex: string | string[] ; testResultsProcessor: string ; testRunner: string ; testSequencer: string ; testTimeout: number ; transform: { [regex: string]: string | TransformerConfig; } ; transformIgnorePatterns: string[] ; unmockedModulePathPatterns: string[] ; updateSnapshot: boolean ; useStderr: boolean ; verbose?: boolean ; watch: boolean ; watchAll: boolean ; watchPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; watchPlugins: (string | [string, Record<string, unknown>])[] ; watchman: boolean ; workerIdleMemoryLimit: string | number ; workerThreads: boolean }>>

the jest config


// jest.config.js
export { base as default } from "@cprussin/jest-config";


// jest.config.js
import { base } from "@cprussin/jest-config";
export default base({
  global: {
    config: {
      passWithnoTests: true

Defined in



nextjs(extra?): Promise<Partial<{ automock: boolean ; bail: number | boolean ; cache: boolean ; cacheDirectory: string ; changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean ; changedSince: string ; ci: boolean ; clearMocks: boolean ; collectCoverage: boolean ; collectCoverageFrom: string[] ; coverageDirectory: string ; coveragePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; coverageProvider: CoverageProvider ; coverageReporters: CoverageReporters ; coverageThreshold: CoverageThreshold ; dependencyExtractor: string ; detectLeaks: boolean ; detectOpenHandles: boolean ; displayName: string | DisplayName ; errorOnDeprecated: boolean ; expand: boolean ; extensionsToTreatAsEsm: string[] ; fakeTimers: FakeTimers ; filter: string ; findRelatedTests: boolean ; forceCoverageMatch: string[] ; forceExit: boolean ; globalSetup: undefined | null | string ; globalTeardown: undefined | null | string ; globals: ConfigGlobals ; haste: HasteConfig ; id: string ; injectGlobals: boolean ; json: boolean ; lastCommit: boolean ; listTests: boolean ; logHeapUsage: boolean ; maxConcurrency: number ; maxWorkers: string | number ; moduleDirectories: string[] ; moduleFileExtensions: string[] ; moduleNameMapper: { [key: string]: string | string[]; } ; modulePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; modulePaths: string[] ; noStackTrace: boolean ; notify: boolean ; notifyMode: string ; onlyChanged: boolean ; onlyFailures: boolean ; openHandlesTimeout: number ; outputFile: string ; passWithNoTests: boolean ; preset: undefined | null | string ; prettierPath: undefined | null | string ; projects: (string | InitialProjectOptions)[] ; randomize: boolean ; replname: undefined | null | string ; reporters: (string | ReporterConfig)[] ; resetMocks: boolean ; resetModules: boolean ; resolver: undefined | null | string ; restoreMocks: boolean ; rootDir: string ; roots: string[] ; runTestsByPath: boolean ; runner: string ; runtime: string ; sandboxInjectedGlobals: string[] ; setupFiles: string[] ; setupFilesAfterEnv: string[] ; showSeed: boolean ; silent: boolean ; skipFilter: boolean ; skipNodeResolution: boolean ; slowTestThreshold: number ; snapshotFormat: { callToJSON?: boolean ; compareKeys?: null ; escapeRegex?: boolean ; escapeString?: boolean ; highlight?: boolean ; indent?: number ; maxDepth?: number ; maxWidth?: number ; min?: boolean ; printBasicPrototype?: boolean ; printFunctionName?: boolean ; theme?: { comment?: string ; content?: string ; prop?: string ; tag?: string ; value?: string } } ; snapshotResolver: string ; snapshotSerializers: string[] ; testEnvironment: string ; testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown> ; testFailureExitCode: string | number ; testLocationInResults: boolean ; testMatch: string[] ; testNamePattern: string ; testPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; testRegex: string | string[] ; testResultsProcessor: string ; testRunner: string ; testSequencer: string ; testTimeout: number ; transform: { [regex: string]: string | TransformerConfig; } ; transformIgnorePatterns: string[] ; unmockedModulePathPatterns: string[] ; updateSnapshot: boolean ; useStderr: boolean ; verbose?: boolean ; watch: boolean ; watchAll: boolean ; watchPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; watchPlugins: (string | [string, Record<string, unknown>])[] ; watchman: boolean ; workerIdleMemoryLimit: string | number ; workerThreads: boolean }>>

This configuration adds to the base config by wrapping the unit test project by calling next/jest. It also adds the jest-environment-jsdom test environment, and sets up @testing-library/jest-dom.


Name Type Description
extra ExtraConfigs extensions and wrappers for the projects and global jest config


Promise<Partial<{ automock: boolean ; bail: number | boolean ; cache: boolean ; cacheDirectory: string ; changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean ; changedSince: string ; ci: boolean ; clearMocks: boolean ; collectCoverage: boolean ; collectCoverageFrom: string[] ; coverageDirectory: string ; coveragePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; coverageProvider: CoverageProvider ; coverageReporters: CoverageReporters ; coverageThreshold: CoverageThreshold ; dependencyExtractor: string ; detectLeaks: boolean ; detectOpenHandles: boolean ; displayName: string | DisplayName ; errorOnDeprecated: boolean ; expand: boolean ; extensionsToTreatAsEsm: string[] ; fakeTimers: FakeTimers ; filter: string ; findRelatedTests: boolean ; forceCoverageMatch: string[] ; forceExit: boolean ; globalSetup: undefined | null | string ; globalTeardown: undefined | null | string ; globals: ConfigGlobals ; haste: HasteConfig ; id: string ; injectGlobals: boolean ; json: boolean ; lastCommit: boolean ; listTests: boolean ; logHeapUsage: boolean ; maxConcurrency: number ; maxWorkers: string | number ; moduleDirectories: string[] ; moduleFileExtensions: string[] ; moduleNameMapper: { [key: string]: string | string[]; } ; modulePathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; modulePaths: string[] ; noStackTrace: boolean ; notify: boolean ; notifyMode: string ; onlyChanged: boolean ; onlyFailures: boolean ; openHandlesTimeout: number ; outputFile: string ; passWithNoTests: boolean ; preset: undefined | null | string ; prettierPath: undefined | null | string ; projects: (string | InitialProjectOptions)[] ; randomize: boolean ; replname: undefined | null | string ; reporters: (string | ReporterConfig)[] ; resetMocks: boolean ; resetModules: boolean ; resolver: undefined | null | string ; restoreMocks: boolean ; rootDir: string ; roots: string[] ; runTestsByPath: boolean ; runner: string ; runtime: string ; sandboxInjectedGlobals: string[] ; setupFiles: string[] ; setupFilesAfterEnv: string[] ; showSeed: boolean ; silent: boolean ; skipFilter: boolean ; skipNodeResolution: boolean ; slowTestThreshold: number ; snapshotFormat: { callToJSON?: boolean ; compareKeys?: null ; escapeRegex?: boolean ; escapeString?: boolean ; highlight?: boolean ; indent?: number ; maxDepth?: number ; maxWidth?: number ; min?: boolean ; printBasicPrototype?: boolean ; printFunctionName?: boolean ; theme?: { comment?: string ; content?: string ; prop?: string ; tag?: string ; value?: string } } ; snapshotResolver: string ; snapshotSerializers: string[] ; testEnvironment: string ; testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown> ; testFailureExitCode: string | number ; testLocationInResults: boolean ; testMatch: string[] ; testNamePattern: string ; testPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; testRegex: string | string[] ; testResultsProcessor: string ; testRunner: string ; testSequencer: string ; testTimeout: number ; transform: { [regex: string]: string | TransformerConfig; } ; transformIgnorePatterns: string[] ; unmockedModulePathPatterns: string[] ; updateSnapshot: boolean ; useStderr: boolean ; verbose?: boolean ; watch: boolean ; watchAll: boolean ; watchPathIgnorePatterns: string[] ; watchPlugins: (string | [string, Record<string, unknown>])[] ; watchman: boolean ; workerIdleMemoryLimit: string | number ; workerThreads: boolean }>>

the jest config


// jest.config.js
export { nextjs as default } from "@cprussin/jest-config";


// jest.config.js
import { nextjs } from "@cprussin/jest-config";
export default nextjs({
  global: {
    config: {
      passWithnoTests: true

Defined in


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  • cprussin