
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Foxglove OMG IDL

This repo contains implementations of OMG IDL specifications used by Foxglove. The parsers expect schemas according to the MCAP specifications: ros2idl, omgidl.

Package name Description Reference Version
@crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium-parser Parse OMG IDL schemas – README Interface Definition Language Specification
@crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium De/Serialize data using IDL to CDR and CDR2 – README Extensible and Dynamic Types for DDS Specification
@foxglove/ros2idl-parser Parse the ROS 2 dialect of IDL – README article, repo

See known limitations here: Parser/Grammar Limitations Serialization Limitations


corepack enable
yarn install


If it's your first time building, you'll need to run yarn build.

Then to run test cases across all packages run yarn test from the root directory.

Note: to ensure that tests from a downstream in-repo dependency are running against the latest upstream version of code, you'll have to run yarn build every time you change the upstream dependency.

The dependency flow is as follows:

  • @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium depends on @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium-parser
  • @foxglove/ros2idl-parser depends on @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium-parser

Deploy packages

  1. Open a PR updating the version of the packages that have new versions that need to be deployed.
  2. Land PR with change of version numbers and pull the latest on main locally
  3. Add git tags for each package you'd like to publish using the following prefixes
    • @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium-parser -> omgidl-parser/vX.X.X
    • @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium -> omgidl-serialization/vX.X.X
    • @foxglove/ros2idl-parser -> ros2idl-parser/vX.X.X
  4. For example: if you're updating @crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium-parser to v1.2.1 you would add the corresponding git tag by running git tag omgidl-parser/v1.2.1. For updating multiple packages on a single commit you can add multiple tags: git tag omgidl-parser/v1.2.1 omgidl-serialization/v1.1.3 .
  5. After adding the tag run git push origin refs/tags/<tag> to push the specific tag to the remote

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crabas0npm/expedita-nostrum-laudantium and its packages are licensed under the MIT License.



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  • thanhl4861