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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Svelte Enhanced Notifications

MIT License GitHub release npm version

Svelte Enhanced Notifications

A component that makes it easy to handle notifications in your app.
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage

About The Project

I've been having fun with Svelte and SvelteKit for a while now, and I've decided to put into practice what I've learned by trying to build a simple component for managing notifications. Corrections and suggestions are welcome.


Built With



The demo app utilizes Pico.css as its styling framework.

The SVG icons used in this project are retrieved from Iconify, specifically the following icons:

Getting Started

  1. Install the package.

    npm i @dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications
  2. Import the NotificationService component.

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
  3. Declare a variable to use as a reference to the component.

    let notficationService;
  4. Add the NotificationService component to the markup and bind it to the variable declared earlier.

    <NotificationService bind:this={notficationService}/>
  5. Use the push method to show a notification.

    notficationService.push({title: "Notification title", message: "Notification message", variant: "success"});

NotificationService component

The NotificationService component is the main component that handles notifications and it provides the following properties:

  • location: a string that defines the position on the screen where to display the notifications. The allowed values are: "topLeft", "top", "topRight", "left", "center", "right", "bottomLeft", "bottom", "bottomRight". The default value is "top".
  • locations: it allows you to add additional custom locations or override the configuration of existing ones. This is an object where the properties represent the new locations, check the DEFAULT_LOCATIONS constant in the configurations.js file and examples.
  • notifications: it allows to specify the array of notifications the NotificationService component should work with. By default, the component uses its own non-shared array. Check examples.

You can have multiple NotificationService components. The NotificationService push method allows displaying a notification based on the notification configuration object given as input.

(see the usage examples)

Notification configuration object

The notification configuration object, the input for push method, allows using the following properties to configure a notification:

  • autoDismissible: a boolean that, when true, allows automatically closing the notification. The default value is false.
  • component: it allows to specify a custom component that represents an individual notification. If present, NotificationService will use this instead of the default Notification component.
  • countdownDuration: a number that allows setting how many milliseconds the notification should remain visible whene autoDismissible is true. The default value is 3000.
  • customFontColor: it allows to modify the font color. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • customIconSvg: it allows to define a custom icon. The value must be a string that represents a valid SVG.
  • customPrimaryColor: it allows to modify the background color of the notification. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • customPrimaryColorVariant: it allows to modify the color of the icons and the countdown timer. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • customWidth: a string that allows customizing the width of the notification, specifying a numerical value followed by a CSS-supported unit of measurement, such as pixels (px), centimeters (cm), percentage (%), and so on. If no value is specified, then the width of the notification follows the following rules:
    • when the device width is less than 576 pixels, the notification occupies 100% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 576 pixels, the notification occupies 70% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 768 pixels, the notification occupies 65% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 992 pixels, the notification occupies 55% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 1200 pixels, the notification occupies 50% of the available width.
  • message: a string that defines the message of the notification.
  • showCloseButton: a boolean that allows showing the close button of the notification when it's true and hiding it when it's false. The default value is true.
  • showCountdown: a boolean that, when true, allows showing an indication of how long the notification will remain visible. The default value is false.
  • title: a string that defines the title of the notification.
  • variant: a string that allows using one of the predefined variants to define the style of the notification. The allowed values are: "default", "error", "warning", "success", "info", "help".
  • variants: it allows you to add additional custom variants or override the configuration of existing ones. This is an object where the properties represent the new variants, check the DEFAULT_VARIANTS constant in the configurations.js file and examples.

(see the usage examples)

Notification component

The Notification component is the component that implements the individual notification and it can be used to create fully custom notifications.

It provides two named slots:

  • content: useful for customizing the notification content.
  • icon: useful for customizing the notification icon.

It provides the following properties:

  • autoDismissible: a boolean that, when true, allows automatically closing the notification. The default value is false.
  • countdownDuration: a number that allows setting how many milliseconds the notification should remain visible whene autoDismissible is true. The default value is 3000.
  • countdownStart: a boolean that, if set to true, starts the countdown timer.
  • customFontColor: it allows to modify the font color. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • customIconSvg: it allows to define a custom icon. The value must be a string that represents a valid SVG.
  • customPrimaryColor: it allows to modify the background color of the notification. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • customWidth: a string that allows customizing the width of the notification, specifying a numerical value followed by a CSS-supported unit of measurement, such as pixels (px), centimeters (cm), percentage (%), and so on. If no value is specified, then the width of the notification follows the following rules:
    • when the device width is less than 576 pixels, the notification occupies 100% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 576 pixels, the notification occupies 70% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 768 pixels, the notification occupies 65% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 992 pixels, the notification occupies 55% of the available width.
    • when the device width is at least 1200 pixels, the notification occupies 50% of the available width.
  • customPrimaryColorVariant: it allows to modify the color of the icons and the countdown timer. The value must be a string representing a valid CSS color (Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, Predefined/Cross-browser color names).
  • message: a string that defines the message of the notification.
  • showCloseButton: a boolean that allows showing the close button of the notification when it's true and hiding it when it's false. The default value is true.
  • showCountdown: a boolean that, when true, allows showing an indication of how long the notification will remain visible. The default value is false.
  • title: a string that defines the title of the notification.
  • variant: a string that allows using one of the predefined variants to define the style of the notification. The allowed values are: "default", "error", "warning", "success", "info", "help".
  • variants: it allows you to add additional custom variants or override the configuration of existing ones. This is an object where the properties represent the new variants. This is an object where the properties represent the new variants, check the DEFAULT_VARIANTS constant in the configurations.js file and examples.

(see the usage examples)

Utility function pushNotification

In certain situations, it could be useful to have a function that displays notifications independently of the NotificationService component push method. For this purpose, you can import and use the pushNotification function. This function takes two input parameters: the new notification to display and the container to place the new notification in. It returns the updated notification container as output.

(see the usage examples)


How to show a notification on button click

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    let notficationService;
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a success notification",
        variant: "success"

    function showNotification() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationService}/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>



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How to configure an auto-dismissable notification

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    let notficationService;
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Warning notification", 
        message: "This is a warning notification",
        variant: "warning",
        autoDismissible: true,
        showCloseButton: true,    // It can be omitted if you want to use the default value of true        
        showCountdown: true,      // It can be omitted if you don't want to display the countdown timer.
        countdownDuration: 5000   // It can be omitted if you want to use the default value of 3000 milliseconds.

    function showNotification() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationService}/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>



The dark line at the bottom of the notification is the countdown timer.

(Try it on Svelte REPL)

How to modify the colors and icon of the notification

You can customize the appearance of notifications by leveraging individual properties customIconSvg, customPrimaryColor, customPrimaryColorVariant, customFontColor and customWidth or by defining custom variants.

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    let notficationService;
    // A success notification with a custom icon
    let successNotificationCusomIcon = {
        title: "Success notification with cusom icon",
        variant: "success",
        message: "This is a success notification with cusom icon",        
        customIconSvg: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path fill="#bdcf46" d="M60.75 33.92c-10.86-1.41-21.57-4.02-31.69 2.28c-9.45 5.9-16.69 15.98-19.45 26.75c-3.9 15.23-1.59 32.57 8.83 44.77c5.72 6.69 15.23 13.81 23.73 16.47c21.82 6.82 48.79 3.58 62.48-16.74c3.91-5.8 7.83-13.66 9.26-20.55c4.01-19.26-.48-41.83-20.42-50.12c-8.88-3.69-18.37-1.66-27.65-2.33c-1.7-.12-3.4-.31-5.09-.53z"/><path fill="#757f3f" d="M93.92.58c7.24-.23 19.38 3 24.29 8.17c.6.64 1.75 1.55 1.92 2.36c.27 1.31-.77 2.43-1.53 3.4c-10.8 13.79-32.92 20.94-46.92 11.57c-1.96-1.31-.91-3.74-.51-5.75c1.6-8.02 7.8-15.38 15.43-18.29A22.33 22.33 0 0 1 93.92.58z"/><path fill="#855c52" d="M71.41 21.92c-.07-.26-.2-.49-.39-.64c-.4-.31-1.23-.62-1.7-.79c-.71-.27-1.47-.38-2.21-.38c-.28 0-.55.01-.81.04c-1 .12-1.86.49-2.43 1.3c-.76 1.05-.63 2.24-.83 3.46c-.28 1.74-1.1 3.32-1.55 5.02c-.35 1.31-.63 2.64-.88 3.98c-.19.98-.35 1.96-.47 2.95c-.43 3.67-1.03 7.34-.87 11.05c.01.51.03 1.02.06 1.53c. 1.12c. 1.16.89 1.47c.72.4 1.55.58 2.39.59c.26 0 .52-.04.77-.06l.66-.04c.32-.09.65-.21.98-.3c.53-.13 1.05-.4 1.42-.81c.33-.37.37-.75.35-1.19l-.03-.31c-.04-.39-.07-.79-.09-1.19c-.05-.79-.07-1.6-.09-2.39c-.06-1.78-.03-3.58.13-5.36c.11-1.06.16-2.14.25-3.2c.11-1.48.32-2.95.57-4.42c.06-.31.09-.61.15-.91c.36-1.88 1.03-3.57 1.75-5.35c.33-.82.47-1.69.77-2.48c.33-.82 1.06-1.27 1.06-2.25c0-.46.05-1.11-.1-1.63z"/><path fill="#2f2f2f" d="M59.02 50.25c-2.34-.5-4.62-1.33-6.76-2.38c-1.12-.55-4.36-3.13-4.69-.42c-.42 3.27 4.09 6.09 6.33 7.14c3.86 1.82 8.18 2.47 12.33 1.63c3.99-.81 7.41-2.78 9.97-6.24c.32-.45.55-.98.71-1.48c.57-1.81-1.41-1.83-2.47-1.32c-.86.41-1.6 1.07-2.46 1.48c-1.64.79-3.36 1.43-5.11 1.77c-2.61.49-5.26.36-7.85-.18z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M39.17 43.59c-1.28-1.72-4.79-1.88-7.29-1.03c-3.09 1.06-5.84 3.36-7.77 5.97c-1.66 2.24-4.1 6.94-1.69 9.51c1.18 1.25 2.61.76 3.97.08c2.46-1.23 3.96-3.92 6.04-5.65c2.14-1.77 9.72-4.95 6.74-8.88z"/></svg>'    

    // A default notification with custom colors
    let customColorNotification = {
        title: "Custom colors notification", 
        message: "This is a notification with cusom colors",        
        customIconSvg: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"><path stroke-dasharray="48" stroke-dashoffset="48" d="M17 9v9a3 3 0 0 1-3 3H8a3 3 0 0 1-3-3V9z"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="0.6s" values="48;0"/></path><path stroke-dasharray="14" stroke-dashoffset="14" d="M17 14H20C20.55 14 21 13.55 21 13V10C21 9.45 20.55 9 20 9H17"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" begin="0.6s" dur="0.2s" values="14;28"/></path></g><mask id="lineMdCoffeeLoop0"><path fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2" d="M8 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4M12 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4M16 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4"><animateMotion calcMode="linear" dur="3s" path="M0 0v-8" repeatCount="indefinite"/></path></mask><rect width="24" height="0" y="7" fill="currentColor" mask="url(#lineMdCoffeeLoop0)"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="y" begin="0.8s" dur="0.6s" values="7;2"/><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="height" begin="0.8s" dur="0.6s" values="0;5"/></rect></svg>',
        customPrimaryColor: "#1095c1",
        customPrimaryColorVariant: "#07495f",
        customFontColor: "#f0f0f0"        

    // Custom variants example
    const CUSTOM_VARIANTS = {
        error: { // Default error variant overriding
            primaryColor: "#009739",
            primaryColorVariant: "#FEDD00",
            fontColor: "#FEDD00",
        customVariant: {
            primaryColor: "#22838d",
            primaryColorVariant: "#0a1415",
            fontColor: "#ffffff",

    let errorVariantOverridingNotification  = {
        title: "Default error variant overriding", 
        message: "This is a notification", 
        variant: "error", 
        variants: CUSTOM_VARIANTS

    let customVariantNotification  = {
        title: "Custom variant", 
        message: "This is a notification", 
        variant: "customVariant", 
        variants: CUSTOM_VARIANTS,

    function showNotifications() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationService} location="top"/>
<button on:click={showNotifications}>Show Notifications</button>



(Try it on Svelte REPL)

How to modify the position of the notifications

In this example, five NotificationService components are used with different positions for the notifications.

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    const CUSTOM_LOCATIONS = {
        top: {  // Default top location overriding
            position: "fixed",
            top: "100px",
            left: "50%",
            right: "auto",
            bottom: "auto",
            zIndex: "1",
            transform: "translate(-50%, 0)"
        customLocation: {
            position: "fixed",
            top: "25%",
            left: "auto",
            right: "auto",
            bottom: "auto",
            zIndex: "1",
            transform: "rotate(20deg)"

    let topNotficationService;
    let centerNotficationService;
    let bottomNotficationService;
    let customTopNotficationService;
    let customLocationNotficationService;
    let topNotification = {title: "Top notification", variant: "success", message: "This is a notification"};
    let centerNotification = {title: "Center notification", variant: "warning", message: "This is a notification"};
    let bottomNotification = {title: "Bottom notification", variant: "error", message: "This is a notification"};
    let topOverridingNotification = {title: "Default top location overriding", variant: "info", message: "This is a notification"};
    let customLocationNotification = {title: "New custom location", variant: "help", message: "This is a notification"};

    function showNotifications() {

<NotificationService bind:this={topNotficationService} location="top"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={centerNotficationService} location="center"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={bottomNotficationService} location="bottom"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={customTopNotficationService} location="top" locations={CUSTOM_LOCATIONS}/>
<NotificationService bind:this={customLocationNotficationService} location="customLocation" locations={CUSTOM_LOCATIONS}/>
<button on:click={showNotifications}>Show Notifications</button>



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How to use an arbitrary array as a notification container and share it among multiple NotificationService component

In the following examples, three different NotificationService components have been defined that share the same notification container. To display a notification, you can use any push method available from one of the three NotificationService components or the pushNotification function.

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    let notficationServiceTop;
    let notficationServiceCenter;
    let notficationServiceBottom;

    // For convenience, I retrieve the push method from any NotificationService component
    const pushNotification = (notification) => notficationServiceTop?.push(notification);   

    // The shared notification container among the NotificationService components
    let notifications = [];
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a success notification",
        variant: "success",
        autoDismissible: true,
        showCountdown: true

    function showNotification() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceTop} bind:notifications={notifications} location="top"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceCenter} bind:notifications={notifications} location="center"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceBottom} bind:notifications={notifications} location="bottom"/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>

(Try it on Svelte REPL)

The following example is identical to the previous one but uses the pushNotification function instead of push method of a certain component.

    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    import {pushNotification} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";

    let notficationServiceTop;
    let notficationServiceCenter;
    let notficationServiceBottom;

    // The shared notification container among the NotificationService components
    let notifications = [];
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a success notification",
        variant: "success",
        autoDismissible: true,
        showCountdown: true

    function showNotification() {
        notifications = pushNotification(myNotification, notifications);

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceTop} bind:notifications={notifications} location="top"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceCenter} bind:notifications={notifications} location="center"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceBottom} bind:notifications={notifications} location="bottom"/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>

(Try it on Svelte REPL)

The following example is similar to the previous one, but it uses a Svelte store as the shared notification container.


import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
export const notifications = writable([]);


    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    // Using store as shared notification container among the NotificationService components
    import {notifications} from './store.js'; 

    let notficationServiceTop;
    let notficationServiceCenter;
    let notficationServiceBottom;

    // For convenience, I retrieve the push method from any NotificationService component
    const pushNotification = (notification) => notficationServiceTop?.push(notification);   
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a success notification",
        variant: "success",
        autoDismissible: true,
        showCountdown: true

    function showNotification() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceTop} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="top"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceCenter} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="center"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceBottom} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="bottom"/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>

(Try it on Svelte REPL)

The following example is identical to the previous one but uses the pushNotification function instead of push method of a certain component.


import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
export const notifications = writable([]);


    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    import {pushNotification} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    import {notifications} from './store.js'; 

    let notficationServiceTop;
    let notficationServiceCenter;
    let notficationServiceBottom;
    let myNotification = {
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a success notification",
        variant: "success",
        autoDismissible: true,
        showCountdown: true

    function showNotification() {
        $notifications = pushNotification(myNotification, $notifications);

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceTop} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="top"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceCenter} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="center"/>
<NotificationService bind:this={notficationServiceBottom} bind:notifications={$notifications} location="bottom"/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>

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How to create custom notifications

In the following example, a custom component has been created to serve as a notification to be used with the NotificationService component. The custom component is based on the default Notification component and its properties for its functioning. In the example, the two slots provided by the default Notification component were leveraged. In this case, the implementation of the icon was delegated to the CustomIcon component. You can also create a component independent of the default Notification component, but you still need to manage the properties required for the functioning of the NotificationService component.


    import {NotificationService} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    import CustomNotification from "./CustomNotification.svelte";

    let notficationService;
    let myNotification1 = {
        component: CustomNotification,
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a notification",
        variant: "success"

    let myNotification2 = {
        component: CustomNotification,
        title: "Success notification", 
        message: "This is a notification",
        variant: "customVariant"

    function showNotification() {

<NotificationService bind:this={notficationService}/>
<button on:click={showNotification}>Show Notification</button>


    import {Notification} from "@dflare/svelte-enhanced-notifications";
    import CustomIcon from "./CustomIcon.svelte";

    // Custom variants
    const CUSTOM_VARIANTS = {
        customVariant: {
            primaryColor: "#1095c1",
            primaryColorVariant: "#07495f",
            fontColor: "#f0f0f0",

    // The properties required by the default Notification component and its functioning whith the NotificationService component.
    export let title = undefined;
    export let message = undefined;    
    export let variant = undefined;
    export let variants = CUSTOM_VARIANTS;
    export let customIconSvg = undefined;
    export let customPrimaryColor = undefined;
    export let customPrimaryColorVariant = undefined;
    export let customFontColor = undefined;
    export let showCloseButton = true; 
    export let autoDismissible = false;
    export let showCountdown = false;
    export let countdownDuration = 3000;
    export let countdownStart = false;
    export let customWidth = undefined;

<!-- Default Notification component -->
<Notification on:click title={title} message={message} variant={variant} variants={variants} customIconSvg={customIconSvg} customPrimaryColor={customPrimaryColor} customPrimaryColorVariant={customPrimaryColorVariant} customFontColor={customFontColor} showCloseButton={showCloseButton} autoDismissible={autoDismissible} showCountdown={showCountdown} countdownDuration={countdownDuration} countdownStart={countdownStart} customWidth={customWidth}>
    <div slot="icon">
    <div slot="content">
            <summary>Section 1</summary>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>
            <summary>Section 2</summary>
            <p>Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>
            <summary>Section 3</summary>
            <p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p>


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"><path stroke-dasharray="48" stroke-dashoffset="48" d="M17 9v9a3 3 0 0 1-3 3H8a3 3 0 0 1-3-3V9z"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="0.6s" values="48;0"/></path><path stroke-dasharray="14" stroke-dashoffset="14" d="M17 14H20C20.55 14 21 13.55 21 13V10C21 9.45 20.55 9 20 9H17"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" begin="0.6s" dur="0.2s" values="14;28"/></path></g><mask id="lineMdCoffeeLoop0"><path fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2" d="M8 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4M12 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4M16 0c0 2-2 2-2 4s2 2 2 4-2 2-2 4 2 2 2 4"><animateMotion calcMode="linear" dur="3s" path="M0 0v-8" repeatCount="indefinite"/></path></mask><rect width="24" height="0" y="7" fill="currentColor" mask="url(#lineMdCoffeeLoop0)"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="y" begin="0.8s" dur="0.6s" values="7;2"/><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="height" begin="0.8s" dur="0.6s" values="0;5"/></rect></svg>



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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for more information.

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  • francesco.dessi