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1.2.1 • Public • Published


A type-safe React hook for debugging purposes that wraps around the useEffect hook, which returns the dependancies that changed on each iteration of the effect within the console.

npm i -D @dyljhd/use-effect-debugger


Do NOT use in production environment!

This package is intended to be a debugging tool only!
Therefore, it should be installed within the devDependancies and all usage removed from the codebase before pushing to a production environment.


Parameter Explanation

  • effect: Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code.
  • deps: The effect will only activate if the values in the list change.
  • debugOptions: A selection of options to customize debug output within the console.
    • consoleOutput: This changes the console output method for the changed deps in the console.
    • consoleName: This changes the debug label outputted with the changed deps in the console.
    • depNames: This gives each of the changed deps in the object a named key instead of defaulting to its index in the deps array.

Parameter Types

  • effect: React.EffectCallback
  • deps: React.DependencyList
  • debugOptions
    • consoleOutput: "log" | "table" | undefined
    • consoleName: string | undefined
    • depNames: (string | null)[] | undefined

Extra Details

  • effect and deps are no different from useEffect arguments.
  • consoleName defaults to use-effect-debugger.
  • You can pass null within the depNames array if you would like to skip naming a particular key.
  • On mount, a dep's prev value will always be undefined.
  • A consoleOutput of log outputs using console.log, and table outputs using console.table

Example Usage


function ExampleComponent() {
  const [string, setString] = useState('0');
  const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);

    () => {
      console.log('useEffect ran');
    [string, number],
      consoleName: 'USE-EFFECT-DEBUGGER',
      depNames: [null, 'Number'],

  function incrementString() {
    setString((prev) => String(Number(prev) + 1));

  function incrementNumber() {
    setNumber((prev) => prev + 1);

  function incrementAll() {

  return (
      <p>String: {string}</p>
      <p>Number: {number}</p>
      <button onClick={incrementString}>Increment String</button>
      <button onClick={incrementNumber}>Increment Number</button>
      <button onClick={incrementAll}>Increment All</button>

Console Output:

On mount:

  0: {
    prev: undefined,
    cur: "0"
  Number: {
    prev: undefined,
    cur: 0

"Increment String" onClick event:

  0: {
    prev: "0",
    cur: "1"

"Increment Number" onClick event:

  Number: {
    prev: 0,
    cur: 1

"Increment All" onClick event:

  0: {
    prev: "1",
    cur: "2"
  Number: {
    prev: 1,
    cur: 2

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npm i @dyljhd/use-effect-debugger

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  • dyljhd