
1.0.4 • Public • Published

debouncer / debounce

Simple debouncer with identifiers

Get started:

  • Install yarn add @grd/debouncer
  • Import the helper: import {debounce} from '@grd/debouncer';
  • Import the instance: import {debouncer} from '@grd/debouncer';


  • debounce(fn: function[, delay: number = 250][, identifier: string = 'DEFAULT']): Debouncer
  • clearAll(): Debouncer :: Clear all pending timeouts.
  • clear(identifier: string): Debouncer :: Clear a specific timeout.
  • getAll(): Object :: Get the timout id's and associated identifiers.
  • setDefaultDelay(delay: number): Debouncer :: Sets the default delay.

Note: delay = 0 will invoke the function immediately.

The debounce helper:

Example 1 - Simple use of debounce helper method:

import {debounce} from '@grd/debouncer';

<button onClick={() => {
    debounce(() => console.log('Some debounced handler'), 800)
    Example 1

Example 2 - With identifier (Preventing parallel issues):

With no identifiers the second debounce call would cancel the first one.
import {debounce} from '@grd/debouncer';

<button onClick={() => {
    debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler A'), 800, 'A')
    debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler B'), 800, 'B')
    Simple use case with identifiers

The debouncer instance:

Example 1 - Clear all pending timeouts:

import {debouncer} from '@grd/debouncer';

<button onClick={() => {
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Some debounced handler'), 8000)
    Example 1

<button onClick={() => debouncer.clearAll()}>
    Clear all pending timouts

Example 2 - Using unique identifiers to prevent concurrency issues, and clearing them:

import {debouncer} from '@grd/debouncer';

<button onClick={() => {
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler A'), 1000, 'A')
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler B'), 2000, 'B')
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler C'), 3000, 'C')
    Example 2

<button onClick={() => debouncer.clear('C')}>
    Clear a specific timeout

Example 3 - Also you can access all pending timout id's:

import {debouncer} from '@grd/debouncer';

<button onClick={() => {
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler A'), 1000, 'A')
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler B'), 2000, 'B')
    debouncer.debounce(() => console.log('Debounced handler C'), 3000, 'C')
    Example 3

<button onClick={() => console.log(debouncer.getAll())}>
    Get the timout id's and associated identifiers

//{DEFAULT: 0, A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}

The debouncer class:

Example 1 - Same debouncer instance API but you choose the scope [by default is application wide]:

import {Debouncer} from '@grd/debouncer';

const debouncerA = new Debouncer();
const debouncerB = new Debouncer(600); //You can pass a default delay.

<button onClick={() => {
    debouncerA.debounce(() => console.log('Some debounced handler'), 8000)
    debouncerB.debounce(() => console.log('Some debounced handler'), 8000)
    Example 1



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