This package has been deprecated

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This package has been renamed and moved to @jupiterone/security-policy-builder


2.6.9 • Public • Published

InfoSec Policies, Standards and Procedures (PSP) Builder

This provides a CLI tool and library for generating and maintaining an organization's full policies, standards, and procedures in support of modern security operations and compliance.

It will default to outputting documentation in Markdown format. This project also supports the use of Mkdocs to convert Markdown to HTML, e.g.: pandoc (not supported) may optionally be used to convert from Markdown to PDF format.

First-time users of the tool can choose one of the execution methods below and run psp build to be interactively prompted for configuration values. This will generate a config.json file that may be used to speed-up future invocations.


Run the following command to install the policy builder and build the policies. You will be prompted for a few inputs, such as company name, to be included in your policy text.

npm install -g @jupiterone/jupiter-policy-builder

psp build

You will be prompted to save the config to a file, which you can reference the next time you'd like to rebuild the policies and procedures:

psp build -t ./templates -c path/to/your/config.json

The result files are put in ./docs (Markdown) and ./site (HTML).

IMPORTANT: To edit the policies and procedures, use the template files in ./templates and re-run the psp build command. Do not edit the ./docs and ./partials files directly as they will be overwritten on the next build.

For more detailed builder instructions, see the README [here][builder].

Publishing policies and procedures to JupiterOne

If you have an account on the JupiterOne security platform, you can run the following command to publish the contents of your policies and procedures to your JupiterOne account, so that you and others in your organization can access them online.

./bin/psp publish -a j1accountId -c path/to/your/config.json -t ./templates -u j1userId

The publish command will prompt you to enter the password for your JupiterOne user account. You can also supply the API Token instead of a password with the -k | --api-token option.

Your JupiterOne user must have administrator privilege to publish the contents.

Advanced steps to build and deploy policies

From docker zipfile

If you've received this project as a zip intended for Docker usage, simply:

  1. unzip
  2. docker build -t pspbuilder .
  3. docker run -it -v$(pwd):/opt --rm pspbuilder psp build -c config.json
  4. docker run -it -v$(pwd):/opt --rm pspbuilder mkdocs build -f docker-mkdocs.yml

This will generate a docs directory containing Markdown files, and a site directory containing HTML files which may be statically served.

These static files may be uploaded to a webserver, served from S3, etc. To view them locally, do:

  1. cd site
  2. python3 -m http.server 8000
  3. open http://localhost:8000

Local CLI prerequisites and first steps

From zipfile

If you received this project as a zipfile intended for local installation, you'll need to install the latest Node v9 executable, via:

  1. Install NVM with: curl -o- | bash
  2. Install Node with nvm install $(cat .nvmrc)

From source

If you have cloned this repository, you'll need to:

  1. Ensure you have the latest Node v9.
  2. Execute yarn install to install the Node package dependencies.
  3. Execute yarn mkdocs to install mkdocs.

★ Note: On a fresh macOS machine run the following commands to set up MkDocs.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install virtualenv
pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material

See for more info.

Locally building the policies

PSP-Builder is used to build markdown source files from templates, using configurable values.

To build all markdown files, do:

./bin/psp build

If you have previously saved a configuration JSON file, and wish to rebuild the PSP docs against this configuration, do:

./bin/psp build -c path/to/your/config.json

Locally serving the static site

MkDocs is used to build a static site to serve the documentation pages. To view the site locally, run ./bin/mkdocs serve -f docs/mkdocs.yml in the project root directory.

For further instructions, see MkDocs website.

Additionally, it uses mkdocs-material theme. Instructions can be found here.

★ Note: Four spaces are used instead of two in nested lists to get around a rendering issue in MkDocs.

Generating PDF and Word documents

Pandoc can be used to automatically convert the markdown files into PDF or Word documents. This requires pandoc to be installed separately on your local system. Follow the installation instructions here:

NOTE: on OSX systems, you will likely also need to install XeLaTeX from here:

Example steps for macOS

Install Pandoc:

sudo brew install pandoc

Install pandoc-latex-admonition, which is a pandoc filter for adding admonition:

-pip install pandoc-latex-admonition
+pip3 install pandoc-latex-admonition

Download and install LaTex, or MacTeX. The smaller distribution, BasicTeX is sufficient, but additional packages are required:

sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
sudo tlmgr install mdframed
sudo tlmgr install needspace
sudo tlmgr install ucharcat
+sudo tlmgr install tcolorbox
+sudo tlmgr install environ
+sudo tlmgr install trimspaces

Example script for generating individual PDF policy documents:

cd ./docs
mkdir pdf
for filename in *.md; do
    pandoc $filename -f markdown -t latex -o ./pdf/$filename.pdf

Example script for generating a combined PDF policy document:

pandoc *.md -f markdown -t latex --pdf-engine=xelatex --toc -o ./pdf/infosec-policies.pdf

Example script for generating Word documents:

mkdir docx
pandoc *.md -f markdown -t docx --toc -o ./docx/infosec-policies.docx

Generating Self Assessment Reports

The current version of the policy builder supports generating a lightweight HIPAA self assessment report, based on a few key questions and the adoption of policies and procedures.

./bin/psp assess --standard hipaa --config <location_of_your_json_config_file> [options]

The above command generates a HIPAA self assessment report in the ./assessments directory. The report contains mapping of your adopted policies/procedures to each specific HIPAA regulation requirement. It also contains placeholders, where applicable, for you to provide additional details. Gaps identified will be called out in the command line output as well as in the report itself.


Each policy and procedure is included as its own markdown file. We recommended all policies to be adopted for your security program. The config.json file includes the procedures/controls you choose to adopt, which will be included in the final policy docs by the psp-builder.



  • This directory contains the modular templates for policies and procedures
  • It is generated upon first run of the policy builder (./bin/psp-builder)
  • If you need to fine tune your policy and procedures, edit the individual markdown files inside this directory to preserve changes for subsequent runs.


  • This directory contains the modular policy and procedure markdown files with your organizational details incorporated.
  • The partials directory will be generated after you run the psp-builder for the first time.


  • This directory contains the policy documents with the applicable/adopted procedures merged in.


  • This is the default location where mkdocs generates the static HTML pages from you policy docs.
  • You can then publish the site to your desired target, such as an S3 bucket or an internal website.

Advanced configuration

You may also edit your config.json file directly to provide input to the configurable questions. The config.json file contains the following sections:


  • You can edit this section directly to provide answers to the questions that are promptly by the psp-builder CLI.
  • You can also add your own custom variables in this section -- e.g. "variableName": "value". You will need to make sure to add the same variable(s) to your templates in the format of {{variableName}}.
  • Note that if the variable is a URL/URI, you will need to add the & symbol to your variables in the templates -- e.g. {{&variableURL}}.


  • Contains references to various compliance standards and frameworks.
  • DO NOT edit this section.


  • Contains all available policies and the corresponding procedures that implements and enforces each policy.
  • It is recommended that all policies to be included in your security program and documentation, therefore, you should NOT edit this section.


  • Contains the individual procedure documentations.

  • Each procedure includes the following

    • A summary to provide high level guidance about that particular procedure and its implementation. This is for your reference.
    • A set of resources that will help with implementation and/or selecting a third party vendor solution.
    • A provider property, pre-populated with the recommended solution, if applicable. You may update this to the solution you have actually selected. The policy builder will update the documentation text within that procedure accordingly.
    • If you choose to exclude a procedure from your final policy documentation, you may set the adopted flag to false. The policy builder with skip those when compiling the policies.

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