
1.2.2 • Public • Published


Using the Primer SDK for Vue 2.x, you can quickly and easily create a checkout page for your site to securely collect card information and offer a multitude of alternative payment methods to your customers through one simple integration.

This wrapper is based on @primer-io/checkout-web@1.2.0-beta.0.

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This Vue wrapper renders Primer's Universal Checkout using the configuration provided as props.



export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      clientToken: 'abcd-1234',
      tokenizeSuccessStatus: null

  methods: {
    async onTokenizeSuccess(tokenData) {
      this.tokenizeSuccessStatus = null
      try {
        await doSale(tokenData) // Call your server with the token to trigger the sale
      } catch (error) {
        this.tokenizeSuccessStatus = error // Display an error message
      this.tokenizeSuccessStatus = true // Finish the payment flow: you can now display a success message

Handle tokenization

Once the payment method tokenization has been successfully achieved, the onTokenizeSuccess callback of the Universal Checkout is called. This function is expected to return a Promise to let you call your server with the token data. During this time, the Universal Checkout displays a loading indicator: resolve the Promise to stop the loading indicator, or reject it to show an error message.

This Vue wrapper let you resolve/reject the Promise using one of the following 4 different methods. Some of them are considered "anti-pattern" with Vue, but we are not here to judge what's a pattern or what is not, so choose the one that best fits your needs and architecture.

Listen to @tokenize-success and use the props tokenize-success-status

This is the most Vue-like pattern, but also the most verbose. Use this pattern if you handle your API calls using an external state management system such as Vuex.

Listen to the event tokenize-success, and pass tokenize-success-status props to trigger a resolution (if tokenize-success-status is true) or rejection (if tokenize-success-status is an Error) of the Promise.

  <div class="app">
    <div class="checkout">

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      clientToken: 'abcd-1234,

  computed: {
    tokenizeSuccessStatus() {
      return this.$store.state.tokenizeSuccessStatus;

  methods: {
    onTokenizeSuccess(tokenData) {
      this.$store.dispatch('doSale', tokenData);

Listen to @tokenize-success and use its next argument

Listen to the event tokenize-success. It will be called with the token data, and a callback function next. Call next() to resolve the Promise, or next(error) to reject it.

  <div class="app">
    <div class="checkout">

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      clientToken: 'abcd-1234,

  methods: {
    async onTokenizeSuccess(tokenData, next) {
      try {
        await doSale(tokenData); // Call your server with the token
      } catch (e) {
        return next(e);
      return next();

Pass onTokenizeSuccess as a props

You can directly pass onTokenizeSuccess as a function props.

  <div class="app">
    <div class="checkout">

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      clientToken: 'abcd-1234,

  methods: {
    async onTokenizeSuccess(tokenData) {
      await doSale(tokenData); // Call your server with the token

Call Checkout.resolveOnTokenizeSuccess(error?)

This Vue wrapper also provide an imperative way of resolving the onTokenizeSuccess Promise. Call resolveOnTokenizeSuccess(error?) with error being undefined to resolve the Promise, or with error being of type Error to reject the Promise.

  <div class="app">
    <div class="checkout">

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      clientToken: 'abcd-1234,

  methods: {
    async onTokenizeSuccess(tokenData) {
      try {
        await doSale(tokenData);
      } catch (e) {
        return this.$refs.checkout.resolveOnTokenizeSuccess(e);

      return this.$refs.checkout.resolveOnTokenizeSuccess();

API Reference


Props Type Required Description
clientToken String true Client Your server-generated client token
thirdPartyScriptTimeout Number false Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for third party scripts to load [default=10000]
locale String false Override the locale. By default translations will be provided for the browser's locale.
customerId String false
countryCode String false Your alpha2 country code. [required for Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal]
purchaseInfo PurchaseInfo false Additional information about the purchase. [required for Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal]
threeDSecure ThreeDSecureVerifyOptions false 3DS options. These must be provided if you want to perform SCA
card Card false
paypal Object false
googlePay Object false
applePay Object false
directDebit Object false
transitions Transitions false Control the transition duration when switching between views in the checkout component
submitButton Object false
tokenizeSuccess (token: PaymentMethodToken): Promise<void> false Function props used for onTokenizeSuccess
tokenizeSuccessStatus `Boolean Error` false
type PurchaseInfo {
  totalAmount: {
    value: number | string
    currency: string
type Transitions {
  // a number of milliseconds or specify different durations for 'enter' and 'exit'
  duration?: number | { enter: number, exit: number };
  // Callbacks for when a view is transitioning in or out
  onEntering?: (node: Node) => void;
  onEntered?: (node: Node) => void;
  onExiting?: (node: Node) => void;
  onExited?: (node: Node) => void;
type PaymentMethodToken {
  // The token used to authorize transactions
  token: string;
  // The type of payment method which this token represents
  paymentMethodType: 'PAYMENT_CARD' | 'GOOGLE_PAY' | 'APPLE_PAY' | 'PAYPAL';
  // Additional data about the payment method
  paymentMethodData: object;
type SubmitButton {
  visible?: boolean; // Set to false if you don't want to display the default submit button


Event Arguments Description
loading isLoading: Boolean Emitted with true while the checkout is being loaded, mounted and displayed. During this period, a loading indicator is displayed. Once the checkout is ready to be used, the loading event will be emitted with false.
loading-error error: Error Emitted when an error if the checkout failed to load.
tokenize-start Emitted when tokenization begins
tokenize-success tokenData: PaymentMethodToken, next: Function Forwarded from onTokenizeSuccess. Use next to resolve or reject the Promise.
tokenize-error message: string Emitted when tokenization fails. See the error message for more information
three-d-secure-challenge-start Emitted when the 3DS challenge starts
three-d-secure-challenge-end Emitter when the 3DS challenge ends
transition-enter See options.transitions.onEnter
transition-entering See options.transitions.onEntering
transition-entered See options.transitions.onEntered
transition-exit See options.transitions.onExit
transition-exiting See options.transitions.onExiting
transition-exited See options.transitions.onExited


Method Description
isWaitingForOnTokenizeSuccess(): Boolean Return true if the wrapper is waiting for a resolution or rejection of the Promise of onTokenizeSuccess
resolveOnTokenizeSuccess(error: Error?) Resolve or reject the Promise of onTokenizeSuccess.


Data Description
primer Instance of the Primer object.
checkout Instance of the Checkout object

Package Sidebar


npm i @primer-io/checkout-vue

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  • primer-developers
  • stickycube
  • aladin.taleb