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6.1.2 • Public • Published

Angular Fortawesome Dependencies

Circle-CI   Semantic-Release

Bundle-Phobia   NPM-DM


Reduce your project dependencies when using @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome.

This library removes svg-core as its peer dependency. This also includes imports for brand, regular and solid icons.

Versions used

Dependencies Version Import Shorthand
angular-fontawesome v0.9.0
fontawesome-svg-core v1.2.35
free-brands-svg-icons v5.15.3 fab
free-regular-svg-icons v5.15.3 fa
free-solid-svg-icons v5.15.3 fas

Usage & Demo


  1. You can install ng-fortawesome using npm

    npm install @rinminase/ng-fortawesome
  2. Add it on your module, like so

    import { FontAwesomeModule } from "@rinminase/ng-fortawesome";
      imports: [
  3. Declare it in your component, like so

    import { fasPlus, faEdit, fabGithub } from "@rinminase/ng-fortawesome";
    export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {
      fasPlus = fasPlus;
      faEdit = faEdit;
      fabGithub = fabGithub;
      onInit() {
  4. Use it on your template, like so

    <fa-icon [icon]="fasPlus"></fa-icon>
    <fa-icon [icon]="faEdit"></fa-icon>
    <fa-icon [icon]="fabGithub"></fa-icon>


Why re-create this library when there is already an existing one?

  • The existing library doesn't seem to remove svg-core as its peer dependency, but needs it for both brands-svg, regular-svg and solid-svg. I seem to see the need to remove the additional library installed for your project and have this library install it instead. This library aims to reduce the number of dependencies listed in your package file.

    Instead of:

    npm install @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons

    I wanted to do it this way:

    npm install @rinminase/ng-fortawesome

    Which only adds one dependency in your project depencies instead of five.

Will this library be updated when any of its dependencies updates?

  • Yes. This is updated whenever angular-fontawesome, brands-svg, regular-svg, solid-svg or svg-core updates.

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  • rinminase