TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.0 • Public • Published


A set of utils to easily bundle JavaScript and TypeScript projects using a common config used in my other projects.

This package uses esbuild to build the source code and tsc to generate the TypeScript definitions.

Getting started

Install it from NPM or github packages:

yarn add -D @sergiogc9/js-bundle or npm install --save-dev @sergiogc9/js-bundle.


Depending on the requirements, you can use the CLI command js-bundle or the Javascript API exported by the package.

Using the CLI

The package adds the js-bundle command to perform builds from the console, NPM scripts, pipelines, etc.

Example in console:

yarn js-bundle build --platform=node --only-bundle --only-es6

Example in NPM script, adding a script into package.json:

"scripts": {
	"build": "js-bundle build --platform=node --only-bundle --only-es6",

Using the JavaScript API

This package also exports a Javascript buildPackage function to programmatically perform builds. Using this option you can customize esbuild options for more complex cases.

Example for a custom build with dynamic inputs:

const { buildPackage } = require('@sergiogc9/js-bundle');

const isWatchMode = process.argv.includes('--watch');

const performBuild = async () => {
	const dynamicInputs = ['Api', 'Cache', 'Log', 'Pushover'].map(current => `src/${current}/index.ts`);

	await buildPackage({
		entryPoint: ['src/index.ts', ...dynamicInputs],
		esbuildOptions: {
			platform: 'node'


Configuration options

CLI options

Option Description Type Default
only-bundle Only perform bundling using esbuild. No TS definition will be performed. boolean false
only-types Only generate TypeScript types. No bundling will be performed. boolean false
only-es6 Only perform bundling with ES6 (mjs) target. No cjs bundling will be performed. boolean false
out-dir Output directory string ./dist
platform Esbuild platform option browser, neutral, node browser
tsc-incremental Use incremental flag for tsc boolean false
tsc-extend-diagnostics Use extend diagnostics flag for tsc boolean false
watch Use watch mode boolean false

JavaScript API options

Option Description Type Default
entryPoint Source(s) entrypoint(s) string, string[] src/index.ts
esbuildOptions Object containing any option for the build method exported by esbuild package. Use it for overriding this packages defaults. BuildOptions {}
isWatchMode Use watch mode boolean false
onlyES6 Only perform bundling with ES6 (mjs) target. No cjs bundling will be performed. boolean false
outDir Output directory string ./dist
tscOptions Object containing options to use with tsc. { extendedDiagnostics?: boolean; incremental?: boolean;} { extendedDiagnostics = false, incremental = false }
withESBuild Perform build with esbuild. boolean true
withTSDefinitions Generate TS definitions. boolean true



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  • sergiogc9