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0.0.5 • Public • Published

Spms Apps Typescript Custom Error

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A typescript error module, based on the Node.js Error object, which extends more properties and prints the error in Json object string.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm install @spms-apps/ts-error


There are two types of error:

  1. ApplicationError - Bugs in the application.
  2. OperationalError - Run-time problems experienced by correctly-written programs;

All errors have a common set of properties:

Property Type Description
uid string The unique error identification
timestamp Date Timestamp value
name string The name of the generator error
message string Error message
stack string Description at which the Error was instantiated
stackMsg string[] Reduced stack informnation.

The error type Application adds one more property to the common set:

Property Type Description
code number The identification of the error nature

The error type Operational adds two more property to the common set:

Property Type Description
code number The identification of the error nature
statusCode number The identification of the error nature


To use this package you just need to import it and call the error class that produces the error that you want to throw:

import ApplicationError, OperationalError from '@spms-apps/ts-error';

throw new ApplicationError('The message..');
// Output in catch:
{ <ApplicationError Object>
          at method a
          (path a)
          at method b
          (path b)
          at method c
          (path c)
        name: 'ApplicationError',
        uid: '0A',
        timestamp: 2019-01-31T16:05:23.700Z,
         [ at method a
          (path pa),
          at method b
          (path pb), 
          at method c
          (path pc)],
        code: 600 }

throw new OperationalError('Http Bad request error message..', 400);
// Output in catch:
{ <OperationalError Object>
          at method a
          (path a)
          at method b
          (path b)
          at method c
          (path c)
        name: 'OperationalError',
        uid: '0B',
        timestamp: 2019-01-31T16:05:23.700Z,
         [ 'OperationalError: Http Bad request error message..',
           at method a
          (path a)
          at method b
          (path b) ],
        statusCode: 400, 
        code: 700 }

Running the tests

All of the ts-error tests are written with jest. They can be run with npm.

npm run test

Built With

Typescript - A superset of javascript


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details



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  • bianobrega
  • cortinaluis
  • gr-santos
  • nma-spms
  • pedrodsantunes