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0.0.1 • Public • Published

Static Pages / Pug Writer

Renders page data via pug templates.

Uses the Pug package under the hood.

This package is part of the StaticPagesJs project, see:


Option Type Default value Description
view string | (d: Data) => string main.pug Template to render. If it's a function it gets evaluated on each render call.
outDir string dist Directory where the rendered output is saved.
outFile string | (d: Data) => string see outFile section Path of the rendered output relative to outDir.
onOverwrite (d: string) => void console.warn(...) Callback function that gets executed when a file name collision occurs.
onInvalidPath (d: string) => void console.warn(...) Callback function that gets executed when a file name contains invalid characters.
pugOptions pug.Options {} Allows you to configure pug renderer.
showdownEnabled boolean true Register a markdown function; uses showdown.
showdownOptions showdown.ConverterOptions see showdownOptions section Custom options for the showdown markdown renderer.

Example markdown usage

!= markdown('my something')

outFile defaults

The default behaviour is to guess file path by a few possible properties of the data:

  • if data.url is defined, append .html and use that.
  • if data.header.path is defined, replace extension to .html and use that.
  • if nothing matches call the onInvalidPath handler with undefined file name.

showdownOptions defaults

This package uses a sligthly modified defaults compared to the official Showdown defaults:

	simpleLineBreaks: true,
	ghCompatibleHeaderId: true,
	customizedHeaderId: true,
	tables: true,

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  • laszlo87
  • lionel87