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2.1.1 • Public • Published


FFI bindings to lobby_connect from Goldberg SteamEmu but recompiled as a dll.

Discover people playing on the network using the Goldberg SteamEmu with the launch parameter to connect to their game.

This can be used in Node.js/Electron.
💡 Usage without Node/JavaScript is also explained down below.

Feel free to make a cool looking GUI for this 😃

Example build with Electron


import { lobbyPlayerState } from "@xan105/lobby_connect";

}, 3000);

/*output example
[] //Nobody on the network
[ { name: 'Xan', appID: 466560, connect: '' } ] //In game
[ { name: 'Xan', appID: 466560, connect: '+connect_lobby 109212296511539930' } ] //lobby available


npm install @xan105/lobby_connect


⚠️ This module is only available as an ECMAScript module (ESM) starting with version 2.0.0.
Previous version(s) are CommonJS (CJS) with an ESM wrapper.

Named export

lobbyPlayerState(): Promise<obj[]>

Discover people playing on the network.

Return an array of Player object as:

  name: string, //player's name
  appID: number, //game's appid
  connect: string //the launch parameter to connect to the player's game


The dll src is located at lib\src\goldberg_emulator\lobby_connect_dll.cpp

If you want to build the dll yourself please see the build instructions for the goldberg emulator (https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator#windows). When your env is set. Run the following npm script in the root dir of this package :

npm run-script build_x86 //for x86
npm run-script build_x64 //for x64


npm run-script build //for both x86 & x64

NB: npm run-script update will git pull ./lib/src/goldberg_emulator

Usage without Node / JavaScript

You can bind directly to the dynamic link library (dll) found in lib/dist with any lang that allows for FFI (Foreign Function Interface) with standard C declaration (c-shared).

Have a look at the bindings in lib/lobby.js to get a feel for it. Even if you don't know any JavaScript. It's rather simple.

There are 3 functions exported :

  • lobby_ready(int delay): int
  • lobby_player_count(): int
  • lobby_player_info(int playerIndex): <Player>

<Player> being the following Struct:

struct {
  const char *name;
  int appID;
  const char *connect;
  uint64 lobby;
  1. Use lobby_ready() with a delay to wait for a few seconds for connections (delay * 10) (Originally Mr. Goldberg uses 200ms).
    It returns 1 (true) if SteamAPI is initialized; 0 (false) otherwise.

  2. Use lobby_player_count() to get how many people they are on the network.

  3. Loop until max number of people from the above (step2) using lobby_player_info() to get each player information (Player Struct).

If you have a connect string then that's your connect argument to pass to the game; Otherwise transform the uint64 lobby to a string and append "+connect_lobby" to it.

Dont' forget credits and license and you are done 😉

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npm i @xan105/lobby_connect

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  • xan105