This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This package is deprecated. Please use @yelysei/react-files-drag-and-drop instead

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1.0.3 • Public • Published


A light-weighted and customizable React Component that handles Files Drag & Drop.


Install with npm:

npm i @yelysei/react-files-dnd

or with yarn:

yarn add @yelysei/react-files-dnd


First you need to import FilesDragAndDrop component:

import FilesDragAndDrop from '@yelysei/react-files-dnd';

And then use it like this:

    onUpload={(files) => console.log(files)}
    formats={['jpg', 'png', 'svg']}
        width: '200px',
        height: '200px',
        border: '1px solid #cccccc',
    <div style={{
        display: 'flex',
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
        Drop files here


Here is the list of all available props:

Name Type Required Description
onUpload function + Function that will be called when files are dropped into the component and successfully validated. Receives list of files
children node + Inner content of the component
count number Max count of files
formats string[] List of available file formats
openDialogOnClick boolean If enabled, file dialog will be opened on click at the component
hoverText string or function Message that will appear when files are dragged over the component. Function receives available file formats and max files count.
Default value: 'Drop files here'
successText string or function Message that will appear when files are successfully uploaded. Function receives list of uploaded files.
Default value: 'Successfully uploaded'
errorCountText string or function Message that will appear when more files than available are dropped into the component. Function receives available max files count.
Default value: ({count}) => `Only ${count} file${count !== 1 ? 's' : ''} can be uploaded at a time`
errorFormatText string or function Message that will appear when files with incorrect formats are dropped into the component. Function receives available file formats.
Default value: ({formats}) => `Only following file formats are acceptable: ${formats.join(', ')}`
containerStyles CSS properties Custom styles for container
hoverMessageStyles CSS properties Custom styles for hover message
successMessageStyles CSS properties Custom styles for success message
errorMessageStyles CSS properties Custom styles for error message
successTime number Time duration in milliseconds when the success message will be displayed.
Default value: 1000
errorTime number Time duration in milliseconds when the error message will be displayed.
Default value: 2000
onDrop function Function that will be called when files are dropped into the component but not validated yet. Receives list of files
onDragEnter function Function that will be called when dragged files entered the component
onDragLeave function Function that will be called when dragged files leaved the component

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  • yelysei