
5.0.1 • Public • Published

AWS Mock Lambda API Gateway

It can often be difficult to run your AWS Lambda Functions locally.

The purpose of this module is to wire a collection of Lambda Functions up to a local http server in a similar, but not identical, way to the API Gateway on AWS.

The purpose of this module is not to reach feature parity with the API Gateway. It is to simply allow you to make HTTP requests against your Lambda functions in a sane way. It does not spin up child processes etc, but runs the Lambda Function on the same event loop as the mock API server.

This is for development use only, do not run in production


module.exports.init = function init(opts, cb)

This API Exposes a single function which bootstraps the server. From that point froward, the state of the server should be considered immutable. To put it another way, this module does not support dynamically adding or removing routes.

cb is an error first function

function cb(e, server)

Where server has a single function:


End shuts down the listening server and calls the supplied callback with an error if any

The opts object is required.

opts : {
  routes: [], // Defined below
  listen: []  // Defined below

The listen key can be either a single value or an array. It represents the arguments that http.createServer will be called with.

The routes array contains a collection of objects that map an HTTP route to a lambda function. We do not enforce that the values be valid in regards to the API Gateway specification, we simply check http.IncomingMessage for matching values. They should be in the form:

  method: 'POST',                       // I.E. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', etc (required)
  route: '/metrics/value',              // Only exact matches get routed (required)
  lambda: function (event, context) {}, // Your lambda function (required)
  responses: []                         // Defined below (optional)

We do not support timeouts, if your lambda function stalls, the request will hang.

responses is an array of objects that maps the value passed out of your lambda function back to an HTTP method response. This is a combination of the behaviours of Method Response and Integration Response from the API Gateway. 200 is always the default when none of the provided responses map to your Lambda's returned value. Not including this will result in all responses being 200.

The objects of the responses array take the following form:

  regex: {}, // A RegExp object or duck type of RegExp
  status: xxx, // HTTP Status Code that will be returned. Will be coersed to an integer.

The first matching regex in the array will be used. If you want to change the default of 200, provide a "catch all" regular expression as the last element of the array.

The object passed back in the response will be in the form of:

  "errorMessage" : [MESSAGE]

Note that double quotes will automatically be escaped in [MESSAGE]

context object

The context object currently has the following keys:

context.succeed(obj): This will return a 200 statusCode This will be handled by your responses array context.done(e, obj): Combines behaviour of fail and succeed via e

event object

The event object is an unaltered copy of the contents of the http.incomingMessage 's body passed through JSON.parse. This library does not currently offer a way to modify this object.

If JSON.parse fails, the server will return a 500 statusCode.


var lambdaFunc = require('./index.js')
    routes: [
        method: 'POST',
        route: '/metrics'
        lambda: lambdaFunc
    listen: [8080,'']
  }, function (e) {
    if(e) throw e
    console.log('Server Listening...')


The officially supported method for developing for this module is to use the included Makefile.

Running make will give you a full list of commands available for development.

make test is the most important. It runs the unit tests everytime the local filesystem changes allowing you to do test driven development.



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