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0.6.2 • Public • Published

calendar-builder 📆

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All the logic you need to quickly build a custom calendar or date-picker for any framework or plain vanilla JavaScript.


  • Generates data to populate a grid
  • Split your events by date
  • Supports fill or fitted weeks (filled weeks always shows 6 weeks)
  • Supports before and after date
  • Supports start of week
  • Supports range selection
  • Supports disabling certains days
  • Supports disabling days of the week
Feature Example
Plain Today is marked with a dot
First day of week First day of week is now 'Sunday' (default)
Selection: single
Selection: range
After Only dates after the 12th of May 2021 are valid
Before Only dates before the 14th of May 2021 are valid
Disable days of week Tuesdays and Thursdays are disabled
Disable specific days The days: 11, 12, 13, and 18 are disabled

Example usage

const options = {
  firstDay: 1 // Monday

let calendar = create(, options)

const nextMonth = () => {
  calendar = create(, options)

const prevMonth = () => {
  calendar = create(calendar.prev, options)


Sample output from calling create()

``` { config: { after: null, before: null, fillWeek: true, firstDay: 1, now: 2021-09-05T16:00:00.000Z, selection: null }, next: 2021-09-30T16:00:00.000Z, prev: 2021-07-31T16:00:00.000Z, current: 2021-08-31T16:00:00.000Z, start: 2021-08-31T16:00:00.000Z, end: 2021-09-29T16:00:00.000Z, days: [ { date: 2021-08-29T16:00:00.000Z, day: 30, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-08-30T16:00:00.000Z, day: 31, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-08-31T16:00:00.000Z, day: 1, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-01T16:00:00.000Z, day: 2, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-02T16:00:00.000Z, day: 3, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-03T16:00:00.000Z, day: 4, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-04T16:00:00.000Z, day: 5, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-05T16:00:00.000Z, day: 6, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: true, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-06T16:00:00.000Z, day: 7, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-07T16:00:00.000Z, day: 8, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-08T16:00:00.000Z, day: 9, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-09T16:00:00.000Z, day: 10, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-10T16:00:00.000Z, day: 11, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-11T16:00:00.000Z, day: 12, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-12T16:00:00.000Z, day: 13, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-13T16:00:00.000Z, day: 14, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-14T16:00:00.000Z, day: 15, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-15T16:00:00.000Z, day: 16, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-16T16:00:00.000Z, day: 17, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-17T16:00:00.000Z, day: 18, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-18T16:00:00.000Z, day: 19, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-19T16:00:00.000Z, day: 20, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-20T16:00:00.000Z, day: 21, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-21T16:00:00.000Z, day: 22, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-22T16:00:00.000Z, day: 23, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-23T16:00:00.000Z, day: 24, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-24T16:00:00.000Z, day: 25, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-25T16:00:00.000Z, day: 26, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-26T16:00:00.000Z, day: 27, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-27T16:00:00.000Z, day: 28, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-28T16:00:00.000Z, day: 29, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-29T16:00:00.000Z, day: 30, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: true }, { date: 2021-09-30T16:00:00.000Z, day: 1, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-01T16:00:00.000Z, day: 2, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-02T16:00:00.000Z, day: 3, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-03T16:00:00.000Z, day: 4, dayOfWeek: 1, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-04T16:00:00.000Z, day: 5, dayOfWeek: 2, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-05T16:00:00.000Z, day: 6, dayOfWeek: 3, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-06T16:00:00.000Z, day: 7, dayOfWeek: 4, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-07T16:00:00.000Z, day: 8, dayOfWeek: 5, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-08T16:00:00.000Z, day: 9, dayOfWeek: 6, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false }, { date: 2021-10-09T16:00:00.000Z, day: 10, dayOfWeek: 0, isToday: false, selection: null, state: 'valid', inMonth: false } ], now: 2021-09-05T16:00:00.000Z } ```


Note that the

  • month in CalendarDate is 1-based and that,
  • day is what is called 'date' in the Date APi.
type CalendarDate =
  | { year: number; month: number; day?: number }
  | string
  | number
  | Date;

interface CalendarEvent<T = any> {
  label: string,
  date: Date
  value?: T

type CalendarBuilderOptions = {
   * The first day of the week
   * Default: 0
  firstDay: number;
   * Add a fill week to the end even if not needed. This is useful to avoid
   * "flicker" when some months are 4-6 weeks only.
   * Default: true
  fillWeek: boolean;
   * Mark dates before this time invalid (excluding)
   * E.g. after = 2021-05-29, then first valid date is 2021-05-30.
  after: CalendarDate;
   * Mark dates after this time invalid (excluding)
   * E.g. before = 2021-05-29, then last valid date is 2021-05-28.
  before: CalendarDate;
   * Mark days in this range as selected. The selection state of the day may
   * vary if it is the first, last, middle, or only day in the selection.
  selection: [CalendarDate, CalendarDate];
   * Optionally pas in date for when is 'now'.
  now: CalendarDate;
   * Disable days of the week
  disableDaysOfWeek: number[];
   * Disable specific days
  disableDays: CalendarDate[];
   * Events to "bucket". Will distribute an array of events into the
     event-bucket on each of the calendar days.
  events: CalendarEvent[];

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  • mblarsen