This package has been deprecated

Author message:

migrate to @capgo/cli, complete guide there:


0.13.3 • Public • Published

Capgo CLI

A CLI to upload and download files from the Capacitor go Cloud.


npm i -g capgo


Before use the CLI you should register here :

Then go in you account in apikey section and click in the read/write key to copy it.

Add new app to Cloud

capgo add [appId] --apikey=******** [appId] your app ID the format is explained here

Optionally you can give:

  • icon with --icon /path/to/my/icon to have a custom icon in the list
  • name with --name test to have a custom name in the list

Send version to Cloud

capgo upload [appId] --apikey=******** [appId] is your app ID the format is explained here

Optionally you can give:

  • icon with --path /path/to/my/dist/folder to send your code to the cloud
  • name with --name test to have a custom name in the list
  • channel with --channel prod to link this version to channel

Send version to Cloud channel

capgo set [appId] [version] [channel] --apikey=******** [appId] your app ID the format is explained here [version] your app version already sended to the cloud [channel] the channel you want to link the version

Delete package to Cloud

capgo delete [appId] --apikey=******** [appId] your app ID present in the Cloud

Dev contribution

  1. Install development dependencies

      rm -rf node_modules
      npm i
  2. Set "sourceMap": true, in tsconfig.json

  3. Run webpack development server

      npm run dev
  4. Attach debugger to the process started with npm run dev


    • Run Debug on fixtures launch configuration
    • Edit configuration to debug on different files

    Other IDEs:

    • Attach debugger of your choice to the running process, use .vscode/launch.json Debug on fixtures configuration as the example

Production build

  1. Set "sourceMap": false, in tsconfig.json

    TODO: add separate build config

  2. Run

    npm install && set NODE_ENV=production&& npx webpack --config webpack.config.js && rm -rf node_modules && npm i --only=prod && npm prune --production && npm shrinkwrap

Publish to NPM

To release a new package version:

  1. Bump version in package.json manually

  2. Run commands from Production build section

  3. Run npm publish --dry-run:

    • ensure that only necessary files are listed in package preview

    • ensure that npm-shrinkwrap.json does not include development dependencies

  4. Run npm publish or npm publish --tag beta

Pack executable

prerequisite: perform production build

Pkg will not resolve dynamic module imports, so avoid these at all costs. (Basically, just use plain ordinary static import Something from 'somewhere' and no issue should arise)

Build for all supported platforms

  pkg ./dist/index.js

You can specify targets with -t option (refer to pkg --help and examples on pkg's npm) e.g. use pkg -t node14-win-x64 ./dist/index.js to build for Node14, Windows x64

Build for Node14 Windows x64

   pkg -t node14-win-x64 ./dist/index.js

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npm i capgo

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  • riderx