
0.4.0 • Public • Published

Carcass Program

A simple wrap of commander.js, plus some tools and examples, in Carcass style.

Init scripts

  • For forever to recognize the process, you need to prepare a JS script for each of your programs.
  • For convenience, we prepared an include file for the shell scripts.
  • See /example/forever for examples.

How to use

  • Prepare a program file for each of the processes. Example: /example/forever/programs/http.js.
  • Install or clone this module and copy or link /init.d/carcass-forever to your include folder.
  • Create a script for each of the program files. Example: /example/forever/init.d/example-http.
  • In the script, you need to 1) assign variables, 2) include carcass-forever and 3) invoke run.
  • It requires 3 variables to work: SOURCE_DIR, SCRIPT, and NAME. The others are optional. See the example script for details.
  • You can also write a config file for the script and put the variables in it, but it's not required. Example: /example/forever/dev/http.conf.
  • Run the script: [path_to_the_script] [start|stop|restart] [optionally_a_config_file].

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  • makara