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0.0.45 • Public • Published

Welcome to ChaiChai!

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ChaiChai is a React library for dealing with Vallaris, JetStream and Andaman .

Currently feature

  • Map component
    • vector (Geojson)
    • vector tile (Vallaris Dataset | vector tile pbf)
    • mapservice (Vallaris Mapservice | WMS | TMS)
  • Chart component
  • Hook function
    • Andaman (Dealing with Andaman)
      • useMapserviceA (Mapservice list)
      • useDatasetA (Dataset list)
      • useVoListA (Vo list)
      • useStorageListA (Storage list)
      • useCallbackStorageListA (Storage list for use in function)
      • useStorageFieldsA (Storage fields list tree)
      • useCallbackStorageFieldsA (Storage fields list tree for use in function)
      • useLastObjectsA (Last object list)
      • useCallbackLastObjectA (Last object list for use in function)
    • Vallaris (Dealing with Vallaris)
      • useMapserviceV (Mapservice list)
      • useDatasetV (Dataset list)

Table of Content


Use the package manager npm to install ChaiChai.

npm install --save chaichai


This context accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
children React Node element for control map from "" .
hostV string url of Vallaris host .
apikeyV string api key from Vallaris .
tokenV string token from Vallaris .
userIdV number userId from vallaris .
hostA string url of Andaman host .
tokenA string token from Andaman .



This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
children React Node element for control map from "" .
className string name of className .
center array [0, 0] The inital geographical centerpoint of the map. If center is not specified in the constructor options .
zoom number 0 The initial zoom level of the map. If zoom is not specified in the constructor options .
mapStyle string default base map style on Open Street Map data, you can use one of "default", "dark" .
mapservice array [] array of mapservice request from mapserver or geoserver . follow chaichai mapservice structure .
vector array [] array of GeoJson . follow chaichai vector structure .
vectorTile array [] array of VectorTile . follow vectorTile chaichai structure .


import React from "react";
import { Map } from "chaichai";
const ExampleControlMap = props => {
  return (
        onClick={() => {
        zoom In
const Example = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ width: "100vw", height: "100vh" }}>
        center={[100.607727, 13.936825]}
            id: "dam",
            id: "test-vector",
            data: {
              type: "FeatureCollection",
              features: [
                  type: "Feature",
                  properties: {},
                  geometry: {
                    type: "LineString",
                    coordinates: [
                      [100.50275802612303, 13.762728849180755],
                      [100.51597595214844, 13.783069371890065],
                      [100.52885055541992, 13.793905812537924],
                      [100.54327011108398, 13.792238700563416]
                  type: "Feature",
                  properties: {},
                  geometry: {
                    type: "Polygon",
                    coordinates: [
                        [100.50773620605469, 13.752224443932407],
                        [100.53949356079102, 13.757560073777029],
                        [100.55150985717773, 13.772732606134639],
                        [100.54344177246094, 13.784736549340208],
                        [100.52438735961914, 13.778401211724026],
                        [100.50773620605469, 13.752224443932407]
                  type: "Feature",
                  properties: {},
                  geometry: {
                    type: "Point",
                    coordinates: [100.55459976196289, 13.79557291260343]
                  type: "Feature",
                  properties: {},
                  geometry: {
                    type: "Point",
                    coordinates: [100.5355453491211, 13.808742584307161]
            id: "Landuse-Nan",
            url: [
            sourceLayer: 190,
            style: {
              linestring: { stroke_color: "#e00f61ff", stroke_width: 3 },
              point: {
                fill_color: "#ded0c7ff",
                radius: 5,
                stroke_color: "#8e2121ff",
                stroke_width: 2,
                symbol: "circle",
                text_field: "name",
                text_fill_color: "#422fa2ff",
                text_font: "noto",
                text_offset_y: -15,
                text_size: "16px",
                text_stroke_color: "#f3f2f7ff",
                text_stroke_width: 2,
                text_weight: "normal"
              polygon: {
                fill_color: "#bb69163f",
                stroke_color: "#ffffffff",
                stroke_width: 1.3,
                text_field: "name",
                text_fill_color: "#0c0c0cff",
                text_font: "sans-serif",
                text_placement: "point",
                text_size: "14px",
                text_stroke_color: "#f1f0f5ff",
                text_stroke_width: 2,
                text_weight: "normal"
        <ExampleControlMap />


This props accepts the following structure:

Name Type Default Description
id string(Not null) Indentify name for map .
url string (Not null) mapservice request url from mapserver or geoserver .
opacity number 1 Optional number between 0 and 1 inclusive .


This props accepts the following structure:

Name Type Default Description
id string (Not null) Indentify name for map .
data object mapservice request url from mapserver or geoserver .
style object null Object style from vallaris style structure .


This props accepts the following structure:

Name Type Default Description
id string (Not null) Identify name for map .
url string[] [] Array for Protobuf URL .
sourceLayer string / number (Not null) [] Id for Identify layer on Protobuf .
style object null Object style from Vallaris style structure .


This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
ref React.Ref React.Ref .
options Object Option config of Highcharts


import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import { Chart } from 'chaichai'
const ExamChart = () => {
    const  chartRef  =  useRef(null)
    return <div>
                title: { text:  'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016'  }, 
                subtitle:  { text:  'Source:'  }, 
                yAxis:  { 
                    title:  { 
                        text:  'Number of Employees'  
                    legend:  { 
                        layout:  'vertical', 
                        align:  'right', 
                        verticalAlign:  'middle'  
                    plotOptions: { 
                        series: { 
                            label: { connectorAllowed:  false  }, 
                            pointStart:  2010  
                    series: [
                            name:  'Installation', 
                            data:  [43934,  52503,  57177,  69658,  97031,  119931,  137133,  154175]  
                            name:  'Manufacturing', 
                            data:  [24916,  24064,  29742,  29851,  32490,  30282,  38121,  40434]  
                            name:  'Sales & Distribution', 
                            data:  [11744,  17722,  16005,  19771,  20185,  24377,  32147,  39387]  
                            name:  'Project Development', 
                            data:  [null,  null,  7988,  12169,  15112,  22452,  34400,  34227]  
                            name:  'Other', 
                            data:  [12908,  5948,  8105,  11248,  8989,  11816,  18274,  18111]  
                    responsive:  { 
                        rules:  [{ 
                            condition:  { maxWidth:  500  }, 
                            chartOptions:  { 
                                legend:  { 
                                    layout:  'horizontal', 
                                    align:  'center', 
                                    verticalAlign:  'bottom'  
export default ExamChart




This hook for dealing mapservice list from Andaman

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useMapserviceA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useMapserviceA()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing dataset list from Andaman

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useDatasetA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useDatasetA()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing vo list from Andaman

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useVoListA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useVoListA()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing storage list from Andaman

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useStorageListA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useStorageListA()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing storage list in function from Andaman

Parameter :

This hook function accepts the following parameter :

Name Type Default Description
host String (Not null) url pain text of Andaman host .
token String (Not null) pain text of Andaman token .
vo String (Not null) pain text of Andaman vo target name .
Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContext, MainContextProvider, useCallbackStorageListA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const { hostA, tokenA } =  useContext(MainContext);
    const loadDatalist = useCallbackStorageListA
    return <div>
            onClick={async ()=>{
                const datalist = await loadDatalist(hostA, tokenA, `vo-name`)
            Load data
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing storage fields from Andaman

Parameter :

This hook accepts the following parameter :

Name Type Default Description
vo String (Not null) pain text of Andaman vo target name .
storage String (Not null) pain text of Andaman storage target name .
Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useStorageFieldsA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useStorageFieldsA(`vo-name`, `storage-name`)
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing storage fields in function from Andaman

Parameter :

This hook function accepts the following parameter :

Name Type Default Description
host String (Not null) url pain text of Andaman host .
token String (Not null) pain text of Andaman token .
vo String (Not null) pain text of Andaman vo target name .
storage String (Not null) pain text of Andaman storage target name .
Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContext, MainContextProvider, useCallbackStorageFieldsA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const { hostA, tokenA } =  useContext(MainContext);
    const loadDatalist = useCallbackStorageFieldsA
    return <div>
            onClick={async ()=>{
                const datalist = await loadDatalist(hostA, tokenA, `vo-name`, `storage-name`)
            Load data
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing last object from Andaman

Parameter :

This hook accepts the following parameter :

Name Type Default Description
vo String (Not null) pain text of Andaman vo target name .
storage String (Not null) pain text of Andaman storage target name .
limit Number 10 integer of Andaman limit last object .
Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useLastObjectsA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useLastObjectsA(`vo-name`, `storage-name`, 20)
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing last object in function from Andaman

Parameter :

This hook function accepts the following parameter :

Name Type Default Description
host String (Not null) url pain text of Andaman host .
token String (Not null) pain text of Andaman token .
vo String (Not null) pain text of Andaman vo target name .
storage String (Not null) pain text of Andaman storage target name .
limit Number 10 integer of Andaman limit last object .
Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContext, MainContextProvider, useCallbackLastObjectA} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const { hostA, tokenA } =  useContext(MainContext);
    const loadDatalist = useCallbackLastObjectA
    return <div>
            onClick={async ()=>{
                const datalist = await loadDatalist(hostA, tokenA, `vo-name`, `storage-name`, 20)
            Load data
const App = () => {
    return (
        <MainContextProvider tokenA="andaman-token" >
            <HookTest />
export default App



This hook for dealing mapservice list from Vallaris

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useMapserviceV} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useMapserviceV()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
            <HookTest />
export default App


This hook for dealing dataset list from Vallaris

Usage :
import React from 'react'
import { MainContextProvider, useDatasetV} from 'chaichai'
const HookTest = () => {
    const datalist = useDatasetV()
    return <div>{datalist ? JSON.stringify(datalist) : null}</div>
const App = () => {
    return (
            <HookTest />
export default App


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