
1.3.0 • Public • Published


NPM version Conventional Commits

This is a modified version of create-react-app's TypeScript template. Adds helpful development tools like Sass, ESLint, Prettier, and commitlint as well as some personal linting rule changes.

Creating a New Project

To use this template, add --template typescript-extended when creating a new app via create-react-app.


npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript-extended --use-npm


yarn create-react-app my-app --template typescript-extended

Setting Up Git Hooks

You will need to manually add your husky hooks settings to package.json as seen below if you want to lint before each commit.

  "hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "lint-staged && tsc --noEmit && npm run test",
    "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"
Why am I doing this manually? Because of the limiting nature of a non-ejected create-react-app project you are forced to have a Git repo initialized for you. This interacts poorly with pre-existing husky and lint-staged configs, and will hang the create-react-app process when creating a new project. There is unfortunately no great way I have found to automatically get around this issue without being hacky.

Tools Added to the TypeScript Template

  • Sass - A CSS preprocessor that acts as a superset of CSS.
  • Prettier - Automatically format project files (html, css, scss, sass, js, jsx, ts, tsx, json, md)
  • ESLint - Lint TypeScript and JavaScript code
  • stylelint - Lint CSS and its extension languages
  • commitlint - Lint commits to fit the Conventional Commit standard
  • standard-version - Provides the npm run release command for automatic release and changelog generation
  • husky - Provides easy Git Hooks configuration for automatic linting, testing, and formatting before each commit
  • lint-staged - Extends husky's functionality to run commands on a subset of staged files

Git Hooks

Note: You must set the Git Hooks up manually. See "Setting Up Git Hooks" above.

  • Pre-Commit: Uses Prettier for formatting, tsc --noEmit, ESLint, and stylelint for linting, and runs tests via npm run test.
  • Commit-Msg: Runs commitlint on the commit message.

Template Development

To test this template locally (assuming this command is being run from inside the directory that contains this template):


npx create-react-app my-app --template file:./cra-template-typescript-extended --use-npm


yarn create-react-app my-app --template file:./cra-template-typescript-extended

Package Sidebar


npm i cra-template-typescript-extended

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  • jakobpb