
1.0.17 • Public • Published


A declarative FLUX architecture for React


  1. Flux architecture
  2. Support multiple stores
  3. Support declarative syntax
  4. Support pure function for action / render / component / reducer
  5. Support linked props
  6. Support computed props
  7. Support wired actions for store
  8. Support many prop sources: Store, Own Props, State, Promise, Literal
  9. Update store props/reducers/middleware on demand
  10. Compatible with Redux store/reducer/middleware
  11. Compatible with Rxjs



create(factory, ...describers)

Create an object which is built by factory method and describers

update(target, ...describers)


Create store factory with initialState


Create component factory. create() will return HOC instead Component if no renderMethodOrComponentClass specified

Store: withProp(stateProp, fromStore(parentStore), parentProp)

Declare linked store prop which is linked to a specific prop of parent store. Once parent store updated, all linked props of child stores will update as well. Remark: When You update linked props of child stores, parent store's props will update as well. This is 2 ways binding. It is helpful to create an action can update multiple stores. For sample: Imaging you have 2 stores, one for todo ids, other for todo texts. You want to update both stores with an action

const IdStore = create(store([]));
const TextStore = create(store({}));
const TodoStore = create(
  // link ids to IdStore, it holds id list
  withProp("ids", fromStore(IdStore)),
  // link texts to TextStore, it holds text list
  withProp("texts", fromStore(TextStore))
const AddTodoAction = text => state => {
  const id = new Date().getTime();
  return {
    // append id to id list
    ids: [...state.ids, id],
    // set new text to texts hash
    texts: {
      [id]: text
TodoStore.dispatch(AddTodoAction, "Test Todo");

Store: withProp(stateProp, fromProp(...propNames), computer)

Declare computed store prop which can be computed from one or many props.

  store({ width: 5, height: 2 }),
  // compute area from with & height
    fromProp("width", "height"),
    (width, height) => width * height

Store: withReducer(...reducers)

Declare reducer for the store. Reducer is function, it retrieves (state, action, payload) => newState. Reducer will be called if there is any action creator called. There are two kinds of action. One can modify state and other only create action payload only.

const MyActionCreator = text => text;
// when an action returns a function, it will retrieve state as an argument and it becomes state modifier.
// No reducer can handle this action type
const MyStateModifierAction = text => state => ({ text });
const MyReducer = (state, action, payload) => {
  if (action === MyActionCreator) {
    // do something and return new state
    return { ...state, text: payload };
  return state;
MyStore.dispatch(MyActionCreator, "Hello World");

Store: withMiddleware(...middleware)

Declare middleware for the store. Middleware is a curry function, it retrieves store => next => (action, payload) => newState

Component: withProp(name, propSource, map)

Declare component prop, there are two prop sources: fromStore and fromProp (owned props). You can specific the prop retrieves value from one or more Stores

  fromStore(store1, store2, store3),
  // map all store states to prop value
  (store1State, store2State, store3State) => finalValue

You can specific the prop retrieves value from one or more owned props.

  fromProp("prop1", "prop2", "prop3"),
  // map all owned prop value to new prop value
  (prop1Value, prop2Value, prop3Value) => finalValue

You also specific multiple props at once.

withProp("*", fromStore(store), state => ({
  prop1: state.value1,
  prop2: state.value2

Component: withAction(name, store, action, payloadFactory)

Declare wired action as component prop.

const MyStore = create(store({ name: "Peter" }));
const MyAction = () => state => {
  // no change
  return state;
const Component = create(
  component(props => <div onClick={} />),
  withAction("click", MyStore, MyAction)

You can pass payloadFactory to produce new payload from calling context and input args. Calling context has some props: ownProps (the original props retrieved from parent component), mappedProps (the props that component will be used to render) payloadFactory has prototype:
(arg1, arg2, ...) => payload. (arg1, arg2, ...) => callingContext => payload.

  (arg1, arg2, arg3) => callingContext =>
    arg1 + arg3 +

Connect Redux store to component

const ReduxIncreaseActionType = 1;
const ReduxDecreaseActionType = 2;
const ReduxIncreaseActionCreator = () => ({ type: ReduxIncreaseActionType });
const ReduxDecreaseActionCreator = () => ({ type: ReduxDecreaseActionType });
const ReduxReducer = (state = 100, action) => {
  if (action.type === ReduxIncreaseActionType) return state + 1;
  if (action.type === ReduxDecreaseActionType) return state - 1;
  return state;
const ReduxStore = createStore(ReduxReducer);
const ReduxComponent = create(
  component(props => (
      <button onClick={() => props.increase()}>Increase</button>
      <button onClick={() => props.decrease()}>Decrease</button>
  withProp("counter", fromStore(ReduxStore)),
  withAction("increase", ReduxStore, false, ReduxIncreaseActionCreator),
  withAction("decrease", ReduxStore, false, ReduxDecreaseActionCreator)

Map observable value to component prop

import { fromEvent } from "rxjs";
const source = fromEvent(document, "click");
const MouseInfo = create(
  component(props => (
      Mouse Info:
        ? `clientX: ${props.mouseEvent.clientX}${props.mouseEvent.clientY}`
        : "Not clicked yet"}
  withProp("mouseEvent", fromObservable(source))

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