
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Time To Read

An 11ty plugin that approximates how long it would take a user to read a given text and outputs the result in your choice of language and format.

1 minute
3 minutes
3 minutes, 10 seconds
3 minutes and 10 seconds
3 min & 10 sec
3m, 10s
3m 10s
3 minuty i 10 sekund
३ मिनट और १० सेकंड
🕒🕒🕒 3 minutes to read


npm install eleventy-plugin-time-to-read


In your Eleventy config file (.eleventy.js by default):

const timeToRead = require('eleventy-plugin-time-to-read');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

Then, depending on your template engine (Liquid by default) insert the filter into your template:

// Liquid (.liquid) or Nunjucks (.njk):
It will take {{ 'text' | timeToRead }} to read this

// Handlebars (.hbs):
It will take {{ timeToRead 'text' }} to read this

// Javascript (.11ty.js):
It will take ${this.timeToRead('text')} to read this

// Output:
It will take 1 minute to read this


const timeToRead = require('eleventy-plugin-time-to-read');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(timeToRead, {
    speed: '1000 characters per minute',
    language: 'en',
    style: 'long',
    type: 'unit',
    hours: 'auto',
    minutes: true,
    seconds: false,
    digits: 1,
    output: function(data) {
      return data.timing;


  • Default: '1000 characters per minute'
  • Accepts: A String formatted as: Number 'characters'/'words' [optional preposition] 'hour'/'minute'/'second'

The speed to calculate the time to read with. E.g. '250 words a minute', '5 words per second'.

Can also be entered when using a filter:

{{ content | timeToRead: '220 words a minute' }} // Liquid

{{ content | timeToRead ('220 words a minute') }} // Nunjucks

{{ timeToRead content '220 words a minute' }} // Handlebars

${this.timeToRead(data.content, '220 words a minute')} // JavaScript


The language to use when outputting reading times. For example:

  • fr = French
  • es = Spanish
  • ru = Russian
  • zh-hans = Simplified Chinese

Number scripts can be changed using '-u-nu-', for example:

  • en = 3 minutes
  • zh = 3分钟
  • zh-u-nu-hanidec = 三分钟
  • en-u-nu-hanidec = 三 minutes
  • hi-u-nu-deva = ३ मिनट

Can also be entered when using a filter:

{{ content | timeToRead: 'zh-hans' }} // Liquid

{{ content | timeToRead ('zh-hans') }} // Nunjucks

{{ timeToRead content 'zh-hans' }} // Handlebars

${this.timeToRead(data.content, 'zh-hans')} // JavaScript


  • Default: 'long'
  • Accepts: 'narrow', 'short' or 'long'

The style of the text and conjunction, for example:

  • long = 3 minutes and 10 seconds
  • short = 3 min & 10 sec
  • narrow = 3m, 10s

The exact output depends on the language and type options.


  • Default: 'unit'
  • Accepts: 'unit' or 'conjunction'

The type of connection between list items, for example:

  • unit = 3 minutes, 10 seconds
  • conjunction = 3 minutes and 10 seconds

The exact output depends on the language and style options.


  • Default: 'auto'
  • Accepts: Boolean or 'auto'

Whether to show (true) or hide (false) hours. 'auto' will only display hours when they are greater than zero.


  • Default: 'true'
  • Accepts: Boolean or 'auto'

Whether to show (true) or hide (false) minutes. 'auto' will only display minutes when they are greater than zero.


  • Default: 'false'
  • Accepts: Boolean or 'auto'

Whether to show (true) or hide (false) seconds. 'auto' will only display seconds when they are greater than zero.


  • Default: 1
  • Accepts: An integer between 1 and 21 inclusive

The minimum number of digits to display. Will pad with 0 if not met, for example:

  • 1 = 3 minutes, 10 seconds
  • 2 = 03 minutes, 10 seconds
  • 3 = 003 minutes, 010 seconds


  • Default: function(data) { return data.timing; }
  • Accepts: Function

Controls the output of Time To Read via a callback function's return value. Will be passed an object with the following keys:

  • timing - [String] the computed reading time, for example: '3 minutes, 10 seconds'
  • hours - [Number|Null] the number of hours required to read the given text (if applicable)
  • minutes - [Number|Null] the number of minutes required to read the given text after hours have been deducted (if applicable)
  • seconds - [Number|Null] the number of seconds required to read the given text after hours and minutes have been deducted (if applicable)
  • totalCharacters - [Number] the amount of characters in the given text
  • totalWords - [Number] the amount of words in the given text
  • totalSeconds - [Number] the number of seconds required to read the given text
  • speed - [Object] The parsed data from the speed option. Has the following keys:
    • measure - [String] 'character' or 'word'
    • interval - [String] 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'
    • amount - [Number] the amount of measures per interval
  • language - [String] returns the string passed to the language option

Can be used to customise text, for example:

function (data) {
  const numberOfEmoji = Math.max(1, Math.round(data.totalSeconds / 60));
  const emojiString = '🕒'.repeat(numberOfEmoji);

  return `${emojiString} ${data.timing} to read`; // 🕒🕒🕒 3 minutes to read


How to create a blog page listing all posts with their reading times as well as include the reading time within those posts.

File structure:

└─ post.liquid
└─ post.md


  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  <p>About {{ content | timeToRead }} to read</p>

{{ content }}


layout: post.liquid
title: Lorem Ipsum
tags: blogPost
Lorem ipsum dolor sit…



  {%- for post in collections.blogPost %}
      <h2><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.data.title }}</a></h2>
      <p>{{ post.templateContent | timeToRead }}</p>
  {%- endfor %}


const timeToRead = require('eleventy-plugin-time-to-read');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {



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