
0.1.2 • Public • Published


💎 FunC language server (of LSP specification), extracted and re-packaged from its official VSCode extension.

⚙ Automatically builds upon updates in the upstream VSCode extension through Github Actions.


  • Auto-completion
  • Definition search and go-to-definition
  • Symbol search
  • Formatting
  • Basic diagnostics

Known issues

  • Diagnostics for #import statements say "Dependency not found" until you open imported files at least once during your editing session.

That's because the FunC's VSCode extension and inner language server were designed very tightly coupled to VSCode, expecting it to provide all the files. Unfortunately, that non-standard communication doesn't work in this extracted LS form.

As a temporary solution (because permanent may require full rewrite of the LS), just open all the imported files in your editing session at least once, then invoke any LSP action (code completion, for example) and all those files would be sourced during your editing session.


The only requirement is having a Node.js version 16 or higher installed. Then, run the following command to install the extracted FunC language server:

npm i -g func-extracted-ls

Using yarn:

yarn global add func-extracted-ls

Using pnpm:

pnpm add -g func-extracted-ls

Using bun:

bun add -g func-extracted-ls


The following editors and IDEs have available clients:

Sublime Text

First, install the LSP package if it's not installed already.

Then, open its settings (Preferences: LSP Settings in the command palette, Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P), then add this config:

  "clients": {
    "FunC": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": ["func-extracted-ls", "--stdio"],
      "selector": "source.fc, source.func"


For Vim 8 or later install the plugin prabirshrestha/vim-lsp and add the following to .vimrc:

if executable('func-extracted-ls')
  au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
        \ 'name': 'func',
        \ 'cmd': {server_info->['func-extracted-ls', '--stdio']},
        \ 'allowlist': ['fc', 'func'],
        \ })

For Vim 8 or Neovim using YouCompleteMe, add the following to .vimrc:

let g:ycm_language_server =
    \ [
    \   {
    \     'name': 'func',
    \     'cmdline': [ 'func-extracted-ls', '--stdio' ],
    \     'filetypes': [ 'fc', 'func' ],
    \   }
    \ ]

For Vim 8 or Neovim using neoclide/coc.nvim, according to it's Wiki article, add the following to your coc-settings.json:

  "languageserver": {
    "func": {
      "command": "func-extracted-ls",
      "args": ["--stdio"],
      "filetypes": ["fc", "func"],
      "ignoredRootPaths": ["~"]


For Neovim 0.8 and later:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
  pattern = { 'fc', 'func' },
  callback = function()
      name = 'func-extracted-ls',
      cmd = { 'func-extracted-ls', '--stdio' },

For Neovim prior to 0.8 and using autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim, add the following to init.vim:

let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
    \ 'func': ['func-extracted-ls', '--stdio']
    \ }


Create or open ~/.config/helix/languages.toml (Use ~\AppData\Roaming\helix\languages.toml on Windows) and add the following:

name = "func"
scope = "source.func"
injection-regex = "^(fc|func)$"
file-types = ["fc", "func"]
language-servers = [ "func-extracted-ls" ]
comment-token = ";;"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = "    " }

'"' = '"'
'{' = '}'
'(' = ')'
'[' = ']'

command = "func-extracted-ls"
args = [ "--stdio" ]


On the config file (File → Preferences → Edit Oni config) add the following configuration:

"language.func.languageServer.command": "func-extracted-ls",
"language.func.languageServer.arguments": ["--stdio"],


As of now, Language Server Protocol support is unofficial and only available in IntelliJ IDEA and related IDEs from JetBrains through 3rd-party plugins. Instead, please use the official extension for all things TON in IntelliJ IDEs: intellij-ton.

The rest

Didn't find your editor on the list? Try searching for tips in the respective documentation or related community resources.

Note, that some editors may not support the Language Server Protocol (LSP), in which case you're out of luck until such support is added by editor maintainers or external contributors, such as yourself.

If you did manage to set up and use the FunC language server in your editor, then please file an issue or submit a PR to this repository and explain how you did it 🤗


If you have any issues which arise ONLY in the case of using provided language servers outside of VSCode, please, file an issue to the present repository.

In any other case, please, file issues to the upstream extension repository: FunC VSCode extension.


Based on The Open Network.

Packaged with 🤍 by Novus Nota.



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