
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Generate Express TypeScript

This cli tool generates a thin, unopinionated Express application with TypeScript. It's designed to create a project structure, initialize version control, install dependencies, and configure TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, and Jest for testing.

🍇 Features

🍦 Sets up an Express server with TypeScript

🍦 Configures ESLint with TypeScript support

🍦 Adds Prettier for code formatting

🍦 Sets up Jest and Supertest for endpoint testing

🍦 Initializes a new Git repository

🍦 Configures Husky for pre-commit hooks

🪵 Prerequisites

Before running this script, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v16 or higher)
  • yarn (default package manager)
  • git

🏰 Installation

Install the package globally using npm:

npm install -g generate-express-ts

Or using Yarn:

yarn global add generate-express-ts

🚂 Usage

After installing the package globally, you can set up a new Express TypeScript application by running:

generate-express-ts <project-name>

Replace <project-name> with your desired project directory name. If you don't specify a name, it defaults to my-express-ts-app.

The script will create a new directory with the given project name (or the default name) and set up the project structure and configurations within that directory.

🧳 What's Included

The script will create the following files and directories:

  • .eslintrc.yml: ESLint configuration file
  • .prettierrc.yml: Prettier configuration file
  • .gitignore: Basic .gitignore file for a Node.js project
  • app.ts: Entry point for the Express application
  • app.spec.ts: Sample test file using Jest and Supertest
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file
  • .lintstagedrc: Configuration for lint-staged
  • package.json: Node.js package manifest with scripts for common tasks
  • src/: Directory for source code
  • src/api/: Directory for API endpoints
  • src/api/health/: Health check endpoint, accessible at /api/health

🧸 Scripts

The generated package.json includes the following scripts:

  • start: Runs the Express server using ts-node
  • dev: Runs the Express server using nodemon
  • build: Compiles TypeScript files to JavaScript in the dist directory
  • test: Runs tests using Jest
  • serve: Runs the Express server using node (requires build to be run first)

🎗️ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

🪄 Contributing

Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

📱 Contact

Rafay Choudhury - x: @rafay_io - website:

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  • rafay826