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Yeoman generator for ReactJS - lets you quickly set up a project including karma test runner and Webpack module system. Using NPM Scripts, Karma and WebPack by default.



Install generator-reactor:

npm install -g generator-reactor

Make a new directory, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo reactor, optionally passing an app name:

yo reactor [app-name]

Run npm run build for building and npm run start-dist for preview in the browser at localhost.


Available generators:

and for Flux or Reflux :


Sets up a new ReactJS app, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also facilitates the following:

  1. Configures Webpack to modularise the app enabling loading of various file formats e.g. JSON, CSS, PNG, etc.
  2. Configures Karma to run all tests.
  3. Watches for changes and recompiles JS and refreshes the browser.


yo reactor


Generates a JSX component in src/scripts/components, its corresponding test in src/spec/components and its style in src/style.


yo reactor:component foo  //or just: yo reactor:c foo

Produces src/components/Foo.js (javascript - JSX):

'use strict';

var React = require('react/addons');

require('styles/componentName.css'); //or .sass,.less etc...

var Foo = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
          <p>Content for Foo</p>

module.exports = Foo;

And test/spec/components/Foo.js (javascript - jasmine):

'use strict';

describe('Foo', function () {
  var Foo, component;

  beforeEach(function () {
    Foo = require('../../../src/components/Foo');
    component = Foo();

  it('should create a new instance of Foo', function () {

Create stylesheet of component

You can add a stylesheet file for your new component using - style flag:

yo reactor:c foo --style

And src/styles/Foo.css (or .sass, .less etc...) will be created:

  border: 1px dashed #f00;

rich flag

For all you lazy programmers out there, we've added another shortcut - rich flag:

yo reactor:c foo --rich

This will give you all of react component's most common stuff :

var React = require('react/addons');


var Foofoo = React.createClass({
  mixins: [],
  getInitialState: function() { return({}) },
  getDefaultProps: function() {},
  componentWillMount: function() {},
  componentDidMount: function() {},
  shouldComponentUpdate: function() {},
  componentDidUpdate: function() {},
  componentWillUnmount: function() {},

  render: function () {
    return (
          <p>Content for Foofoo</p>

module.exports = Foofoo;

Just remove those you don't need, then fill and space out the rest.


When using Flux or Reflux architecture, it generates an actionCreator in src/actions and it's corresponding test in src/spec/actions.


yo reactor:action bar //or just: yo reactor:a bar

Will create a file - src/actions/BarActionCreators.js

if 'architecture' is Flux, it Produces :

'use strict';

var BarActionCreators = {


module.exports = BarActionCreators;

And if it's Reflux:

'use strict';

var Reflux = require('reflux');

var BarActionCreators  =  Reflux.createActions([


module.exports = BarActionCreators;

and same test for both architectures:

'use strict';

describe('BarActionCreators', function() {
  var action;

  beforeEach(function() {
    action = require('actions/BarActionCreators.js');

  it('should be defined', function() {


When using Flux or Reflux architecture, it generates a store in src/stores and it's corresponding test in src/spec/stores.


yo reactor:store baz //or just: yo reactor:s baz

Will create a file - src/stores/BazStore.js

if 'architecture' is Flux, it Produces :

'use strict';

var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var assign = require('object-assign');
var MainAppDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/MainAppDispatcher');

var BazStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {


BazStore.dispatchToken = MainAppDispatcher.register(function(action) {

  switch(action.type) {


module.exports = BazStore;

And if it's Reflux:

'use strict';

var Reflux = require('reflux');
//var Actions = require('actions/..');

var BazStore = Reflux.createStore({
  listenables: Actions,


module.exports = BazStore;

and same test for both architectures:

'use strict';

describe('BazStore', function() {
  var store;

  beforeEach(function() {
    store = require('stores/BazStore.js');

  it('should be defined', function() {


Options are available as additional installs to the initial application generation phase.


A complete routing library for React. This option only adds the basic hooks to get started with react router.

styles language

css, sass, scss, less or stylus

Sets the style file's template and extension


flux or reflux


Running npm test will run the unit tests with karma. Tests are written using Jasmine by default.

Further Information

Naming Components

I have opted to follow @floydophone convention of uppercase for component file naming e.g. Component.js. I am open to suggestions if there is a general objection to this decision.


Each component is a module and can be required using the Webpack module system. Webpack uses Loaders which means you can also require CSS and a host of other file types. Read the Webpack documentation to find out more.

NPM Scripts

Out the box, the generator uses npm scripts configured with the following:

  1. webpack: uses the webpack to load all required modules and output to a single JS file src/scripts/components/main.js. This is included in the src/index.html file by default and will reload in the browser as and when it is recompiled.
  2. webpack-dev-server: uses the webpack-dev-server to watch for file changes and also serve the webpack app in development.
  3. karma: uses the karma to load the Karma configuration file karma.conf.js located in the project root. This will run all tests using PhantomJS by default but supports many other browsers.
  4. editorconfig-tools: check and validate all files application (src and test folders) based in .editorconfig params.


Included in the project with options:

  • CSS;
  • SASS;
  • SCSS;
  • LESS;


Contributions are welcomed. When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.

Running Tests

npm test

Package Sidebar


npm i generator-reactor

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Last publish


  • willmendesneto