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1.3.0 • Public • Published


An efficient sorting algorithm designed for selecting the top N items from a list with minimal comparisons, without mapping the items to absolute numeric values.

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  • Minimized Comparisons: Ideal when comparisons are costly or manual, as this library aim to reduce the number of comparisons.

  • Relative comparison: The items can be relatively compared (pairwise) without mapping to an absolute numeric value.

  • Dynamic Algorithm Selection: Automatically chooses the best sorting algorithm from available implementations based on the scenario (explained in how-it-works and benchmarking sections).

  • Non-Destructive: The original list of values remains unchanged.

Use Case

This package is particularly suitable for scenarios where:

  • Comparisons between elements are expensive, such as requiring manual input or complex calculations.

  • The elements cannot be directly assigned absolute values, necessitating pairwise comparisons.

Examples include ranking personnel candidates (for hiring or dating), non-price sensitive products, or preferences like colors or flavors.


npm install graph-sort

You can also install this package with yarn, pnpm or slnpm.

Usage Example

More usage examples see example.ts, graph-sort.spec.ts and benchmark.ts

import { CompareResult, sortTopN } from 'graph-sort'

// example dating profile
type Profile = {
  major: string
  minor: string | null
  yearOfEntry: number
  height: number | null
  weight: number | null
  district: string
  university: string

// user-generated data
type CompareRecord = {
  chosen: Profile
  not_chosen: Profile

function getCandidates() {
  try {
    let topN = 3
    let profiles: Profile[] = loadProfiles()
    let topNCandidates: Profile[] = sortTopN(compareProfile, topN, profiles)
    return {
      type: 'matched',
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof NotCompared) {
      let { a, b } = error
      return {
        type: 'compare',
        profiles: [a, b],
    return {
      type: 'error',
      message: String(error),

function compareProfile(a: Profile, b: Profile): CompareResult<Profile> {
  let record: CompareRecord | null = findCompareRecord(a, b)
  if (!record) {
    // ask user to perform comparison
    throw new NotCompared(a, b)
  return {
    small: record.not_chosen,
    large: record.chosen,

class NotCompared extends Error {
    public a: Profile,
    public b: Profile,
  ) {
    super('not compared')

// load from database
function loadProfiles(): Profile[]

// load from database
function findCompareRecord(a: Profile, b: Profile): CompareRecord | null

Typescript Signature

Main types:

type CompareResult<T> = { small: T; large: T }

type CompareFn<T> = (a: T, b: T) => CompareResult<T>

 * @description use the most efficient sorter from `benchmarkBestSorter()`
 *  to pick `topN` elements from a list of `totalCount` elements.
 * @param compareFn comparison function (a,b) => {small, large}
 * @param topN number of top n largest elements to return
 * @param values array of elements that is *not updated* in-place
 * @returns list of `topN` elements in descending order.
function sortTopN<T>(compareFn: CompareFn<T>, topN: number, values: T[]): T[]

 * @description generator version of `sortTopN`
 * @returns iterator (generator) of `topN` elements in descending order.
function sortTopNIter<T>(
  compareFn: CompareFn<T>,
  topN: number,
  values: T[],
): Generator<T>

type BenchmarkOptions = {
  topN: number
  totalCount: number
  /** @description default: max(10, sqrt(totalCount)) */
  sampleCount?: number
   * @description sample at least this amount of ms,
   * @default 0
   * */
  minTimeout?: number
   * @description sample at max this amount of ms, default: never
   * @default never
  maxTimeout?: number

 * @description shortcut of `benchmarkSorters()`
 * @returns the most efficient sorter's class (constructor)
function benchmarkBestSorter(
  options: BenchmarkOptions,
): typeof DAGSort | typeof NativeSort | typeof TreeSort

type SorterClass = ReturnType<typeof benchmarkBestSorter>

 * @description benchmark against varies sorter.
 *  Use random samples to find out which sorter requires least number of comparisons
 *  to pick `topN` elements from a list of `totalCount` elements.
 * @returns array of {averageCompareCount,Sorter}
function benchmarkSorters(options: BenchmarkOptions): {
  averageCompareCount: number
  sampleCount: number
  Sorter: typeof DAGSort | typeof NativeSort | typeof TreeSort

/** @description for benchmarking */
let benchmarkCompareFn: CompareFn<number> & {
  getCompareCount(): number
  reset(): void
Internal types (lower level but feel free to build on-top of them)
export abstract class Sorter<T> {
  compareFn: CompareFn<T>

  constructor(compareFn: CompareFn<T>)

  abstract addValues(values: T[]): void

  abstract popTop(): T

  popTopN(n: number): T[]

  popTopNIter(n: number): Generator<T>

  compareTwoNodes<Node extends { value: T }>(
    a: Node,
    b: Node,
  ): CompareResult<Node>
export class DAGSort<T> extends Sorter<T> {
  groups: Groups<T>
  orphans: Set<Node<T>>
  heads: Set<Node<T>>
  tails: Set<Node<T>>
  constructor(compareFn: CompareFn<T>)
  findAndConnect(): void
  connect(from: Node<T>, to: Node<T>): void
  findTwoNodesToConnect(): [Node<T>, Node<T>]
class Groups<T> {
  groups: Set<Group<T>>
  get size(): number
  newGroup(): Group<T>
  findTwoSmallGroups(): [Group<T>, Group<T>]
  mergeGroups(a: Group<T>, b: Group<T>): void
class Group<T> {
  nodes: Set<Node<T>>
  get size(): number
  findHead(): Node<T>
  findTail(): Node<T>
  popTop(graph: DAGSort<T>): Node<T>
  connectTwoHeads(from: Node<T>, to: Node<T>, graph: DAGSort<T>): void
class Node<T> {
  value: T
  group: Group<T>
  incomingNodes: Set<Node<T>>
  outgoingNodes: Set<Node<T>>
  constructor(value: T, group: Group<T>)
export class TreeSort<T> extends Sorter<T> {
  topNodes: Node<T>[]
class Node<T> {
  value: T
  largerNodes: Set<Node<T>>
  smallerNodes: Set<Node<T>>
  constructor(value: T)
export class NativeSort<T> extends Sorter<T> {
  protected values: T[]
  protected sorted: boolean

How it works

This package mainly consists of 3 Sorter classes and a helper function sortTopN().

Graph-based Sorter: DAGSort, TreeSort, and Array-based Sorter: NativeSort

The graph based algorithms use directed acyclic graph (DAG) to represent the ordering of given items; the array based algorithm leverage the built-in sort method from Array which tends to be quicksort in most cases.

The helper function sortTopN(compareFn,topN,values) will pick the sorter that require least number of comparison to pick topN elements from the given values by benchmarking against random samples.

The design assumes the comparison between two items is expensive (e.g. requiring manual input).

Moreover, this design assumes the items in list cannot be mapped to absolute values, hence each the items must be compared two-by-two.


graph-sort includes a benchmarking function benchmarkBestSorter({topN,totalCount}) that tests various sorter classes (DAGSort, TreeSort, and NativeSort) against random samples to determine which performs the least number of comparisons for the provided scenario and returns the most efficient sorter class.

Each sorter has its own advantages depending on the number of top items needed:

  • TreeSort: Optimized for selecting very few top items (approximately 1-5 out of 100).

  • DAGSort: Offers balanced performance, particularly for selecting a moderate number of top items (approximately 10-35 out of 100).

  • NativeSort: Utilizes the built-in Array sorting method, and is optimized for selecting a larger number of top items (approximately 40-100 out of 100).

Experimental Benchmark

The benchmark source code and raw data used to assess the performance and effectiveness of the sorting algorithms are available in the git repository.

Total number of items: 100

Top N: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100

(click to see details)
Picking top N Best Algorithm
1 to 5 TreeSort
10 to 30 DAGSort
40 to 100 NativeSort
Algorithm top N number of comparison
TreeSort 1 99
TreeSort 2 148
TreeSort 3 182
TreeSort 5 248
DAGSort 1 303
DAGSort 2 307
DAGSort 3 311
DAGSort 5 319
DAGSort 10 341
DAGSort 20 403
TreeSort 10 408
DAGSort 30 477
NativeSort 1 to 100 534
DAGSort 40 559
DAGSort 50 638
TreeSort 20 702
DAGSort 100 910
TreeSort 30 963
TreeSort 40 1192
TreeSort 50 1389
TreeSort 100 1849


The complexity of graph-sort varies depending on the chosen sorting algorithm for a given task, which is determined dynamically by benchmarkBestSorter based on the number of items and the number of top elements to select.

The Best Case: O(N-1)

The Average Case*: O(N * log(N))

The Worst Case*: O(N * N)

*: the complexity of average case and worst case are taking reference from quicksort, the actual complexity of graph-sort depends on the number of top N to be picked from the given array. The complexity formulates are yet to be confirmed.


This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others

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