
0.3.2 • Public • Published


🍹 Gulp plug-in to create a Debian package.

js-standard-style npm version

** Please note that this project did not use semantic versioning prior to v1.0.0. It will be adopted as of that version. **

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-debian

Define package in-line:

'use strict'

const gulp = require('gulp')
const deb = require('gulp-debian')

gulp.task('default', function (done) {
  return gulp.src(['','blob.bin'])
    package: 'demo',
    version: '0.1-2',
    section: 'base',
    priority: 'optional',
    architecture: 'i386',
    maintainer: 'Mr. Apt <apt@nowhere.tld>',
    description: 'A dummy package\n Long description starts here...',
    preinst: [ 'echo "hello from dummy package"' ],
    postinst: [ 'cat -n /opt/demo/.npmignore' ],
    prerm: [ 'cat -n /opt/demo/.npmignore' ],
    postrm: [ 'echo "bye from dummy package"' ],
    conffiles: 'configs/dir',
    changelog: [
        version: '0.1-2',
        distribution: 'unstable',
        urgency: 'low',
        date: new Date('2016-12-24T12:40:10'),
        changes: [
          'Added another feature.',
          'Fixed feature X.'
        version: '0.1-1',
        distribution: 'unstable',
        urgency: 'low',
        date: '2016-12-23T11:24:00',
        changes: [
          'First release.'
    _target: 'opt/demo',
    _out: 'dist',
    _copyright: 'path/to/copyright',
    _clean: true,
    _verbose: true

Alternatively, you can define your package in an external JSON file:

gulp.task('default', function (done) {
  return gulp.src(['', 'blob.bin'])

You can also use a YAML file to define your package. Just convert it to an Object first using the js-yaml module (npm install --save js-yaml):

const YAML = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')

gulp.task('default', function (done) {
  return gulp.src(['', 'blob.bin'])
  • Options: Object containing properties for a Debian file and the following parameters:

    • preinst: String with a path to script or array of commands to run for the package's pre-install script (optional).
    • postint: String with a path to script or array of commmands to run for the package's post-install script (optional).
    • prerm: String with a path to script or array of commands to run for the package's pre-remove script (optional).
    • postrm: String with a path to script or array of commmands to run for the package's post-remove script (optional).
    • conffiles: string - path to the directory with configs. All configs must be placed from this directory in subdirectories starting from root folder (optional).
    • changelog: Array of versions and their changes to write to the package's changelog (optional, but recommended). Options are:
      • version: String for version with changes.
      • distribution: String for version distribution.
      • urgency: String for version urgency.
      • date: Date object or String in ISO 8601 notation for version date.
      • changes: Array of changes made.
    • _target: string - The installation target for the created Debian package (mandatory).
    • _out: string - The target directory to create the Debian package in (mandatory).
    • _copyright: string - The path to plain copyright file (functionally optional, but mandatory in Debian policy).

    This should be mandatory in packages you intend to publish, but for testing purposes this can omitted for testing stage packages.

    • _clean: boolean - If true, removes the temporary directory created in the target directory with the same structure than the Debian package.
    • _verbose: boolean - Verbose output from dpkg-deb utility (optional; true if omitted).


    • String containing filename for external JSON file defining package.


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  • stpettersens