
0.5.2 • Public • Published


A config-oriented paradigm for storing gulp build tasks as re-usable 'recipes', i.e. task scripts, in a single directory top from your module's root. Super tasks are automatically derived by grouping together low-level tasks under certain categories.

All gulp and vinyl plugins are automatically required and passed to each 'recipe' by scanning the local package.json's devDependencies.

This module is optimized for responsiveness; recipes are lazily loaded only once a dependent task is run by the user.

Recipe dependency management

You can copy recipe examples from the web, place them in your gulp/ directory, and then install their dependencies by running gulp install.



$ npm i -D gulp-soda


Given the following project directory:

├─ dist.debug/                # unobfuscated (yet pre-compiled) code for debugging
├─ dist.min/                  # minified production output
├─ dist.web/                  # for running & serving webapp
├─ gulp/                      # gulp recipes
|   ├─ browserify.js          #  bundles front-end javascript
|   ├─ minify.js              #  minify javascript code for node.js
|   ├─ develop.js             #  watches source files and recompiles on changes
|   └─ ...                    
├─ lib/                       # all source files
|   ├─ server/                #  server-side node.js code
|   |   └─ module.js          #   entry point for module
|   ├─ webapp/                #  front-end webapp
|   |   └─ ...
|   └─ .../                   #  other types of builds
├─ node_modules/
├─ gulpfile.js                # where soda config lives
└─ package.json


Specify which tasks to associate with your build targets by configuring them in gulpfile.js:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const soda = require('gulp-soda');

soda(gulp, {
    // default paths for inputs (src), outputs (dest), and task scripts (recipes)
    src: 'lib',
    dest: 'dist.debug',
    recipes: 'gulp',
    // map each directory within './lib' to a (list of) target(s)
    inputs: {
        server: [  // an array maps a single input dir to multiple outputs
            'debug',  // 'debug' is the name of a target
            'production: dist.min',  // the colon `:` indicates a dest path 'dist.min' (to override the default)
        webapp: 'bundle: dist.web',
    // define which task scripts (recipes) each compile target can perform
    targets: {
        debug: [
            // 'develop' is a recipe that watches and reruns the given tasks (e.g., copy)
            'develop: copy',
        production: [
        bundle: [
            // the first task is the default for that target
            '[all]: less jade browserify',  // using '[' ']' around the name creates a psuedo-task that simply runs its dependencies
            'develop: all',  // enables the task 'develop-webapp'
            'browser-sync: all',
    // pass options to recipes (keys act as patterns to match recipe names)
    options: {
        '*': { port: 8080 },
        less: { watch: '**/*.less' },
        jade: { watch: '**/*.jade' },
        browserify: { watch: '**/*.js' },

The task list:

Now, automatically, your gulp task list will look like this:

$ gulp --tasks

# --- global default ---
 ├─ server
 └─ webapp
# --- input dirs defaults ---
 ├─ develop-server
 └─ minify-server
 └─ all-webapp
# --- recipe-directed tasks ---
 └─ less-webapp
 └─ jade-webapp
 └─ browserify-webapp
 └─ minify-server
 ├─ develop-server
 └─ develop-webapp

# --- intermediate task groups ---
 └─ minify-server-production
 └─ develop-server-debug
 └─ copy-server-debug

# --- lowest level (most specific) tasks ---
 └─ copy-server-debug
 ├─ less-webapp
 ├─ jade-webapp
 └─ browserify-webapp
 ├─ less-webapp
 ├─ jade-webapp
 └─ browserify-webapp


develop.js could look like this:

const path = require('path');
module.exports = function(gulp, $, p_src) {
    // each dependency..
    this.deps.forEach((s_dep) => {
        // fetch task info of dependency
        let h_friend = this.friend(s_dep);
        // make glob path for files to watch
        let p_watch = path.join(h_friend.src, || '**/*');

        // debug print using `gulp-util` plugin (automatically loaded via devDependencies)
        $.util.log($.util.colors.magenta(`watching ${p_watch}...`));

        // watch those files and run dependent task, [s_dep]);

// declares which third-party packages this recipe requires
module.exports.dependencies = [

See recipe-examples/ for more useful examples to get you started


For recipes:

Each recipe must export a function that supports the following parameters:

function(gulp, $, src, dest[, cb]) {}
  • gulp - the gulp object
  • $ - an object containing all gulp and vinyl plugins automatically loaded via your module's package.json's devDependencies that start with 'gulp-' or 'vinyl-'. The keys on this object have had their first word and dash removed, and all subsequent dashes replaced with underscores.
    • e.g. gulp-babel would get loaded into $.babel, and vinyl-source-stream into $.source_stream
  • src - relative path to the input directory given by the target, e.g. lib/webapp
    • Note: if this task's options object includes a .src key, then that value is appended to this string

  • dest - relative path to the output directory given by the target, e.g. dist/webapp
  • cb - the optional gulp task callback function to perform asynchronous operations without returning a stream


When exporting the recipe function, you should use the declarative function syntax so that this will have:

  • .task - the name of this particular task, which is the name of the recipe appended with the name of the target
    • e.g. this.task === 'browerify-webapp'
  • .deps - an array of the names of task dependencies that this task was instructed to build by the config
  • .options - an object that receives any options set on this recipe, the target, and * from the gulpfile merged into a single hash
  • .config - an object that is global to all tasks, which stores user-settings such as a local port number or endpoint url, etc.
  • .src_dir - a string of the relative path to this recipe target's directory, (i.e., without the .src option appended from the .options object)
  • .sub_dest - a function that returns the relative path to a different output directory under the provided destination directory
    • e.g. this.sub_dest('other') will return the relative path to a subdirectory named other under the destination directory. Calling this.sub_dest('') will simply return the output directory itself
  • .other(other_recipe) - a function that returns the complete name of another task given the name of its recipe and the current target for the current task
    • e.g. this.other('clean') within the transpile-main task returns the string 'clean-main'
  • .friend(other_task) - a function you can call to get the info of another task, such as one of your recipe's dependencies
    • the object it returns has:
    • .src - relative path to the input directory given by the other task's target
    • .dest - relative path to the output directory given by the other task's target
    • .deps - an array of the names of task dependencies the other task was/will-be instructed to build
    • .options - options object of the other task

For calling soda from gulpfile.js:

These are the defaults for the config object passed to soda:

soda(gulp, {
    src: 'lib',  // relative path to use as prefix for calls to `gulp.src(...)`
    dest: 'dist',  // relative path to use as prefix for calls to `gulp.dest(...)`
    recipes: 'gulp',  // relative path to directory with recipes to load by name

    config: {
        // an object that is available to all tasks
        // while `.options` is task-oriented, `.config` is meant for user settings such as a local port number or endpoint url
    plugins: {
        pattern: /^(gulp|vinyl)\-/,  // regex to filter which dev dependencies to load
        transform: (s_dep) => {  // function to transform plugin's file name to key name
            return s_dep.replace(/^(\w+)\-(.+)$/, '$2')
                .replace(/\-/g, '_');
    inputs: {
        // maps source directories to their transformation targets
        //   each key is the name of a subdirectory within the source directory (e.g., ./lib/*/)
        //   each value is either a:
        //       string that specifies which 'target' to use for this directory
        //       or an array of those strings to specify multiple outputs
        // e.g. :
        // webapp: 'bundle',
        //   OR, the target string may contain a colon `:` to manually specify the output dir(s)
        // e.g.:
        // main: ['debug: dist.debug', 'production: dist.min'],
    targets: {
        // defines transformations by combining recipes
        //   each key is the name of a 'target'
        //   each value is an array of recipes to associate with this target
        // e.g.:
        // debug: ['copy', 'develop: copy'],
        //   the `:` denotes a space-delimited list of recipes to pass as dependencies
        //   you can make pseudo-targets by using square brackets[] around the name
        // e.g.:
        // bundle: [ '[all]: less jade browserify', 'less', ... ],
        //   which is useful for creating tasks that simply run their dependencies
    options: {
        // passes options to recipes via `this.options`
        //   each key is a task-pattern that specifies which recipe(s) to give options to
        //   each value is an object whose keys will be made available to the recipe under `this.options`
        '*': {
            // anything in here will be available to all recipes under `this.options` unless overriden by a recipe or full target option
        //   using a recipe name as a key will make the object's keys available for any of those recipes
        //   using a full target as a key will make the object's keys available for only that specific task
        // [full target options] override [recipe options] override [* options]
        // if there is a `.src` key present in the options of any task, it will be appended to the `src` argument when that task is run
    aliases: {
        // calls gulp.task(key, value) to make aliases for a task or group of tasks
        //   each key is the name of a new task to make
        //   each value is the dependency arg to pass to gulp.task()



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  • blake.regalia