TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.3.9 • Public • Published

Iconz - Icon Generator for the Web

Convert a single image (.jpg, .png, .webp, .avif, .gif, .svg, .tiff), icon (.ico) or apple icon (.icns) into various sized png, ico and icns files automatically. (Now with command-line functionality).


Install globally to use Iconz on the command line, as an npm script as well as a node module

Node Package Manager (NPM)

npm install -g iconz


yarn global add iconz

How to Use

Command Line

iconz --help                                              Gives help on how to use command
iconz -i my-image.png                                     Generates default icon set in same folder as input file
iconz -i my-image.png -t ./icons                          Generates all the default icons, also keeps the temporary pngs in icons folder 
                                                            (relative to my image.jpg) formatted WxH.png (e.g 32x32.png)
iconz -i my-image.png --ico=favicon                       Generates an ico file called favicon.ico using the default sizes
iconz -i my-image.png --icns=app                          Generates an icns icon file called icon.icns using the default sizes                                          
iconz -i my-image.png -f ./thumbs --jpeg={{dims}},32,64   Generates thumbnail icons 32x32.jpg and 64x64.jpg inside 'thumbs' folder                                           

Piping an input image into iconz for icon generation

cat my_image_path/icon.svg | iconz.js --stdin -f ./public -t ./icons/png

Using a configuration file to convert the images

Save your config to either .iconz.js (or .iconz.json ) in your project folder, then run iconz

.iconz.js config example

module.exports = {
  input: 'public/images/logo.svg',
  output: '..', // output is relative to input folder (output = public folder)
  temp: '../images/png-icons', // temp directory is relative to output folder (temp = public/images/png-icons folder)

.iconz.json config example

  "input": "public/images/logo.svg",
  "output": "..",
  "temp": "../images/png-icons"

to specify an alternative config location

iconz --config=<path_to_config>.json


iconz --config=<path_to_config>.js

Adding it as a script to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "generate-icons": "iconz -i public/images/logo.svg -t ../icons"

after adding .iconz.json or .iconz.js in the main project folder

  "scripts": {
    "generate-icons": "iconz"

NodeJS Setup

Minimal Configuration

import of class

import {Iconz} from 'iconz';


const {Iconz} = require('iconz');

generates pre-determined default icon set

/** Instantiate a new Iconz class */
const iconz = new Iconz({input: 'your-image.svg'});

(async () => {
  /** generate your icons */
  const report = await iconz.run();
  /** output the report */
  console.log(`Report: ${JSON.stringify(report, undefined, 2)}`);

Custom Sizes

Using custom sizes instead of defaults

const myIcons = {
  appIco: {
    type: 'ico',
    name: 'app',
    sizes: [16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256],
    folder: '.',
  appIcns: {
    type: 'icns',
    name: 'app',
    sizes: [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],
    folder: '.',
  androidIcons: {
    type: 'png',
    name: 'android-chrome-{{dims}}',
    sizes: [36, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192, 256, 384, 512],
    folder: 'icons',

const iconz = new Iconz({input: 'your-image.svg', icons: myIcons});

(async () => {
  /** generate your icons */
  const report = await iconz.run();
  /** output the report */
  console.log(`Report: ${JSON.stringify(report, undefined, 2)}`);

Using Actions

See https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-operation for more actions

const iconz = new Iconz({input: 'your-image.svg'});

/** daisy-chain the actions to be applied to your import image */
iconz.addAction('blur', 3)
  .addAction('negate', true)

(async () => {
  /** generate your icons */
  const report = await iconz.run();
  /** output the report */
  console.log(`Report: ${JSON.stringify(report, undefined, 2)}`);

Action Argument Variables

The action arguments can use special variables which are parsed upon the running of the action. Please see Handlebar Variables for the list of variables available.

Note: action arguments also include a ' last. ' prefix e.g. {{last.dims}}.

variables available under last are the dimensions, meta and stats results from the previous action.

const iconz = new Iconz({input: 'your-image.svg'});

/** daisy-chain the actions to be applied to your import image */
iconz.addAction('blur', 3)
  .addAction('rotate', 45)
  .addAction('resize', '{{width}}', '{{height}}');

(async () => {
  /** generate your icons */
  const report = await iconz.run();
  /** output the report */
  console.log(`Report: ${JSON.stringify(report, undefined, 2)}`);


Generating multiple colourSpace jpg files alongside png icons

const iconz = new Iconz({
  input: validImagePath,
  /** use temporary folder for testing purposes */
  output: 'your_output_folder', // optional
  temp: 'temporary_folder', // optional
  icons: {
    rgb: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'rgb-{{dims}}',
      sizes: [128, 256, 512, 1024],
      hooks: {
        /** apply hook before resize */
        postResize: (
        ) => {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            (async () => {
              try {
                /** get folder for output */
                const dir = self.getConfig().output;

                /** colourSpaces to test */
                const colourSpace = {
                  cmyk: [],
                  'b-w': [],
                  srgb: [],
                  hsv: [],
                  lab: [],
                  xyz: [],

                /** loop through each colourSpace type and create images */
                for (const type of Object.keys(colourSpace)) {
                  /** new filename with dimensions */
                  const filename = `${type}-${options.width}x${options.height}.jpg`;

                  /** directory based upon colourSpace type */
                  const dirname = iconz.path().join(dir, type);

                  /** set target path */
                  const target = iconz.path().join(dirname, filename);

                  /** prepare image */
                  await image
                    .clone() /** image is cloned to ensure original is left untouched */
                      chromaSubsampling: '4:4:4', quality: 100
                    .then((data) => {
                      /** make directory */
                      fs.mkdirSync(dirname, {recursive: true});
                      /** write image */
                      fs.writeFileSync(target, data);
                      /** generate report results */
                      imageReport.jpg ??= colourSpace;
                    .catch(() => {
                      /** if image failed, add it to the report */
                      imageReport.failed[target] = `${type} jpeg failed`;
                /** promise resolves image */
              } catch (error) {
                /** promise rejects error */

(async () => {
  /** generate report */
  const report = await iconz.run().catch((e) => e.message);
  console.log(`Report: ${JSON.stringify(report, undefined, 2)}`);

Default Configuration

This is the default configuration to generate icons

/** this is the main default configuration */
const defaultConfig: IconzConfigCollection = {
  options: {
    input: <IconzInputOptions>{
      density: 150,
    resize: <IconzResizeOptions>{
      fit: 'contain',
      background: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0},
      kernel: 'mitchell',
      position: 'centre',
      withoutEnlargement: false,
      fastShrinkOnLoad: true,
      width: 1024,
      height: 1024,
    output: <IconzOutputOptions>{
      formats: <IconzOutputFormats>{
        png: {
          compressionLevel: 9,
          quality: 100,
        jpeg: {
          quality: 100,
          chromaSubsampling: '4:4:4',
      format: 'png',
  icons: {
    icns: {
      type: 'icns',
      name: 'app',
      sizes: [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],
      folder: '.',
    ico: {
      type: 'ico',
      name: 'app',
      sizes: [16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256],
      folder: '.',
    favico: {
      type: 'ico',
      name: 'favicon',
      sizes: [16, 24, 32, 48, 64],
      folder: '.',
    faviconPng: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'favicon',
      sizes: [32],
      folder: '.',
    favicon: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'favicon-{{dims}}',
      sizes: [32, 57, 72, 96, 120, 128, 144, 152, 195, 228],
      folder: 'icons',
    msTile: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'mstile-{{dims}}',
      sizes: [70, 144, 150, 270, 310, '310x150'],
      folder: 'icons',
      options: {
        background: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 1},
    android: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'android-chrome-{{dims}}',
      sizes: [36, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192, 256, 384, 512],
      folder: 'icons',
    appleTouch: {
      type: 'png',
      name: 'apple-touch-{{dims}}',
      sizes: [16, 32, 76, 96, 114, 120, 144, 152, 167, 180],
      folder: 'icons',

Configuration Layout

interface IconzConfigCollection {
   * This is the image you wish to use as a template
  input?: string | Buffer;

   * This is the temporary holding variable for Buffer
  buffer?: Buffer;

   * This is the base output for all generated icons
   * If left blank, it will use the directory of your
   * input image
  output?: string;

   * This is where the temporary png images are generated
   * if left blank, it will generate a temporary output
   * inside your operating system's temp output.
   * If you enter a directory, it will generate the icons
   * within that directory, and it will remain until you
   * delete it.
   * NOTE: images are generated as {{width}}x{{height}}.png
   * e.g: 16x16.png , 32x32.png .... 1024x1024.png
  temp?: string;

   * These options are based upon the sharp library parameter 'options'
   * For Input See: https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-constructor#parameters
   * For Resizing See: https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-resize#parameters
   * For Output See: https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-output#png
  options?: IconzOptions;

   * A collection of actions to be run on original image before cloning
  actions?: IconzImageActions;

   * This is an optional object containing the configuration
   * for each type of icon set you wish to generate.
   * If left blank, the defaults will be used
  icons?: IconzIconConfig;

Making alterations to the default configuration

Import the defaultConfig and modify as required

const {Iconz, defaultConfig} = require("iconz");

// remove ms tile icons
delete defaultConfig.icons.msTile;

// change the folder of the android icons
defaultConfig.icons.android.folder = 'android-icons';

// override the apple touch sizes
defaultConfig.icons.appleTouch.sizes = [96, 114, 120, 144, 152, 167, 180];

Changing default fallback sizes

/** these are the fallback sizes for when sizes aren't specified within the configuration */
const defaultSizes: Record<string, (string | number)[]> = {
  ico: [16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256],
  icns: [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],
  png: [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],
  jpeg: [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],

Import the defaultSizes and modify as required

const {Iconz, defaultSizes} = require("iconz");

defaultSizes.jpeg = [30, 60, 128, '400x300'];

Icon Configuration

When adding custom icon configurations, use the interface below as a guide

 * These are the valid icon types for the configuration
type IconzType = 'png' | 'ico' | 'icns';

 * This is the icon configuration layout
export interface IconzConfig {
   * This is the type of icon you wish to use
   * it must be either png, ico or icns
  type: IconzType;

   * This is the name of the file you wish to use
   * it is parsed using the handlebars syntax.
   * @example
   * for an image with the size '24x18' the name
   * would be as follows:
   * 'icon-{{size}}' resolves to 'icon-24x18'
   * 'icon-{{dims}}' resolves to 'icon-24x18'
   * 'icon-{{width}}' resolves to 'icon-24'
   * 'icon-{{height}}' resolves to 'icon-18'
   * If the size is set as a single number,
   * e.g 24, the {{dims}} variable returns 24x24,
   * however, the {{size}} variable would just return 24.
   * 'icon-{{size}}' resolves to 'icon-24'
   * 'icon-{{dims}}' resolves to 'icon-24x24'
   * 'icon-{{width}}' resolves to 'icon-24'
   * 'icon-{{height}}' resolves to 'icon-24'
  name: string;

   * This is an array of sizes, whether as an integer
   * or a string.
   * @example
   * As a string you can either just use a single number
   * '56' - which will be both the width and height
   * @example
   * If the width differs from the height, use the following format
   * '120x80' which means the width 120 and height of 80.
  sizes: (string | number)[];

   * This is the folder you wish to store the images
   * generated from this configuration.
   * If left blank, it will use the default output
   * from the main configuration.
  folder?: string;

   * These resizing options are ones from the sharp library,
   * and are applied when resizing the icons.
   * If left blank, defaults will be chosen
   * @see https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-resize
   * @example
   * {
   *   position: 'centre', fit: 'contain', kernel: 'mitchell',
   *   background: { r: 255, g: 127, b: 0, alpha: 0.5 }
   * }
  options?: IconzResizeOptions;

   * The hooks section is optional, but should you wish
   * to alter any of the icons during generation, the following
   * hooks can be used.
   * If you wish for the system to stop processing the image
   * after your hook, you must use
   * resolve(undefined) instead of resolve(image) within the promise
   * @function preResize - This runs just before the image is resized and converted to png
   * @function postResize - This is after the conversion, but before conversion to a buffer and saved to a file
  hooks?: IconzHooks;

   * should you wish to temporarily disable a single configuration
   * set the enabled var to false
   * @example enabled: false
  enabled?: boolean;


For use with Icon Configuration

 * These are the available hooks
export interface IconzHooks {
  preResize?: IconzResizeHook;
  postResize?: IconzResizeHook;

 * This is for the pre and post resizing hook methods
 * PLEASE NOTE!!! resolve(image) MUST be called within your promise
 * for the system to continue processing it.
 * @example
 * const myHook = (self,image,options,targetFilename,imageReport) => {
 *   image.modulate({ brightness: 2 });
 *   Promise.resolve(image);
 * }
 * HOWEVER!!! resolve(undefined) will ensure the system
 * does NOT process the image further.
 * @example
 * const myHook = (self,image,options,targetFilename,imageReport) => {
 *  image.blur(4).jpeg().toBuffer()
 *    .then((data) => fs.writeFileSync('myFile.jpg', data));
 *  Promise.resolve(undefined);
 * }

type IconzResizeHook = (
   * This is the instantiated Iconz class you created
  self: Iconz,
  /** This is the image generated and processed just before hook is called */
  image: IconzImage,
   * These are the resizing options from within your icon configuration
   * it also includes the width (options.width) and height (options.height)
   * of the image that is being generated.
  options: IconzResizeOptions,
   * This is the target filename of the intended icon to be generated.
  targetFilename: string,
   * This returns a report object containing a list of all the icons generated
   * You may add to the object, and it will be returned at the end.
  imageReport: IconzReport,
) => Promise<IconzImage | undefined>;

Output Filename parsing

use handlebar variables on your output filenames.

Below are some available to use and examples of their values

Global Counter

{{counter}} - result is an incremental counter (global)

Image Dimensions

{{dims}} - returns dimensions such as 180x50 or 1024x768 or 50x50
{{size}} - this is whatever you placed in your sizes array, such as 48 or 96 or 150x30
{{width}} - the width of the icon
{{height}} - the height of the icon

Configuration of the current image being created

{{config.type}} - Type of icon being generated (png, ico, icns or jpeg)
{{config.name}} - The unparsed name of the file e.g. icon-{{size}}
{{config.sizes.0}} - First image in sizes
{{config.output}} - Folder specified as output folder

(See: Sharp Image Processor Resize Options)

{{config.options.fit}} - Resize fit type
{{config.options.position}} - Resize position type
{{config.options.kernel}} - Resize kernel
For more, see link above.

Date per image creation

{{date.epoch}} - Seconds since epoch
{{date.date}} - YYYYMMDD format
{{date.datemtime}} - YYYYMMDDHHmmSSMIL format
{{date.datetime}} - YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format
{{date.mtime}} - HHmmSSMIL (MIL = Milliseconds) format
{{date.time}} - HHmmSS format
{{date.offset}} - Timezone Offset
{{date.year}} - Year (4 digit)
{{date.month}} - Month (2 digit)
{{date.day}} - Day of the month (2 digit)
{{date.dow}} - (Day of the week 0 - 6)
{{date.hour}} - Hour (2 digit)
{{date.minute}} - Minute (2 digit)
{{date.second}} - Seconds (2 digit)
{{date.millisecond}} - Milliseconds (3 digit 000-999)

Start date before all images created

{{start.epoch}} - Seconds since epoch
{{start.date}} - YYYYMMDD format
{{start.datemtime}} - YYYYMMDDHHmmSSMIL format
{{start.datetime}} - YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format
{{start.mtime}} - HHmmSSMIL (MIL = Milliseconds) format
{{start.time}} - HHmmSS format
{{start.offset}} - Timezone Offset
{{start.year}} - Year (4 digit)
{{start.month}} - Month (2 digit)
{{start.day}} - Day of the month (2 digit)
{{start.dow}} - (Day of the week 0 - 6)
{{start.hour}} - Hour (2 digit)
{{start.minute}} - Minute (2 digit)
{{start.second}} - Seconds (2 digit)
{{start.millisecond}} - Milliseconds (3 digit 000-999)

Environment variables from process.env (See: NodeJS process.env)

{{env.USER}} - Current user
{{env.PATH}} - Environment Path
For more, see link above.

Meta Information from original image (See: Sharp Image Processor Metadata)

{{meta.format}} - Name of decoder used to decompress image data e.g. jpeg, png, webp, gif, svg
{{meta.pages}} - Number of pages/frames contained within the image, with support for TIFF, HEIF, PDF, animated GIF and animated WebP
For more, see link above.

Stats Information from original image (See: Sharp Image Processor Stats)

{{stats.isOpaque}} - Is the image fully opaque? Will be true if the image has no alpha channel or if every pixel is fully opaque.
{{stats.channels.sum}} - Sum of all values in a channel
For more, see link above.

Filename examples

my-icon-{{dims}} -> my-icon-48x54.png
icon-{{counter}} -> icon-0.png
favicon-{{env.USER}}-{{date.date}}_{{date.time}} -> favicon-admin-20210718_233500.png
favicon-{{env.USER}}-{{date.date}}_{{date.time}} -> favicon-admin-20210718_233500.png
icon-{{config.options.fit}}-{{counter}} -> icon-cover-0.png

Output path generation

If relative paths are used:

The folder chain is as follows for the output folder name:

cwd (current working directory) / input folder / output folder

The temp folder is created in the OS temp folder unless specified otherwise. If specified, the folder chain is as follows for the temp folder name (a child of the output folder):

cwd (current working directory) / input folder / output folder / temp

The folder specified within the icon configuration is relative to the output folder also.

When specifying 'input', 'output' and 'temp' folders, please note that depending on whether they are absolute or relative can change the destination paths.

[X] indicates an absolute path is used in the configuration
[ . ] indicates a relative path is used in the configuration

source source source resulting destination destination
input output temp path output temp
[X] [X] [X] -> output temp
[X] [X] [ . ] -> output output / temp
[X] [ . ] [X] -> input / output temp
[X] [ . ] [ . ] -> input / output input / output / temp
[ . ] [X] [X] -> output temp
[ . ] [X] [ . ] -> output output / temp
[ . ] [ . ] [X] -> cwd / input / output temp
[ . ] [ . ] [ . ] -> cwd / input / output cwd / input / output / temp

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