
0.3.2 • Public • Published


Move elements on page depending on media query.


npm install kist-dochopper --save
bower install kist-dochopper --save



Returns: jQuery


Type: Object|String

Options defined as Object

Type: Array

Contains objects which define conditions where and when should specific element be moved when media query is matched or unmatched.


Name Type Description
into String|Function|jQuery To which element should content hop to.
condition String Media query condition on which upon content should hop.

Additionaly, into can be:

  • String - value of [data-hop-from] attribute
  • Function - return value which can be String or jQuery (has one argument - original element on which Dochopper is activated)
  • jQuery - jQuery element found inside document

Type: Function
Provides: Array|jQuery, Array|Object
Event: dochopperhop

Callback for when context switching is complete, either when entering or exiting media query.

Array for first and second argument will be returned on plugin initialization. Every array contains list of currently active conditions, first argument containing elements which had their content filled with initial content, and second argument containing list of media query objects which are currently activate and correspond to list of containing elements in first argument.

Every next condition matching or unmatching will return active jQuery element and media query object.


Type: String
Default: hop-conditions

data property which will be used to for optional setting of conditions (see options → conditions). If you provide data through this property, value should be valid JSON object.


Type: String
Default: hop-from

data property which will be used as name of the element in which will the content hop to.

Options defined as String

Destroy plugin instance.


Retrigger hopping for current instance. Useful if hop-from element depends on some external conditions.


Set proper HTML markup.

<div class="hopper hopper-a">
    <b>Content A</b>
<div class="hopper hopper-b" data-hop-conditions='[{"into":"hop3","media":"screen and (min-width:900px)"},{"into":"hop4","media":"screen and (min-width:1400px)"}]'>
    <b>Content B</b>
<div data-hop-from="hop1"></div>
<div data-hop-from="hop2"></div>
<div data-hop-from="hop3"></div>
<div data-hop-from="hop4"></div>

Initialize plugin.

    conditions: [
            into: 'hop1',
            media: 'screen and (min-width:1000px)'
            into: $('.hop2'),
            media: 'screen and (min-width:1200px)'
            into: function ( el ) {
                if ( $('body').hasClass('foo') ) {
                    return 'hop3';
                } else {
                    return 'hop4';
            media: 'screen and (min-width:1200px)'
    hop: function ( element, media ) {
        // Hop!
$('.hopper-a, .hopper-b').on('dochopperhop', function ( e, element, media ) {
    // Hop!

Retrigger instance.


Destroy plugin instance.




It’s not unusual to experience FOUC (Flash Of Unmoved Content) because browser is waiting to render some other part of document and your hopping portion becomes blank and takes space where it shouldn’t be taking it.

To prevent this type of problems, you can use some simple CSS trickery to visually hide elements until they are ready. You have classes like applied when elements are switched to their correct places for current context and are ready to be displayed.

.hopper {
} {

Delegated events

If you have delegated events on some elements which will at some point be switched to another place, those events won’t work as intended since now those elements are in the new place.

Combination of min- and max- media queries

If you use combination of min- and max- media queries (e.g. screen and (min-width:100px) and (max-width:299px)), those media queries won’t be shown in inital list of media queries which where activated if the current viewport is larger than that media query condition. This is normal media query listener behavior.

Also, exiting that media query will trigger next matching query and the last ones which also match current viewport.

Browser support

Tested in IE8+ and all modern browsers.


MIT © Ivan Nikolić

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  • niksy