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Knockout.js is a MV* (MVVM) framework with powerful two-way data-binding and pub-sub mechanisms. However to use it, code feels akward:

var model = {
    firstName: ko.observable('John'),
    lastName: ko.observable('Doe'),
    age: ko.observable(30)
model.age(model.age() + 1);

wouldn't it be nice to just use

model.firstName = 'Jane';

knockout-es5-option4 solves this with ECMAScript 5 Properties, so you can do just that!

var model = ko.observe({
    firstName: 'Bob',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    cars: [{
        make: 'Ford',
        model: 'F150'
    }, {
        make: 'BMW',
        model: '328i'
ko.defineComputedProperty(model, 'ownershipSummary', function() {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName + ' owns: ' + {
        return c.make + ' ' + c.model
// => Bob Doe owns: Ford F150, BMW 328i
model.firstName = 'Jon';
// => Jon Doe owns: Ford F150, BMW 328i[0].model = 'Mustang';
// => Jon Doe owns: Ford Mustang, BMW 328i

If you need to access the underlying observable, they are available as non-enumerable properties with a proceeding underscore.

var model = ko.observe({
    name: 'Bob'
model._name.subscribe(function(newName) {
    console.log('Hi ' + newName)


ko.observe(object, defaults, options)

  • object: The object to add properties wrapping knockout observables. This is also the return value
  • defaults (optional): A set of default values for those properties. This allows you to essentially clone an object without modifying it with the observable properties. Defaults to the object parameter.
  • options (optional): See options.

ko.observableObject(defaults, options)

A thin wrapper around observe that returns a new object. Literally it is:

ko.observableObject = function(defaults, options) {
    return ko.observe({}, defaults, options)

ko.defineObservableProperty(object, propertyName, default, options)

  • object: the object to add the property to.
  • propertyName: the name of the property. It will delete any existing properties that don't have property descriptors.
  • default: the value the observable should be initialized to.
  • options: See options.

ko.defineComputedProperty(object, propertyName, definition, options)

  • object: the object to add the property to.
  • propertyName: the name of the property. It will delete any existing properties that don't have property descriptors.
  • definition: the definition of the computed that will be passed to ko.computed.
  • options: See [options][#options].


  • deep: Deeply observe the object or array. Defaults to true.
  • arrayMapping: Specify a way to map items in an array that are the same, so that an array doesn't have to be in order for items to match up. For example:
var person = ko.observe({
    id: 1,
    name: 'Jane',
    cars: [{
        id: 1,
        make: 'BMW',
        model: '3-series'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        make: 'Toyota',
        model: 'Tundra'
// Update our model to have a year on the cars. Match cars based on the 'id' property.
ko.observe(person, {
    cars: [{
        id: 2,
        year: 2015
    }, {
        id: 3,
        make: 'Tesla'
        model: 'Model S',
        year: 2014
}, {
    arrayMapping: {
        cars: 'id'
    id: 1,
    name: 'Jane',
    cars: [{
        id: 1,
        make: 'BMW',
        model: '3-series'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        make: 'Toyota',
        model: 'Tundra',
        year: 2015
    }, {
        id: 3,
        make: 'Tesla'
        model: 'Model S',
        year: 2014

Compared to knockout-es5

  • Does not depend on WeakMap for easier compatibility. However, simply deleting an property does not release it from memory. You must also delete the underscore prefixed property too. I found in my usage I never ended up deleting indivdual properties, but just whole objects, so this has not been an issue.
  • No referrence needed to knockout to access the observable. When using AMDs and in view code, having the observable directly on the object has been a nice convenience.
  • Deeply observes objects. Currently knockout-es5 9does not support deep tracking]().

Why "Option 4"?

In 2012, trying to find a solution to wrap knockout observables in ES5 properties, I found this gist by Domenic Denicola of his brainstormings about potential options, before Steve Sanderson created knockout-es5. So I decided to go with his Solution #4, to expose the observables on the object with a proceeding underscore in front of them. However I did this while working at Microsoft, and it did not get released as open source until Janurary 2015.

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  • nathanboktae