
0.13.3 • Public • Published


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Extremely thin convenience wrapper around http.request to make it usable more like request but without the size, speed or cpu overhead. No frills, just convenience.

var request = require('microreq');

var req = request("https://github.com/andrasq", function(err, res, body) {
    // err is any socket error
    // res is the http response object
    // body is a buffer


req = request( uri, [body,] callback(err, res, body) )

Make an http or https request to the given url.

uri can be a url string for a GET request, or an options object with settings for http/https.request. If a string, it must not be '' empty. If an object, it can have a property url with the url string to call. Properties read from the url string (protocol, host, path, and possibly port) override properties in uri. To specify the all-defaults webpage "GET http://localhost:80/", use the empty uri {}.

body is optional, if provided it will be sent in the request as the payload. If not provided, req.write() will not be called. Strings and Buffers are sent as-is, all else is JSON encoded first.

request returns the req request object, and calls the callback. callback will receive any emitted error, the response object, and the gathered response body in a Buffer. The exact behavior can be tuned with the noResListen and noReqEnd options.

Options that control the behavior of microreq (all other options are passed to http):

  • url - web address string to call to. If provided, it must not be the empty string ''.
  • body - body to send, if any. A body passed as a function argument takes precedence.
  • noReqEnd - do not call req.end() after writing the body, let the caller append more data. This also sends a Transfer-Encoding: chunked request header. The caller is reponsible for calling req.end to launch the call.
  • noResListen - return as soon as the response header arrives, let the caller listen for the res 'data' and 'end' events
  • encoding - if set, how to decode the response. The default is to return the raw received bytes in a Buffer. The usual toString() encodings can be specified, and also 'json' to JSON.parse the response and return the decoded object (or the utf8 response string if unable to parse).
  • auth - http Basic auth credentials as either a colon-separated username:password string, or a {username: <login>, password: <passwd>} object. The credentials are used to generate an Authorization: Basic <base64> header. Default no auth.
  • maxRedirects - how many 30x redirects to follow by replaying the request against the redirected-to location. This is very simplistic, so use advisedly. Default 0, to not follow redirects. Enable by setting to a positive number e.g. 10.

caller = request.defaults( options )

Build an request caller with the options wired in and a method request to make web requests and defaults to build callers with inherited configs. Also provides convenience methods get, put, post, head, patch and del that specify the method. All the call methods ultimately invoke microreq.request.

caller.request( uri, [body,] callback )

caller.get( uri, [body,] callback )

Same as specifying {method: 'GET'} in the uri of caller.request(uri).

caller.defaults( options )

It is possible to build new callers that inherit defaults from their builder.

Change Log

  • 0.13.3 - fix relative-path redirects
  • 0.13.2 - fix baseUrl concatenation, fix defaults() baseUrl handling
  • 0.13.1 - maxRedirects option
  • 0.12.0 - defaults method, auth option
  • 0.11.1 - emit timeout errors if noResListen, faster req launch
  • 0.11.0 - timeout option, depend on qmock
  • 0.10.0 - encoding option supporting json, faster body decoding, guard against multiple callbacks


Related Work

  • http - nodejs http
  • khttp - fast mini request
  • qhttp - fast http convenience utils
  • request - old featureful request

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  • andrasq