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2.4.0 • Public • Published


MultiSelect is a select component that can lookup or match text as a user types. MultiSelect will search across multiple sources and show matches in a dropdown list. It is intended to be an alternative to having multiple select components, and supports and/or opertions and multiple comparison types.

Visit the Demo page

To install

yarn add multi-select


npm i multi-select

Quick start

const dataSource: DataSource[] = [
    name: 'list',
    title: 'list of strings',
    comparisons: defaultComparison,
    precedence: 1,
    source: ['asdas', 'assda', 'loadsp'],
    name: 'promise',
    title: 'Promise list',
    comparisons: defaultComparison,
    precedence: 3,
    source: async (text) => {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
          () =>
              ['delayed', 'aploked', 'loadsp'].filter((item) =>
    name: 'function',
    title: 'Functions',
    comparisons: numberComparisons,
    match: (text: string) => !isNaN(Number(text)),
    value: (text: string) => Number.parseInt(text),
    name: 'regex',
    title: 'Regular Expression',
    comparisons: stringComparisons,
    precedence: 2,
    match: /^[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,
    value: (text: string) => text,

const App = () => {
  const [matchers, setMatchers] = React.useState<Matcher[]>()

  return (


  • matchers - matchers to show in the control
  • dataSources - datasources available to the control
  • defaultComparison - default comparison symbol, defaults to =
  • and - the and symbol, defaults to &
  • or - the or symbol, defaults to -
  • defaultItemLimit - default number of items to show for each datasource in the dropdown
  • simpleOperation - only allow users to selct comparisons, no brackets or and or
  • onMatchersChanged - event for when the matchers change
  • clearIcon - alternative icon to the X
  • maxDropDownHeight - the maximium hieght of the options dropdown
  • minDropDownWidth - the minimum width of the option dropdown
  • searchStartLength - the length of text at which to look for matches
  • styles - allows styles to be set for the different components


There are two types of dataSource a lookup source that can be either a list or a promise, and a match datasource that can be either a function or a regex.


source: SourceItem[] | ((text: string) => Promise<SourceItem[]>)
textGetter?: (item: object) => string
valueGetter?: (item: object) => Value
ignoreCase?: boolean
itemLimit?: number
searchStartLength?: number
  • Source - either a list of strings/objects, or a promise that returns a list of strings/objects
  • textGetter - if the source is an object, then this is a function to extract the display texst
  • valueGetter - if the source is an object, then this is a function to extract the value
  • ignoreCase - a boolean value to indicate if case is ignored when matching items
  • itemLimit - the maximium number of matches to shouw ina dropdown
  • searchStartLength - the text length required before datas source is searched


match: RegExp | ((text: string) => boolean) | RegExp[] | ((text: string) => boolean)[]
value: (text: string) => Value
  • match - either a regex or a function, or an array to determine if the text entered is a match
  • value - a function that can extract a value from the text

Operators and Comparisons

and the compairsons on both sides must be true
or the comparisons on either side can be true

Comparisons can be configured as can the symbol for and/or

(   open bracket
)   close bracket

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Shift + ArrowLeft - navigate through the matchers
  • Shift + ArrowRight - navigate through the matchers
  • Ctrl + ArrowLeft - move selected matcher left
  • Ctrl + ArrowRight - move selected matcher right
  • Shift + Backspace - delete previous matcher
  • Ctrl + Backspace - delete all matchers
  • ArrowUp - move to next option in the list
  • ArrowDown - move to previuos option in the list
  • PageUp - move to next data source group in the option list
  • PageDown - move to previous data source group in the option list
  • Home - move to first data source group in the option list
  • End - move to last data source group in the option list
  • Enter - select current option / enter selection
  • Tab - select current option


The following components can be styled

  • optionsList
  • option
  • optionCategory
  • matcherView
  • matcherViewSelected
  • atcherToolTip
  • matcherEdit
  • input
  • mutliSelect
  • errorMessage

Style structure

  optionsList?: React.CSSProperties
  option?: React.CSSProperties
  optionCategory?: React.CSSProperties
  matcherView?: React.CSSProperties
  matcherViewSelected?: React.CSSProperties
  matcherToolTip?: React.CSSProperties
  matcherEdit?: React.CSSProperties
  input?: React.CSSProperties
  mutliSelect?: React.CSSProperties
  errorMessage?: React.CSSProperties

Global Variables

MultiSelect Main

  • border - --multiSelectMainBorder, default=1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)
  • background color - --multiSelectMainBackgroundColor, default=rgb(255, 255, 255)
  • clear icon color - --multiSelectClearIcon
  • clear icon hover color - --multiSelectClearIconHoverColor, default=gray

Matcher View

  • background-color - --matcherViewMainBackgroundColor
  • delete icon color - --matcherViewMainDeleteIconColor
  • delete icon hover - --matcherViewMainDeleteIconHowverColor - default=gray
  • warning background color - --matcherViewWarningBackgroundColor, default=orange


  • background-color - --matcherViewTooltipBackgroundColor, default=rgb(255, 255, 255)
  • border - --matcherEditOptionsBorder, default=1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)

Error Message

  • background-color - --errorMessageMainBackgroundColor, default=rgb(255, 255, 255)
  • border - --matcherEditOptionsBorder, default=1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)
  • color --errorMessageMainErrorColor, default=red
  • icon hover color - --errorMessageMainErrorHoverColor, default=rgb(255, 124, 124)

Option List

  • color - --matcherEditOptionsColor, default=black
  • border - --matcherEditOptionsBorder, default=1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)
  • background-color - --matcherEditOptionsBackgroundColor, default=rgb(255, 255, 255)
  • active opton background - --optionListActiveOption, default=lightgray
  • option category background - --matcherEditMainCategoryBackground, defalt=darkgrey

Package Sidebar


npm i multi-source-select

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  • markgregg