
6.0.0 • Public • Published

ORM for javascript in nodejs with sqlite3, oracle, mongodb

Use with node 12.9 or later for Promise.allSettled

1. install

npm i node-js-orm@latest cng-node-js-utils@latest fs path

2. test demo define model to sqlite db:

// define libs for demo
const { dbConnectionPool, Model, json2Model } = require("node-js-orm");

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

// define root for db
const ROOT_SQLITE_DB = `${__dirname
  .slice(0, __dirname.split(path.sep).length - 1)

// create db path to save db file
if (!fs.existsSync(ROOT_SQLITE_DB)) {

// define db name
const dbName = "test-db-sqlite3";

// define connection pool
const db = dbConnectionPool(
  true, // tự đông tạo id
  null, // sqlite không cần server
  null, // không cần option
  true // cần debug

// define model as:
let jsonStringModel = {
  id: {
    type: "INTEGER",
    notNull: false,
    primaryKey: true,
    autoIncrement: true,
    length: 100,
  username: {
    type: "STRING",
    notNull: false,
    isUnique: true,
    length: 100,
  nickname: {
    type: "STRING",
    notNull: false,
    length: 5,
  fullname: "STRING",
  role: {
    type: "NUMBER",
    defaultValue: 1,
  birth_date: "DATE",
  log_time: "TIMESTAMP",
  status: "BOOLEAN",

// convert jsonString to jsonObject for this model
let jsonObjModel = json2Model.jsonText2Model(jsonStringModel);

// define table for this model
let tableName = "test_table";

// # ... init model with db
let model = new Model(db, tableName, jsonObjModel);

db.waitingConnected().then(async (timeoutMsg) => {
  if (!timeoutMsg) {
    // # create table :
    let x = await model.sync();
    console.log("Create table:", x);

    // # insert record into db :
    let rslt = await model.create({
      username: "cuongdq",
    console.log("result of insert:", rslt);

    // # read rows from db
    let rsts = await model.readAll({});
    console.log("result of select:", rsts);

3. test import from excel to db sqlite, copy file from ./node-modules/node-js-orm/excel/sample.excel-2-node-orm.xlsx into ./db/excel/sample.excel-2-node-orm.xlsx

// define config before use
const connJsonCfg = {
  type: "sqlite3",
  isDebug: true,
  database: `${__dirname}/db/database/demo-sqlite-from-excel.db`,
  auto_increment_support: true,

// define excel with structure
const excelFile = `./db/excel/sample.excel-2-node-orm.xlsx`;

// import components of orm model
const { dbConnectionPool, database, excell2Database } = require("node-js-orm");

// init db for connection pool
const db = dbConnectionPool(
  true, // tự đông tạo id
  null, // sqlite không cần server
  null, // không cần option
  true // cần debug

db.waitingConnected().then(async (timeoutMsg) => {
  if (!timeoutMsg) {
    // 1. init model from excel file
    let models = await excell2Database.createExcel2Models(db, excelFile);
      "Result of create model:",
        .filter((x) => x.getName() === "tables")
        .map((x) => x.getStructure())[0]
    // console.log("Result of create model:", => x.getName()));

    // 2. Create table and index
    let resultTable = await excell2Database.createExcel2Tables(models);
    console.log("Result of create table:", resultTable);

    // 3. List tables/sheets to import
    let tableNames = ["admin_users"];

    // 4. Do import into db from sheets of excel listed above
    let resultImport = await excell2Database.importExcel2Database(
    console.log("Resulte of import db:", resultImport);

4. Extract excel sheet tables to json Text model for define model

// excel file include the model structure in tables sheet
const excelFile = `./db/excel/sample.excel-2-node-orm.xlsx`;
// import components of orm model
const { excell2Database, json2Model } = require("node-js-orm");

// read excel `tables` sheet into array and convert into model text json
  .then((arrayTables) => {
    let jsonTextModel = json2Model.array2JsonTexts(arrayTables);
    console.log("jsonTextModel: ", jsonTextModel);
    // convert jsonString to jsonObject for this model
    // let jsonObjModel = json2Model.jsonText2Model(jsonTextModel);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("Error: ", err);

5. for project Make your config in ./cfg/orm-conn-cfg.js with:

module.exports = {

  type: "sqlite3", //  "mongodb" | "oracle" | "sqlite3"
  isDebug: true,
  database: "../db/database/node-js-orm-demo-sqlite3.db",
  // for db with authentication
  hosts: [{ host: "localhost", port: 8080 }],
  username: "test",
  password: "test123",
  // for oracle
  pool: {
    name: "Node-Orm-Pool",
    max: 2,
    min: 2,
    increment: 0,
    idle: 10000,
    timeout: 4,
  // for mongodb
  repSet: "rs0", // db replicate
  isRoot: true, // if user of mongo with root right
  // for db support auto increment
  auto_increment_support: true,

6. install driver for db:

npm i sqlite3
# or
npm i oracle
# or
npm i mongodb

7. Use with json for define model:

let jsonData =
  "Tên trường": {
    "orm_data_type":"Kiểu dữ liệu",
    "orm_length":"Độ dài dữ liệu",
    "orm_not_null":"ràng buộc không null",
    "orm_primary_key":"Khóa chính",
    "orm_auto_increment":"Tự động tăng INTEGER",
    "orm_is_unique":"là unique",
    "orm_unique_multi":"là unique nhiều trường",
    "orm_foreign_key":"Khóa ngoại lai với table",
    "orm_default_value":"giá trị mặt định",
  // example
  field_x :
    type: "INTEGER",
    notNull: false,
    primaryKey: true,
    foreignKey: undefined,
    autoIncrement: true,
    isUnique: undefined,
    uniqueMulti: undefined,
    length: 100,
    defaultValue: undefined
  // or
  "field_name": {
    "orm_data_type": "STRING",
    "orm_not_null": "1",
    "orm_unique_multi": "user_id,client_id",
    "orm_foreign_key": "admin_user(id)",
    "orm_default_value": "1",
    "orm_length": "30",
    "orm_auto_increment": "",
    "orm_primary_key": "",
    "orm_is_unique": "",
  // example for one model of table
    table_name: {
                  type: 'STRING',
                  notNull: '1',
                  uniqueKeyMulti: 'table_name,  field_name',
                  length: '30'
  field_name: { type: 'STRING', notNull: '1', length: '30' },
  description: { type: 'STRING', length: '500' },
  options: { type: 'STRING', length: '300' },
  option_index: { type: 'STRING', length: '10' },
  orm_data_type: { type: 'STRING', notNull: '1', length: '20' },
  orm_length: { type: 'INTEGER', length: '10' },
  orm_not_null: { type: 'BOOLEAN', length: '1' },
  orm_primary_key: { type: 'BOOLEAN', length: '1' },
  orm_auto_increment: { type: 'BOOLEAN', length: '1' },
  orm_is_unique: { type: 'BOOLEAN', length: '1' },
  orm_unique_multi: { type: 'STRING', length: '100' },
  orm_foreign_key: { type: 'STRING' },
  orm_default_value: { type: 'STRING', length: '100' },
  order_1: { type: 'INTEGER', length: '10' }
  // or table of data_types:
    model: { type: 'STRING', notNull: '1', primaryKey: '1', length: '20' },
    javascript: { type: 'STRING', length: '20' },
    sqlite: { type: 'STRING', length: '20' },
    oracle: { type: 'STRING', length: '20' },
    mongodb: { type: 'STRING', length: '20' }
  • Data types of this model:

STRING : for TEXT in sqlite, VARCHAR2(2000) in Oracle
INTEGER : for INTEGER in sqlite, NUMBER in oracle
NUMBER  : for NUMERIC in sqlite, NUMBER in oracle
BOOLEAN : logic 0,1
DATE    : TEXT save date format yyyy-mm-dd in sqlite, Date in oracle
DATETIME : TEXT save date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss in sqlite, Date in oracle
TIMESTAMP : milisecond

  • Test case for run:
npm i node-js-orm
// # get input from jsonData above
let jsonData = {
  id: {
    type: "INTEGER",
    notNull: false,
    primaryKey: true,
    // foreignKey: undefined,
    autoIncrement: true,
    // isUnique: undefined,
    // uniqueMulti: undefined,
    length: 100,
    // defaultValue: undefined
  username: {
    type: "STRING",
    notNull: false,
    isUnique: true,
    length: 100,
  nickname: {
    type: "STRING",
    notNull: false,
    length: 5,
  fullname: "STRING",
  role: {
    type: "NUMBER",
    defaultValue: 1,
  birth_date: "DATE",
  log_time: "TIMESTAMP",
  status: "BOOLEAN",
// require db connection
const connJson = require("../cfg/orm-sqlite-cfg");

// import this library for use
const { json2Model, Model, database } = require("node-js-orm");
// init connection of db
const db = new database.NodeDatabase(connJson);

// change json to jsonModel
let jsonModel = json2Model(jsonData);

// # ... init model with db
let model = new Model(db, tableName, jsonModel);

// # create table :
await model.sync();

// # insert record into db :
let rslt = await model.create({
  username: "cuongdq",
// # read rows from db
let rst = await model.readAll({});

8. Use excel for define model. The sample in excel at sheet tables. To make table with model.sync()

  • The sample for excel: ./node-js-orm/excel/sample.excel-2-node-orm.xlsx at sheet tables

  • Demo for excel:

// for example:
// const connJsonCfg = require("../cfg/orm-sqlite-cfg")
const connJsonCfg = require("../cfg/orm-mongodb-cfg");
const excelFile = `./node-js-orm/excel/admin.users.friends.v4-migration.xlsx`;
// import components of orm model
const { database, excell2Database } = require("node-js-orm");
// init db for connection pool
const db = new database.NodeDatabase(connJsonCfg);

const { waiting } = require("../utils");

// or use setTimeout(()=>{...},5000)
waiting(20000, { hasData: () => db.isConnected() }).then(async (timeoutMsg) => {
  // console.log("connect", db.isConnected());
  if (!timeoutMsg) {
    // 1. init model from excel file
    let models = await excell2Database.createExcel2Models(db, excelFile);
      "Result of create model:",
        .filter((x) => x.getName() === "tables")
        .map((x) => x.getStructure())[0]
    // console.log("Result of create model:", => x.getName()));

    // 2. Create table and index
    let resultTable = await excell2Database.createExcel2Tables(models);
    console.log("Result of create table:", resultTable);

    // 3. List tables/sheets to import
    let tableNames = ["admin_users"];

    // 4. Do import into db from sheets of excel listed above
    let resultImport = await excell2Database.importExcel2Database(
    console.log("Resulte of import db:", resultImport);

9. When db created, no need model, we use only db for insert, update, delete, select and runSql,...

// khai báo thư viện dùng chung, cài đặt thư viện trước khi dùng
const { waiting } =require("cng-node-js-utils");

// khai báo file cấu hình trước khi dùng
const connJsonSqlite3 = {
  type: "sqlite3",
  isDebug: true,
  database: `${__dirname}/db/database/demo-sqlite-from-excel.db`,
  auto_increment_support: true,

// nhúng gói giao tiếp csdl và mô hình vào
const { database } = require("node-js-orm");
// khởi tạo kết nối csdl để giao tiếp
const db = new database.NodeDatabase(connJsonSqlite3);

// khai báo tên table để truy vấn dữ liệu,
let tableName = "tables";

// khởi tạo hàm thời gian chờ kết nối csdl hoặc quá thời gian mà csdl không kết nối được
waiting(20000, { hasData: () => db.isConnected() }).then(async (timeoutMsg) => {
  if (!timeoutMsg) {
    // # insert db
    let iRslt = await db.insertOne(tableName, {
      table_name: "test",
      field_name: "abc",
      orm_data_type: "INTEGER",
    console.log("result of insert", iRslt);

    // # read rows from db
    let rsts = await db.selectAll(
      { table_name: 1, field_name: 1 }
    // == select table_name, field_name from tables
    console.log("result of select:", rsts);

    // # select one record
    let rst1 = await db.selectOne(
      { table_name: 1, field_name: 1 }
    // == select table_name, field_name from tables
    console.log("result of select 1:", rst1);

    // // # the same old sql
    db.getRsts(`select table_name, field_name from ${tableName}`)
      .then((data) => {
        console.log("Data: ", data);
      .catch((err) => {
        console.log("Error: ", err);

    // # run excute sql
    db.runSql(`update tables set field_name=? where table_name=?`, [
      .then((data) => {
        console.log("Data: ", data);

          `select table_name, field_name from ${tableName} where table_name='test'`
          .then((data) => {
            console.log("Data: ", data);
          .catch((err) => {
            console.log("Error: ", err);
      .catch((err) => {
        console.log("Error: ", err);

Make Models Easy:

    1. Define Models in json-text-model.js such as
module.exports = {
  // one model with name your_table_name as table_name in db
  your_table_name: {
    username: { type: "STRING", notNull: "1", isUnique: "1" },
    function_groups: { type: "STRING" },
    function_apis: { type: "STRING" },
    updated_time: { type: "DATETIME" },
    updated_user: { type: "STRING" },
    status: { type: "BOOLEAN" },
  // ... and more models ...
  • 3 define connection pool following in ./db/db-connection-pool.js
const connJsonCfg = {
  type: "sqlite3",
  isDebug: true,
  database: `${__dirname}/database/admin-users.db`,
  auto_increment_support: true,
// import components of orm model
const { database } = require("node-js-orm");
// init db for connection pool
module.exports = new database.NodeDatabase(connJsonCfg);
    1. Define Your Model following:
// table name in db
const tableName = "your_table_name";
// import text object of model
const { your_table_name } = require("./json-text-models");
// import from lib
const { Model, json2Model } = require("node-js-orm");
// define connection to db pool - see
const db = require("./db/db-connection-pool");

// define your Model such as
class YourModelName extends Model() {
  constructor(db, tableName, model) {
    // call parent..
    super(db, tableName, model);
  // make your method in here

// Export your model to app
module.exports = new YourModelName(

10 select with limit and offset in oracle/mongodb/sqlite3

// where clauses:
// * $lt <,
// * $lte <=,
// * $gt >,
// * $gte >=,
// * $ne !=,
// * $in [],
// * $nin [],
// * $like [],  *x* = %x%
// * $null true/false, is null
// * $exists true/false is not null

// read where id=10
  { id: 10 },
  { id: 1, field: 1 },
  { order_1: -1 },
  { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

// read where id like '1%'
  { id: { $like: "1*" } },
  { id: 1, field: 1 },
  { order_1: -1 },
  { limit: 10, offset: 0 }
// read where id in (1,2)
  { id: { $in: ["1", "2"] } },
  { id: 1, field: 1 },
  { order_1: -1 },
  { limit: 10, offset: 0 }
// ...

// let jsonWheres = { table_name: "tables" }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $in: [ "3", "4A", "5"] } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $lt: "5" } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $lte: "5" } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $gt: "5" } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $gte: "5" , $lte: "7"} }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $like: "*5*" } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $null: false } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $exists: false } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $ne: 1 } }
// let jsonWheres = { order_1: { $nin: [ "1", "2", "5"] } }

11 Define any models follow jsonTextModels

// define config for db such as: sqlite3
const connJsonCfg = {
  type: "sqlite3",
  isDebug: true,
  database: `${__dirname}/database/sample-test.db`,
  auto_increment_support: true,

// user define config for table structure as ORM such as:
const jsonTextModels = {
  tables: {
    table_name: {
      type: "STRING",
      notNull: "1",
      uniqueKeyMulti: "table_name,  field_name",
      length: "30",
    field_name: { type: "STRING", notNull: "1", length: "30" },
    description: { type: "STRING", length: "2000" },
    data_type: { type: "STRING", length: "20" },
    options: { type: "STRING", length: "500" },
    option_index: { type: "STRING", length: "10" },
    orm_data_type: { type: "STRING", notNull: "1", length: "20" },
    orm_length: { type: "INTEGER", length: "10" },
    orm_not_null: { type: "BOOLEAN", length: "1" },
    orm_primary_key: { type: "BOOLEAN", length: "1" },
    orm_auto_increment: { type: "BOOLEAN", length: "1" },
    orm_is_unique: { type: "BOOLEAN", length: "1" },
    orm_unique_multi: { type: "STRING", length: "100" },
    orm_foreign_key: { type: "STRING" },
    orm_default_value: { type: "STRING", length: "100" },
    order_1: { type: "INTEGER", length: "10" },
  data_types: {
    model: { type: "STRING", notNull: "1", primaryKey: "1", length: "30" },
    javascript: { type: "STRING", length: "30" },
    sqlite: { type: "STRING", length: "30" },
    oracle: { type: "STRING", length: "30" },
    mongodb: { type: "STRING", length: "30" },
    description: { type: "STRING", length: "2000" },

// use lib
const { models, database } = require("node-js-orm");

// define connect to db
const db = new database.NodeDatabase(connJsonCfg);

// list of model in ORM
const myModels = models(db, jsonTextModels);

// list of model_name or table_name
const tableModels = Object.keys(jsonTextModels);

let myTable = "tables";

let myModel = myModels[myTable];

  .sync() // create table
  .then((data) => {
    console.log("Data: ", data);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("Error: ", err);

  .then((data) => {
    console.log("Data: ", data);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("Error: ", err);

// get model for CRUD - create table, insert/import, select, update, delete
// - this.sync() = create table
// - this.getStructure() = return structure
// - this.getName() = return table_name
// - this.getDb() = return db (object database)
// - this.create() = insert - C
// -   = select - R
// - this.update() = update - U
// - this.delete() = delete - D
// - this.readCount() return count of record in table
// - this.readPage() = the same getPage()
// - this.readAll() = select * or all from ...

// - getCount()
// - getPage()
// - getAllData()
// - getFirstRecord()
// - insertOneRecord()
// - importRows()
// - updateOneRecord()
// - updateAll()
// - deleteOneRecord()
// - deleteAll()

12 Select one record from db

const { models, dbConnectionPool } = require("node-js-orm");

// new one db for connection
const db = dbConnectionPool(
  "sqlite3", // "mongodb" | "oracle" | "sqlite3"
  true, // true | false
  null, // no server
  null, // no option
  true // debug

// define json-text-models such as step 11 jsonTextModels in file ./json-text-models.js
const jsonTextModels = require("./json-text-models");

// init allModel from jsonText
const myModels = models(db, jsonTextModels);

// select first record from db
  .then((data) => {
    console.log("Data: ", data);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("Error: ", err);

13 convert jsonWhere of mongodb to sql where clause:

const { convertWheres } = require("node-js-orm");

let strjsonString = `{abc_1:null , name: I'm^a^student^(là^đây), path: /user/cuong-dq/ip-ABC^xyz.js,, xyz_324y:false,key_x:{$like:*xx*_,$lte: Cộng^hòa^xã^hội^chủ^nghĩa^việt^nam, $gte: 5, $in: [1, 2], $nin: [3, 4], $lt: 7 },$and:[{ $or: [{ qty: { $lt: 10 } }, { qty: { $gt: 50 } }] },{ $or: [{ sale: true }, { price: { $lt: 5 } }]}]}`;

console.log("json", convertWheres.convertGetParam2JsonWhere(strjsonString));

let jsonWhere = {
  abc_1: "null",
  name: "I'm a student (là đây)",
  path: "/user/cuong-dq/ip-ABC xyz.js",
  email: "",
  xyz_324y: "false",
  key_x: {
    $like: "*xx*_",
    $lte: "Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa việt nam",
    $gte: "5",
    $in: ["1", "2"],
    $nin: ["3", "4"],
    $lt: "7",
  $and: [{ $or: [Array] }, { $or: [Array] }],

console.log("sql-where:", convertWheres.convertJson2WhereSql(jsonWhere));

console.log("get-params:", convertWheres.convertJson2GetParams(jsonWhere));

14 Run SQL:

// name of db
const dbName = "test-sqlite3-run-sql";

// libs
const { dbConnectionPool, DynamicModel } = require("node-js-orm");

// path
const path = require("path");
const ROOT_SQLITE_DB = `${__dirname
    .slice(0, __dirname.split(path.sep).length - 3)

// conn
const db = dbConnectionPool(
    true, // auto id
    null, // sqlite no server
    null, // no option
    true // debug

// waiting db connected
    .then(async (ok) => {
        console.log("OK", ok);
        let xCreateTable = await createTable()
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("Error run tạo table:", err);

        console.log("Result tạo table", xCreateTable);

        // CRUD function runSql
        // runSqlFunction();
        let yCreateTable = await runSqlAny("delete from users where id=1")
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("Error run delete table:", err);

        console.log("Result delete table", yCreateTable);

        let yyCreateTable = await runSqlAny(`insert into users (id,username ) values (1,'cuong.dq')`)
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("Error run insert table:", err);

        console.log("Result insert table", yyCreateTable);

        let yyyCreateTable = await runSqlAny(
            `update users 
                set fullname='xxx'
             where id = 1
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("error run update table:", err);

        console.log("result update", yyyCreateTable);

        let zCreateTable = await runSqlAny("select * from users")
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("Error run select table:", err);

        console.log("Result select table", zCreateTable);

    .catch(err => {
        console.log("Loi", err);

function createTable() {
    let jsonTableStructure = {
        id: {
            type: "INTEGER",
            notNull: false,
            primaryKey: true,
            autoIncrement: true,
            isUnique: true,
            length: 100
        username: {
            type: "STRING",
            notNull: false,
            isUnique: true,
            length: 100
        nickname: {
            type: "STRING",
            notNull: false,
            length: 5
        fullname: { type: "STRING" },
        role: {
            type: "NUMBER",
            defaultValue: 1
        birth_date: "DATE",
        log_time: { type: "TIMESTAMP" },
        status: { type: "BOOLEAN" }

    let users = new DynamicModel(
        db, 'users',

    return users.sync();


function runSqlFunction() {

    let jsonTableStructure = {
        id: {
            type: "INTEGER",
            notNull: false,
            primaryKey: true,
            autoIncrement: true,
            isUnique: true,
            length: 100
        username: {
            type: "STRING",
            notNull: false,
            isUnique: true,
            length: 100
        nickname: {
            type: "STRING",
            notNull: false,
            length: 5
        fullname: { type: "STRING" },
        role: {
            type: "NUMBER",
            defaultValue: 1
        birth_date: "DATE",
        log_time: { type: "TIMESTAMP" },
        status: { type: "BOOLEAN" }

    let users = new DynamicModel(
        db, 'users',

        username: "cuongd.dq",
        nickname: "123",
        role: "99",
        status: "-1",
        .then(data => {
            console.log("Result chèn dữ liệu", data)
        .catch(err => {
            console.log("Error insert", err);


// run runSql
function runSqlAny(sql) {

    let dbDao = db.getDbInstance();

    if (dbDao.runAnySql) {
        return dbDao.runAnySql(sql);

    return Promise.reject("dbDao were not supported!");


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