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4.1.2 • Public • Published

Note-Art JS 🎸

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Music is a highly versatile art that originates in nature, and has been taken up by mankind as a way of expression and also as an art. Now, it's going to be taken up by machines as well.

Table of Contents


  • Create Notes, Chords, Scales and more easily.
  • Designed to be simple and intuitive.
  • Easily integrate with other music libraries to play music in the browser - You can use libraries like ToneJS to easily play scales, chords and even scores you create with Note-Art.
  • Use this library to create tools for musicians, research music theory, just create some fun music with programming and much more!


  1. Transpose, generate chords and scales easily, invert chords.
  2. Tons of music theory utilities, e.g getting the interval between 2 notes, normalizing notes, getting the enharmonic pitch class, converting sharps to flats and a lot more.

Getting Started


# Using npm
npm install note-art

# Using yarn
yarn add note-art


Note-art is fully written in TS and offers functions that can achieve any music theory related task you desire.

Theory Functions

  • patterns are in semi-tones.
Transpose any pitch class, note or group of notes easily
import { transpose } from 'note-art'

// PitchClass

transpose('A', 5)  // 'D'

// Note

transpose('A3', 5)  // 'D4'

// Group of notes(can represent a chord, scale or anything else)

const notes = ['C3', 'E3', 'G3'] => transpose(note, 7)) // ['G3', 'B3', 'D4'] 
Other functions
import { noteFromFrequency, intervalsToNotes, invertChord };

noteFromFrequency(440) // A4

const majorChordPattern = [0, 4, 7];
const cMajorChord = intervalsToNotes('C3', majorChordPattern) // ['C3', 'E3', 'G3']

const cMajorFirstInversion = invertChord(cMajorChord, 1); // ['E3', 'G3', 'C4']

Check out the API for more.

Contribute and Support 🙏

  • Make a pull request 🥑.

    • Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

      1. Fork the Project
      2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
      3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature`)
      4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
      5. Open a Pull Request
  • Support me on patreon.

  • Download my app on the google play store

    • Music Guru - which can generate and play any scale in the history of mankind on google play.


  • Create music theory functions - pitch class, note, chord, etc... ✔️

  • Re-implement Music notation.


Sean Dvir - - @seanitzel

Your welcome to mail me your ideas and recommendations!


Note-Art uses the MIT license, check out the license tab for more information.

Package Sidebar


npm i note-art

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1.74 MB

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Last publish


  • seanitzel