
1.7.1 • Public • Published


Module with ready to use components. Like input, button, select and more

Quick start

npm i ojs-components
  • OInput
// import 
import { OInput } from 'ojs-components';

// declaration
const store = {
    example: ''
const input = new OInput({
    label: 'Example Input',
    type: 'text',
    db: store,
    name: 'example'
    change: () => { /* fired when input value change */ }

// use

OInput needs only one argument: configObject with properties

Value in the store object will be replaced everytime when input value changes. Attribute value is defined as store['example']. When we type something in input like: 'hello', result will be: store['example'] = 'hello'

Property description Type
attributes custom attributes to input. For example: [ { 'placeholder': 'exampleText' } ] array
change / keyup / focus / blur etc. fire event will run defined function function
db defined store object object
disabled defined input is disabled or no boolean
events custom events. For example: [ { name: 'change', fn: () => {} } ] array
index When name is array, we can define index of input value string/number
inputClass defined class name of input. "ojsInput__input" by default string
inputStyle defined inline styles of input string
label defines text above the input - label string
labelStyle defined inline styles of label string
labelClass defined class name of label. "ojsInput__label" by default string
name defined name that is declared in db string
placeholder defined input placeholder string
required defined input is required or no boolean
type defined type of input: text, number, password etc. text is declared by default string

We also have defined methods for use on our input component:

  • disabled
  • enabled
  • getId
// For example: disabled input when we typed something

const input = new OInput({
    label: 'Example Input',
    type: 'text',
    db: store,
    name: 'example'
    change: () => input.disabled(); 

// and enable when you want just by use: input.enabled()

  • OButton
// import
import { OButton } from 'ojs-components';

// declaration 
const button = new OButton({
    text: 'Example button',
    type: 'primary',
    click: () => {
        // run this script on click

// use

OButton like OInput need one argument: configObject. There are list of properties:

Property description Type
attributes custrom attributes. For example: [ { 'name': 'hello' } ] array
classNames your custom classes for button string
click and other events run function while event happen function
disabled defined if button is disabled boolean
style defined inline styles string
submit if true, button will be type submit. type is button by default boolean
text defined button text string
type there are few types: primary, secondary, primary-confirm, primary-cancel, secondary-confirm, secondary-cancel, link, link-confirm, link-cancel. There specified style of button string

We also have defined methods for use on our button component:

  • textToggle
  • disabled
  • enabled
  • getId
// For example, change text from On to Off when we clicking button

const button = new OButton({
    text: 'On',
    type: 'primary',
    click: () => {
        button.textToggle('On', 'Off');
        // we can also disabled this button after click

// and enable when you want just by use: button.enabled()

  • OSelect
// import
import { OSelect } from 'ojs-components';

// declaration 
const store = {
    fruit: ''
const select = new OSelect({
    text: 'Your favourite fruit?',
    type: 'primary',
    name: 'fruit',
    db: store,
    options: [
        { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple'}
        { text: 'Pear', value: 'pear'}

// use

OSelect like others need one argument: configObject. There are list of properties:

Property description Type
attributes custom attributes to input. For example: [ { 'placeholder': 'exampleText' } ] array
change / click / focus / blur etc. fire event will run defined function function
db defined store object object
disabled defined input is disabled or no boolean
events custom events. For example: [ { name: 'change', fn: () => {} } ] array
index When name is array, we can define index of input value string/number
label defines text above the input - label string
labelClass defined class name of label. "ojsInput__label" by default string
labelStyle defined inline styles of label string
name defined name that is declared in db string
options options list for select: [ { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple' } ] array
required defined select is required or no boolean
selectClass defined class name of select. "ojsSelect" by default string
selectStyle defined inline styles of select string

We also have defined methods for use on our select component like in button:

  • disabled
  • enabled
  • getId
// example: disable select component after select option
const select = new OSelect({
    text: 'Your favourite fruit?',
    type: 'primary',
    name: 'fruit',
    db: store,
    options: [
        { text: 'Apple', value: 'apple'}
        { text: 'Pear', value: 'pear'}
    change: () => select.disabled();

  • OCheckbox


// import
import { OCheckbox } from 'ojs-components';

// declaration 
const store = {
    'likeApples': false,
const checkbox = new OCheckbox({
    label: 'I like apples',
    name: 'likeApples',
    db: store,
    change: () => // do something,

// use

Properties list:

Property description Type
change / click / focus / blur etc. fire event will run defined function function
checkboxClass defined class name of checkbox. string
checkboxStyle defined inline styles of checkbox. string
db defined store object object
disabled defined input is disabled or no boolean
events custom events. For example: [ { name: 'change', fn: () => {} } ] array
label defines text next to the checkbox - label string
labelClass defined class name of label. "ojsCheckbox__label" by default string
labelStyle defined inline styles of label string
name defined name that is declared in db string
required defined select is required or no boolean
spanClass defined class name of span. "ojsCheckbox__span" by default string
spanStyle defined inline styles of span string

We also have defined methods for use on our checkbox component like in others:

  • disabled
  • enabled
  • getId

  • ORadio
// import
import { ORadio } from 'ojs-components';

// declaration 
const store = {
    'favouriteFruit': '',

const oRadioFirst = new ORadio({
    label: 'Apple',
    value: 'Apple',
    name: 'favouriteFruit',
    db: store,
    change: () => // change function
const oRadioSecond = new ORadio({
    label: 'Pear',
    // if u don't add value property - input will set value = label, so here value will be Pear
    name: 'favouriteFruit',
    db: store,
    change: () => // change function

// use

Properties list:

Property description Type
change / click / focus / blur etc. fire event will run defined function function
db defined store object object
disabled defined input is disabled or no boolean
events custom events. For example: [ { name: 'change', fn: () => {} } ] array
label defines text next to the checkbox - label string
labelClass defined class name of label. "ojsCheckbox__label" by default string
labelStyle defined inline styles of label string
name defined name that is declared in db string
radioClass defined class name of radio. string
radioStyle defined inline styles of checkbox. string
required defined select is required or no boolean
spanClass defined class name of span. "ojsCheckbox__span" by default string
spanStyle defined inline styles of span string
value optional, if not defined value = label string

We also have defined methods for use on our checkbox component like in others:

  • disabled
  • enabled
  • getId

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  • mswiechowicz
  • kstodolak