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RacQ is a Node.js wrapper for the Rackspace Cloud Queues API.

Rackspace Cloud Queues

Cloud queues are scalable message queues, built on Rackspace's scalable cloud platform. They can be used in either pub-sub or producer-consumer configurations. You can read more about them on:

Quick start

  1. Install the module into your project: npm install racq
  2. Alternatively, clone this repository and install all dependency modules: npm install
  3. Use the following code, providing your credentials and preferred region:
var Queue = require('racq'),
    options = {
        userName: '<my Rackspace user name>',
        apiKey: '<my Rackspace apiKey>',
        region: 'dfw'
    message = {
        body: {text: 'my first message!'},
        ttl: 60
    queueName = 'demoQueue123',
    myQ = new Queue(options);

myQ.authenticate(function(error) {
    if(!error) {
        myQ.createQueue(queueName, function(error) {
            if(!error) {
                console.log('queue %s created', queueName);
                myQ.postMessages(queueName, message, function(error) {
                    if(!error) {
                        console.log('posted my first message to %s!', queueName);
                        myQ.deleteQueue(queueName, function(error) {
                            if(!error) {
                                console.log('queue %s deleted', queueName);

Since the library is mostly asynchronous, you can use a tool like async, or q to get around callback hell.

Available methods

For further documentation, see the JSDoc generated documentation.


You can initialize the class with an options object, containing the following parameters:

  • options.userName - Rackspace user name
  • options.apiKey - Rackspace API key
  • options.region - Rackspace default region. Can be one of: iad, ord, dfw, hkg, lon, syd
  • options.clientId - A GUID identifying the current queue client. Required for posting/getting/deleting messages
  • options.persistedTokenPath - If provided, auth token will be persisted locally, and looked for at this path

If an options object is not provided, you'd need to provide user name/ api key when calling authenticate and the following defaults will be assumed:

  • region will be 'dfw'
  • clientId will be a randomly generated GUID
  • persistedTokenPath will be null, so the token wil not be persisted, and every call to authenticate will get to the server


  • authenticate(userName, apiKey, callback) - user name and apiKey can be skipped if provided at class initialization. If persistedTokenPath has been provided to constructor, the auth token will be saved to a local file, and read from it the next time authenticate is called. This could save network calls, and speed future operations. Auth tokens are good for 24 hours.
  • getClientId() - return the client id of the queue. Useful if you've generated a random client id.
  • deleteToken() - deletes the currently used token, making it possible to re-authenticate even if the actual token hasn't expired yet.

Queue operations

  • createQueue(queueName, callback) - creates a new queue. Name must be no longer than 64 characters.
  • deleteQueue(queueName, callback) - deletes a queue.
  • queueExists(queueName, callback) - checks is a specific queue exists.
  • listsQueues(paramteres, callback) - returns list of existing queues per account, 10 at a time, alphabetically sorted The optional paramteres object allows paging through queues, and specifies whether detailed information be retrieved.
  • getQueueStats(queueName, callback) - gets specific queue's statistics.
  • setQueueMetadata(queueName, metadata, callback) - attach an informational object to a queue.
  • getQueueMetadata(queueName, callback) - gets the queue's metadata.

Comment: A queue name must not exceed 64 bytes in length, and it is limited to US-ASCII letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.

Message operations

  • postMessages(queueName, messages, callback) - posts 1-10 messages to a queue. A message has a body, which can be any JSON object, and a ttl specified in seconds, dictating the message's time to live.
  • getMessages(queueName, parameters, callback) - gets up to 10 messages at a time, depending on the parameters specified.
  • getMessagesById(queueName, messageIds, callback) - gets one, or more, messages, by their id.
  • deleteMessages(queueName, messageIds, claimId, callback) - deletes one, or more, messages, by their id. Allows proving a claim id for a claimed message to be deleted.


  1. A meesage body can be any JSON object, smaller than 256KB in size.
  2. The ttl value must be between 60 and 43200 seconds (12 hours). You must include a value with your message.

Claims operations

  • claimMessages(queueName, parameters, callback) - a client can claim (mark) messages it's handling with a claim, delete them upon process end, or release the claim if it takes too long to process them
  • queryClaims(queueName, claimIds, callback) - check which massages are claimed by claim ids
  • updateClaims(queueName, claimIds, parameters, callback) - update the TTL and grace period of claimed messages
  • releaseClaims(queueName, claimIds, callback) - release claim on messages, allowing them to be claimed by a different client


The cost of cloud queus is measured by 2 factors: number of calls (first million a month are free), and payload.

getStatistics() will return an object containing: # of calls, sent bytes and received bytes.

Every module contains a :statistics DEBUG qualifier. To see this in action, specify DEBUG=modulename:statistics to get statistics from the main library or a test module, or specify DEBUG=*:statistics to get statistics from all modules.


Look in the /examples folder for some code samples, as well as a config file sample. You can run each file on its own. The files make use of async to control flow, but it's not mandatory.


Before you run tests, you must provide your own user name and API key. You can do it in one of 2 ways:

  1. Provide the parameters in environment variables, e.g. USERNAME=myusername APIKEY=myapikey npm test.
  2. Create a file called testConfig.json in the /test folder (or just copy the file /examples/testConfig.json to /test, and fill in the values).
    "userName": "Your User Name",
    "apiKey": "Your API Key",
    "region": "dfw"

Once you provided the parameters:

  1. In the top folder, run the command npm test to have all tests run.
  2. To run a specific set of tests, run this command at the top level: node test authenticate (you can provide any of the test files available under /test).
  3. Alternatively, you can run mocha test/authenticate if you'd like to provide mocha specific parameters (see mocha for more documentation).
  4. If you want to see debug messages from tests, or modules, provide the DEBUG parameter, and the module name, at the beginning of the line: DEBUG=racq,authenticate npm test.
  5. If you want to see statistics messages from tests, or modules, provide the DEBUG parameter, and modulename:statistics, at the beginning of the line: DEBUG=racq:statistics,authenticate:statistics npm test.


Copyright (c) 2014 Guy Vider, Traveling Tech Guy LLC
Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • travelingtechguy