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2.0.2 • Public • Published

♻️ New version 2.0.0 released. Please read the new documentation.


A light and customizable confirm toast component.

Creates a toast notification which allows you to confirm or reject the execution of a function.

Features 🎯

  • 💬 Modal or not: use it as you prefer.
  • 📱 Responsive: dynamically scale according to viewport.
  • 🧩 Typed: fully typed for enhanced development experience.
  • 🚀 Performant: optimized to be fast.
  • 🌈 Accessible: designed and conceived to leave no one behind.
  • 🖱 Mouse, keyboard and gesture friendly: click out the modal, click the close button or press ESC to close it.
  • 🕵🏽 Customizable: change the texts, choose among the 4 available themes or create your own, change the position, hide the close icon, and much more.

Installation 🚀

This package is in the npm registry, so you can install it with your preferred dependency manager.

For example, with npm, you can run the following command:

npm install react-confirm-toast

Requirements 🔍

React and React-dom are peer dependencies. Your project needs to have them installed in order to use this confirm toast.

Component structure 🧱

This component is divided in 4 elements with standardized naming:

  • text: as it seems, is the toast text.
  • buttonClose: the close icon button.
  • buttonYes: the accept button.
  • buttonNo: the decline button.

Component image

This naming is maintained in all React and custom properties.

Properties ⚙️

Name Value Default Required Description
customFunction Function Defines the function to confirm.
showConfirmToast boolean A boolean React state that controls the toast.
setShowConfirmToast React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>> The setState of the showConfirmToast state.
asModal boolean false Toast will be displayed as a modal element, in the center of the viewport and darkening the background.
buttonCloseA11y string 'Close modal' Sets the accessibility text for the buttonClose element.
buttonCloseAttributes React.ButtonHTMLAttributes Sets the HTML Button attributes to pass to the buttonClose element.
buttonNoAttributes React.ButtonHTMLAttributes Sets the HTML Button attributes to pass to the buttonNo element.
buttonNoText string 'Cancel' Sets the cancel button message.
buttonYesAttributes React.ButtonHTMLAttributes Sets the HTML Button attributes to pass to the buttonYes element.
buttonYesText string 'Ok' Sets the confirm button message.
className string Adds a class to the element.
position 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' 'bottom-right' Sets the toast position. It will be ignored if asModal is true.
showCloseIcon boolean true Sets if the close icon is displayed.
theme 'light' | 'dark' | 'snow' | 'lilac' 'light' Sets the toast style theme.
toastText string 'Do you want to continue?' Sets the toast question text.

Creating or updating a theme 🦾

For this purpose, there are some custom properties that you can override, passing a class to the className prop:

Name CSS rule Description
--confirm-toast-bg background-color Background color of the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-box-shadow box-shadow Box shadow of the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-text-color color Color of the message text in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-close-color color Color of the button-close in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-yes-bg background-color Background color of the button-yes in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-yes-color color Color of the button-yes text in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-no-bg background-color Background color of the button-no in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-no-color color Color of the button-no text in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-hover filter Filter value for each button's hover effect in the confirm toast.
--confirm-toast-btn-yes-focus outline Outline value for the focus effect in the button-yes.
--confirm-toast-btn-no-focus outline Outline value for the focus effect in the button-no.
--confirm-toast-btn-close-focus outline Outline value for the focus effect in the button-close.
--confirm-toast-btn-no-disabled filter Filter value for the disabled style in the button-no.
--confirm-toast-btn-yes-disabled filter Filter value for the disabled style in the button-yes.

Examples 📝

Minimum working example

This is a minimum working example, using the 3 required props:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { ConfirmToast } from 'react-confirm-toast'

export function Page() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  function myFunction() {

  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Click to open ConfirmToast

Modal example

import { useState } from 'react'
import { ConfirmToast } from 'react-confirm-toast'

export function Page() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  function myFunction() {

  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Click to open ConfirmToast

Changing theme and texts

import { useState } from 'react'
import { ConfirmToast } from 'react-confirm-toast'

export function Page() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  function myFunction() {

  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Click to open ConfirmToast

Passing props to buttons

If you want to pass attributes to the buttons, for example for adding a disabled attribute, you can use the following properties:

  • For buttonYes use the buttonYesAttributes property.
  • For buttonNo use the buttonNoAttributes property.
  • For buttonClose use the buttonCloseAttributes property.
import { useState } from 'react'
import { ConfirmToast } from 'react-confirm-toast'

export function Page() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  function myFunction() {

  const buttonAttributes = { disabled: true, 'aria-label': 'Custom Aria Label' }

  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Click to open ConfirmToast

Using a custom theme

Create a CSS class with the desired custom properties.

.custom-confirm-toast-theme {
  --confirm-toast-bg: aquamarine;
  --confirm-toast-box-shadow: 0 0 1px 4px purple;
  --confirm-toast-text-color: purple;
  --confirm-toast-icon-color: black;
  --confirm-toast-btn-yes-bg: green;
  --confirm-toast-btn-yes-color: lightgreen;
  --confirm-toast-btn-no-bg: yellow;
  --confirm-toast-btn-no-color: black;
  --confirm-toast-btn-hover: brightness(0.9);
  --confirm-toast-btn-yes-focus: 2px solid orange;
  --confirm-toast-btn-no-focus: 2px solid orange;
  --confirm-toast-btn-close-focus: 2px solid red;
  --confirm-toast-btn-no-disabled: opacity(0.6);
  --confirm-toast-btn-yes-disabled: opacity(0.6);

And pass it to the className property.

import 'custom-theme.css'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { ConfirmToast } from 'react-confirm-toast'

export function Page() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  function myFunction() {

  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Click to open ConfirmToast

Migration from v1 to v2

In this version there are several breaking changes:

Component properties & custom properties naming

Although the behavior remains unchanged, some component properties have been renamed due to syntax reasons:

Previous name Current name
childrenClassName className
customCancel buttonNoText
customConfirm buttonYesText
message toastText

Also, there are some custom properties that have been renamed:

Previous name Current name
--confirm-toast-msg-color --confirm-toast-text-color
--confirm-toast-icon-color --confirm-toast-btn-close-color

New required attributes

In this version, the component doesn't control its own state. This decision has been made to increase the flexibility of the component and to enable its programmatic use.

For this, now there are two new props:

  • showConfirmToast (boolean): the boolean state.
  • setShowConfirmToast (React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>): the state setter.

Custom properties

  • --confirm-toast-btn-hover has been changed.

    Before, the custom property was engaged to the brightness filter function.

    .button:hover {
      filter: brightness(var(--confirm-toast-btn-hover));

    Now, this custom property sets the filter CSS rule.

    .button:hover {
      filter: var(--confirm-toast-btn-hover);

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