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A responsive country, state, city, and language dropdown for React (and now a phone input too!)


npm install --save react-country-state-dropdown

or using yarn:

yarn add react-country-state-dropdown


View the live demo.




It's very simple to use. The state can be managed in a controlled or uncontrolled manner. Here we are showing an example of controlled usage by assigning an initial value and an onChange handler. Note that the <StateDropdown /> requires a country input in order to display states for the selected country. <CityDropdown /> requires both a country and a state, and it's generally a good idea to use the option allowFreeFormText to allow city entries that aren't prepopulated in the dropdown.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown, StateDropdown, CityDropdown, LanguagesDropdown, PhoneInput } from "react-country-state-dropdown";

const Example = () => {
  const [country, setCountry] = useState(null);
  const [state, setState] = useState(null);
  const [city, setCity] = useState(null);
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState(null);
  const [phone, setPhone] = useState(null);

  const handleSetCountry = (e, value) => setCountry(value);
  const handleSetState = (e, value) => setState(value);
  const handleSetCity = (e, value) => setCity(value);
  const handleSetLanguage = (e, value) => setLanguage(value);
  const handleSetPhone = (e, value) => setPhone(value);

  return (
      <CountryDropdown clearable value={country} onChange={handleSetCountry} />
      <StateDropdown clearable country={country} value={state} onChange={handleSetState} />
      <CityDropdown clearable allowFreeFormText country={country} state={state} value={city} onChange={handleSetCity} />
      <LanguageDropdown searchable value={language} onChange={handleSetLanguage} />
      <PhoneInput clearable country={country} value={phone} onChange={handleSetPhone} />


By default, the control will load the github hosted data files. Alternatively, you can download the data zip file and host it yourself. Simply unzip the JSON files, and supply the src property to each control to tell it where to download from.


<Dropdown />

These attributes are common to all dropdowns. Rendering of the component is controllable for full customization.

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
value No "" string The currently selected value.
options No [] array An array of options available to the dropdown. These are populated automatically for the <CountryDropdown />, <StateDropdown />, <CityDropdown />, <LanguageDropdown /> controls.
src No "" string The relative or absolute URL where the data files are hosted. Default is to serve from hosted CDN.
name No "" string The name attribute of the generated select box.
id No "" string The ID of the generated select box. Not added by default.
classes No "" string Any additional space-separated classes you want to add.
placeHolder No "" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
emptyLabel No "No items." string Message displayed when no items are available for selection in the menu.
striped No false boolean True to show the items in the list box with faint striping.
clearable No false boolean True to show an [X] button to clear the selected value.
searchable No false boolean True to allow text entry and filter the list by the searched value.
allowFreeFormText No false boolean True to allow entry of text that does not match any value in the options list.
disabled No false boolean Disables the control.
onChange No - function Callback that gets called when the user selects a value or text input changes.
onSelect No - function Callback that gets called when the user selects a value.
onSearchInputChange No - function Callback that gets called when the text input is changed.
onRenderMenu No - function Override the rendering of the menu container.
onRenderItem No - function Override the rendering of the options item.
onRenderEmpty No - function Override the rendering of the menu containers empty contents message.
onRenderInput No - function Override the rendering of the input control.
onFocus No - function Callback that gets called when the input control receives focus.
onBlur No - function Callback that gets called when the input control loses focus.
className No "" string Add classes to the rcsd-dropdown
inputContainerClassName No "" string Add classes to the rcsd-input
inputClassName No "" string Add classes to the input element
menuClassName No "" string Add classes to the menu
itemsClassName No "" string Add classes to the items container
itemClassName No "" string Add classes to the item
title No "" string The title to use for the input control
width No - number Set the width of the control
tabIndex No - number TabIndex of the control
formatter No - function Called when formatting the selected value (if an object). Used primarily by dependent controls.

<CountryDropdown />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
placeHolder No "Choose a country" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
priority No ['US', 'CA', 'MX'] array An array of ISO2 country codes (ex. 'US') to show at the top of the list.
removePrioritized No false boolean True to remove prioritized countries from the main list when searching.
showFlags No true boolean True to show the country's flag.
native No true boolean True to show the country's native name instead of English name.
includeAlternate No false boolean True to include alternate name (native name if native=false, English name if native=true).
prioritizedClassName No "" string Add classes to the prioritized items container

<StateDropdown />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
placeHolder No "Choose a state/province" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
emptyLabel No "No states available to select." string Label to display when no items are available.
noCountryLabel No "Please select a country" string Label to display when no country is selected.
priority No [] array An array of ISO2 state codes (ex. 'US') to show at the top of the list.
removePrioritized No false boolean True to remove prioritized countries from the main list when searching.
prioritizedClassName No "" string Add classes to the prioritized items container

<CityDropdown />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
country Yes "" string/id/object The country using a country object, name or ISO2 country code.
state Yes "" string/id/object The state using a state object, name or state code.
placeHolder No "Choose a city" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
emptyLabel No "No cities available to select." string Label to display when no items are available.
noCountryLabel No "Please select a country" string Label to display when no country is selected.
noStateLabel No "Please select a state/province" string Label to display when no state is selected.
priority No [] array An array of ISO2 state codes (ex. 'US') to show at the top of the list.
removePrioritized No false boolean True to remove prioritized countries from the main list when searching.
prioritizedClassName No "" string Add classes to the prioritized items container

<LanguageDropdown />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
placeHolder No "Choose a language" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
emptyLabel No "No items." string Label to display when no items are available.
priority No ['en'] array An array of ISO2 language codes (ex. 'en') to show at the top of the list.
removePrioritized No false boolean True to remove prioritized countries from the main list when searching.
prioritizedClassName No "" string Add classes to the prioritized items container
showNative No true boolean True to show native language name in parenthesis after the english name
useNative No false boolean True to show native language name instead of the english name

<PhoneInput />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
value No "" string The currently selected value.
name No "" string The name attribute of the generated select box.
country Yes "" string/id/object The country using a country object, name or ISO2 country code.
id No "" string The ID of the generated select box. Not added by default.
classes No "" string Any additional space-separated classes you want to add.
placeHolder No "Enter a phone number" string Message displayed on the input/dropdown control when no input is selected.
priority No ['US','CA','MX'] array An array of ISO2 country codes (ex. 'US') to show at the top of the list.
removePrioritized No false boolean True to remove prioritized countries from the main list when searching.
clearable No false boolean True to show an [X] button to clear the selected value.
disabled No false boolean Disables the control.
onChange No - function Callback that gets called when the user selects a value.
onSearchInputChange No - function Callback that gets called when the text input is changed.
prioritizedClassName No "" string Add classes to the prioritized items container
dropdownInputClassName No "" string Add classes to the dropdown input element


Here's an example of all the typical options being used.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown, StateDropdown, CityDropdown, LanguagesDropdown, PhoneInput } from "react-country-state-dropdown";

const Example = () => {
  const [country, setCountry] = useState('US'); // can set a default value using the ISO2 code instead of the full country object
  const [state, setState] = useState(null);
  const [city, setCity] = useState(null);
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState(null);
  const [phone, setPhone] = useState(null);

  const handleSetCountry = (e, value) => setCountry(value);
  const handleSetState = (e, value) => setState(value);
  const handleSetCity = (e, value) => setCity(value);
  const handleSetLanguage = (e, value) => setLanguage(value);
  const handleSetPhone = (e, value) => setPhone(value);

  return (
      <CountryDropdown clearable searchable striped value={country} onChange={handleSetCountry} />
      <StateDropdown clearable searchable striped country={country} value={state} onChange={handleSetState} />
      <CityDropdown clearable searchable striped allowFreeFormText country={country} state={state} value={city} onChange={handleSetCity} />
      <LanguageDropdown clearable searchable striped value={language} onChange={handleSetLanguage} />
      <PhoneInput clearable country={country} value={phone} onChange={handleSetPhone} />

Example on loading the JSON data from your own hosted location, located in the publicly accessible custom-geo-data folder of your own server.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown } from "react-country-state-dropdown";

const Example = () => {
  const [country, setCountry] = useState(null);

  const handleSetCountry = (e, value) => {

  return (
      <CountryDropdown clearable searchable striped value={country} onChange={handleSetCountry} src="/custom-geo-data" />

How to output the full country information.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown } from "react-country-state-dropdown";

const Example = () => {
  const [country, setCountry] = useState(null);

  const handleSetCountry = (e, value) => {

  return (
      <CountryDropdown clearable searchable striped value={country} onChange={handleSetCountry} />

Produces the output:

    "id": 233,
    "name": "United States",
    "iso3": "USA",
    "iso2": "US",
    "numeric_code": "840",
    "phone_code": 1,
    "capital": "Washington",
    "currency": "USD",
    "currency_name": "United States dollar",
    "currency_symbol": "$",
    "tld": ".us",
    "native": "United States",
    "region": "Americas",
    "subregion": "Northern America",
    "latitude": "38.00000000",
    "longitude": "-97.00000000",
    "emoji": "🇺🇸",
    "value": "United States"

How to output the full state information.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { StateDropdown } from "react-country-state-dropdown";

const Example = () => {
  const [state, setState] = useState(null);

  const handleSetState = (e, value) => {

  return (
      <StateDropdown country='CA' clearable searchable striped value={state} onChange={handleSetState} />

Produces the output:

    "id": 875,
    "name": "British Columbia",
    "code": "BC",
    "value": "British Columbia"

Utility Functions

There are many functions that can be called to retrieve data, or format phone numbers.

getCountries(): Get an array of all countries.

getStates(): Get an array of all state/provinces.

getCities(): Get an array of all cities (very large list, see getCitiesForState()).

getLanguages(): Get an array of all languages.

getCountry(country): Get a country by name, ISO code, numerical id or object

getState(state, country): Get a state by name, ISO code, numerical id or object, country must be specified.

getStatesForCountry(country): Get an array of all state/provinces for a specified country.

getCity(city, state, country): Get a city by name, numerical id, or object, state and country must also be specified.

getCitiesForState(state, country): List all cities by state and country

getLanguage(language): Get a language by name, native name or ISO code

parsePartialNumber(phoneNumber, countryCode): Parse a partial phone number

parsePhoneNumber(phoneNumber, countryCode): Parse a phone number

formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, countryCode): Format a phone number

formatInternational(phoneNumber, countryCode): Format a phone number as the international E.164 format

isValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, countryCode): Check if a phone number is of valid format

getCountriesForPhoneNumber(phoneNumber): Get the countries for a E.164 format phone number

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