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0.1.3 • Public • Published

React Loaders Kit

npm version license

A simple yet robust and comprehensive collection of loading animations made with React.js based on inspiration from designers and developers on codepen.

This package was made using the Emotion css library.

Demo Page

All loaders can be found on the demo page


With npm:

npm install --save react-loaders-kit

With Yarn:

yarn add react-loaders-kit


All loaders come with their own default properties. You have the option to overwrite these properties by passing in your own props into the loaders.

IMPORTANT: All loaders accept a loading prop as a boolean that is required. Without passing the loading prop, an error is thrown. The loader will render none if loading is false.


import React, {useState} from "react";
import { BarsLoader } from 'react-loaders-kit';
import BarsLoader from 'react-loaders-kit/lib/bars/BarsLoader'; // Recommended to reduce bundle size
const MyWonderfulComponent = () => {
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
    const loaderProps = {
        size: 35,
        duration: 1,
        colors: ['#5e22f0', '#f6b93b']
    return (
        <BarsLoader {...loaderProps} />

Available Loaders, PropTypes, and Default Values

Common default props for all loaders:

loading: true;
pause: false;

IMPORTANT: The loading prop is REQUIRED and needs to be passed for the loader to display.

pause props

All loaders accept a pause prop which is a boolean. If pause is true, the animation is paused else it deafults to playing.

color & colors props

Some loaders accept a color prop which is a color hash string in the format of #XXXXXX or #XXX.

Other loaders which have more customization accept a colors prop which is a string array of colors in the format of ['#XXXXXX', '#XXXXXX', ...] or ['#XXX', '#XXX', ...].

All loaders

The tables below contain the default values of each prop on all loaders.

<AlternatingOrbitsLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
50 ['#5e22f0', '#f6b93b']

<AtomLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
50 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<BarsLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
35 ['#5e22f0', '#f6b93b'] 1

<BarsLoader2 />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 1.5

<BatteryLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
50 '#5e22f0' 0.7

<BlobLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 1.3

<BlurrySquareLoader />

boxNumber: number colors: string[] duration: number
3 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.7
NOTE: The number of boxes must correspond to the number of colors in the array

<BouncyBallsLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.4

<BrokenCirclesLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<CircleFadeLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 0.5

<CirclePopLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
120 '#5e22f0' 1

<ClockLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<DotsLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
45 '#5e22f0' 2

<DoubleSquareLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
30 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 2.5

<DrawWaveLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
50 '#5e22f0' 0.8

<DyingLightLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
35 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<EightBitLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
60 '#5e22f0' 1

<ElasticCircleLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 1

<FillCircleLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
60 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<FillSquareLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<FlipLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
45 '#5e22f0' 1

<FlippingCubeLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
35 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<GooeyLoader1 />

size: number color: string
60 '#5e22f0'

<GooeyLoader2 />

size: number color: string
60 '#5e22f0'

<GooeyCircleLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
80 ['#f6b93b', '#5e22f0', '#ef5777']

<HelixLoader />

numberOfDots: number numberOfDots: number colors: string[] duration: number
90 10 ['#5e22f0', '#f6b93b'] 1.5

<HydrogenLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
45 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.6

<HypnosisLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
50 ['#ffffff', '#5e22f0'] 2

<BlurrySquareLoader />

size: number jellyNumber: number colors: string[] duration: number
150 5 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.6

NOTE: The number of jellies must correspond to the number of colors in the array

<KissyBallsLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
60 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.5

<LineLoader />

lineWidth: number color: string duration: number
25 '#5e22f0' 2

<LinneardLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
130 ['#5e22f0', '#ef5777'] 0.8

<LiquidLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 2

<MovingSquareLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
60 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<NotepadLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 2

<PingPongLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
90 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 0.8

<PipLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
15 '#5e22f0' 0.8

<PulseBubbleLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
55 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<RotatingBoxesLoader />

size: number boxBorderWidth: number colors: string[] duration: number
10 2 ['#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 3

<RotatingCircleLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
20 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#f6b93b', '#ef5777'] 1.2

<SlicesLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
80 '#5e22f0' 1

<SlidingCubeLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
10 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<SphereLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 1

<SpinningCircleLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
50 ['#5e22f0', '#ffffff']

<SpinningOrbitLoader />

size: number colors: string[]
50 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0']

<SwingingCubeLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
18 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<SwitchingCubeLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
20 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 1

<TextureLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 0.7

<VolumeLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
35 ['#5e22f0', '#ffffff'] 0.6

<VortexLoader />

size: number colors: string[] duration: number
40 ['#5e22f0', '#5e22f0'] 2

<WaveLoader />

size: number color: string duration: number
40 '#5e22f0' 0.6


  • Pull requests and ⭐ stars are always welcome
  • For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue



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  • bratua