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React Use Camera

The lightweight library (1.9kb minified + gzipped) to add camera & photo capture functionality in your React app.

Note: WebRTC is only supported over https so you will need an SSL certificate in production. For development, chrome supports WebRTC even without SSL / https as long as it's running on "localhost".



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There are 2 ways to use this library:

  1. The <Camera /> component (recommended)
  2. The useCamera() hook.

The Camera Component

This gives you a raw camera interface without any opinionated UI elements or buttons. Draw your own UI over the camera stream.

import { useRef } from "react";
import { Camera, CameraElement } from "react-use-camera";

export default function App() {
  const cameraRef = useRef<CameraElement>(null);

  const handleCapture = async () => {
    const imageData = await cameraRef.current?.capture(); // Camera view will pause after capture
    // imageData.url is a base64 string that can also be used as src for an <img/> tag
    // imageData.blob is a blob string to send to your server

    // NOTES:
    // (i) Use `cameraRef.current?.capture({ mirror: true });` to flip the captured image (will be enabled by default on front camera)
    // (ii) Use `cameraRef.current?.capture({ width: 512 });` to capture image in 512px width (height will be auto calculated)
    // (iii) Use `cameraRef.current?.capture({ height: 512 });` to capture image in 512px height (width will be auto calculated)
    // (iv) If width or height is not specified, your captured image will be of the same size as the camera resolution

  const handleClear = () => {
    cameraRef.current?.clear(); // Discards the captured photo and resumes the camera view

  return (
        style={/* width, height, etc */}
        onReady={() => console.log("Camera is now visibile to the user")}
        onError={(e) => console.error("Camera couldn't load :(")}

      {/* Add your own UI here... */}
      <button onClick={handleCapture}>Capture</button>
      <button onClick={handleClear}>Clear</button>


  • fit

    • Type: fill | contain | cover | blur
    • Default: contain
    • Notes:
      • fill will stretch or squish the video to match the exact width or height that you give to camera component
      • contain will maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the camera component's width and height. There might be empty spaces around the camera stream.
      • cover will keep the aspect ratio and crop the camera stream to fit the width and height that you give to the camera component.
      • blur will work similar to contain BUT instead of empty spaces around the camera, it will show a blurred version of the camera stream as the background.
  • constraints

    • Type: MediaTrackConstraints
    • Default: { facingMode: "user", width: { ideal: 1440 }, height: { ideal: 1080 }}
    • Notes:
      • If you want to select the front or back camera, you will need to pass facingMode as user or environment respectively. Default is set to user i.e. the front camera.
  • errorLayout

    • Type: ReactNode | JSX
    • Default: undefined
    • Notes: This layout will be shown instead of the camera stream in case of an error. For example:
      • Browser doesn't support the camera API
      • No camera found on the device
      • User denied the camera permission
  • onError

    • Type: (error: unknown) => void
  • onReady

    • Type: () => void

The useCamera() Hook

This give you no UI. You just get a MediaStream instance that you have to attach to a <video /> tag. To capture an image, call the hook's capture function with the MediaStream instance or a ref to the <video /> tag as a parameter.

import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";
import { useCamera } from "react-use-camera";

export const MyCustomCameraComponent = () => {
  const videoRef = useRef<HTMLVideoElement>(null);

  const { startCamera, stopCamera, capture } = useCamera();
  const [stream, setStream] = useState<MediaStream>();

  const handleStartCamera = async () => {
    try {
      const stream = await startCamera({ /* MediaTrackConstraints */ })
      videoRef.current!.srcObject = stream;
    } catch (e) {
      alert("Oops! Camera failed to start!");

  const handleStopCamera = () => {

  const handleCapture = async () => {
    if (!stream) return; // Don't capture if the stream isn't active!
    try {
      const capturedImage = await capture({ videoRef }, {
        mirror: false, // Pass true if you want to mirror the captured image (recommended for front camera)

      // NOTES:
      // (i) To capture using MediaStream instead of a videoRef, use can use `await capture({ stream })`
      // (ii) To get the captured image in a custom width, use `await capture({...}, { width: YOUR_REQUIRED_WIDTH })` (height will be auto calculated)
      // (iii) To get the captured image in a custom height, use `await capture({...}, { height: YOUR_REQUIRED_HEIGHT })` (width will be auto calculated)
      // (iv) If width or height is not specified, your captured image will be of the same size as the camera resolution

      if (capturedImage) {
        console.log("URL:" + capturedImage.url);
        console.log("Blob: " + capturedImage.blob);
    } catch {
      alert("Oops! Unable to capture image. Check if the camera stream is active.");

  return (
      <button onClick={handleStartCamera}>Start Camera</button>
      <button onClick={handleStopCamera}>Stop Camera</button>
      <button onClick={handleCapture}>Capture</button>



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