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A fun and friendly Appcelerator Cloud MBaaS command line.



$ [sudo] npm install redmix -g


Get all the available commands and options:

$ redmix help
🍷  Redmix  « A fun and friendly Appcelerator Cloud MBaaS command line » v0.0.1
Copyright (c) 2015 by Jeff Haynie.  All Rights Reserved.
  Usage: redmix cmd [options]
    create [options]                  create a data object
    connect <appid> [options]         connect to a cloud app
    query <object> <query> [options]  query objects
    sql <query> [options]             query objects using SQL
    disconnect [options]              disconect from a cloud app
    help [cmd]                        display help for [cmd]
    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number
    --no-banner    Suppress the banner
    --no-colors    turn of colors in output

Connect to ACS

$ redmix connect 
? API Key: 098s09df8a90s8df09a8s9f8d0a98sdf908asdf
? Username/Email: myusername
? Password: ********************************
Application connected.  You can now make requests for this app.

You can also connect to multiple ACS apps at the same time. To use multiple connections, use the --alias flag when you connect.

The alias should be set to a name that you will later reference on other calls to Redmix using the same flag.

For example, let's say you have 2 different apps:

$ redmix connect 12345 myusername mypass --alias acs1
$ redmix connect 56789 myotheruser mypass --alias acs2 --default

You can use the --default option to indicate the if no default is specified on the command line, to use that specific connection.

Now you can switch easily between different connections:

$ redmix sql "select * from files" --alias acs1
$ redmix sql "select * from files" --alias acs2

Query an Object

Query files which have a name starting with appc and return the oldest one:

$ redmix query Files "name like appc" --order created_at --limit 1

Query files with a more complex example:

$ redmix query Files "name!=foo" "module_version not in 0.1.0" "module_version_sortable > 100" --order=-module_version_sortable --sel module_version,name,module_version_sortable --limit 2 --eval "{return e.custom_fields.module_version;})"

In the above example, we would see something like:


Query using SQL

Limited support for basic SQL is supported. Currently, only for SELECT statements.

$ redmix sql "select name, url from Files where name like 'appc' order by url DESC LIMIT 1"

You can delete:

$ redmix sql "delete from foo where name = 'hello'"

You can do limited sql expressions:

$ redmix sql "select count(*) from foo"

You can do some advanced things like group by and order by:

$ redmix sql "select module_name, sum(module_filesize) as size from Files where module_filesize > 0 group by module_name order by size desc LIMIT 1000"

Create an Object

Create a File object from the package.json and add a custom field (filetype):

$ redmix create Files "name=package.json,file=./package.json,filetype=json"


Disconnect from ACS:

$ redmix disconnect

Output Formats

Redmix supports outputting in several different formats by specifying the --output options.

  • text - default output, colorized (if enabled) text
  • json - JSON
  • csv - Comma separated
  • tsv - Tab separated
  • columns - Columns

For example, an advanced query with column output:

$ redmix sql "select module_name, sum(module_filesize) as size from Files where module_filesize > 0 group by module_name order by size desc LIMIT 1000" -o columns --no-banner
51053123  appcelerator
542404    appc.salesforce
94613     appc.dashboard
25852     appc.mongo
10413     appc.mysql
9693      appc.stripe
9634      appc.mssql
9515      appc.swagger
7781      com.model
7456      appc.composite
6090      appc.acs

Using as an API

You can use Redmix as a node library as well.

For example, to execute a query you can do something like this:

var redmix = require('redmix');
redmix.sql('select * from foo', {}, function(err,executor,query){
  if (err) {
  else {


If you run into an issue, please re-try your request with the --debug flag (on command line). This should print out a little more debugging for things like parsing the SQL, building the ACS request, etc. If you do run into an issue, please open a GitHub issues or even better, submit a pull request.


See the complete issues list in GitHub issues.


Licensed under the Apache Public License, version 2. Copyright (c) 2015 by Jeff Haynie. All Rights Reserved.

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  • jhaynie