
1.0.10 • Public • Published


Modern forms finally made easy.

Note: In order to use this JavaScirpt plugin an instance of jQuery 3.0 or higher is required. You can get jQuery here.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Sample Useage
  3. Input / Textarea
  4. Checkbox / Radio
  5. Select
  6. JavaScript Settings
  7. Events
  8. Information


Reform.js is available as a classic download, via CDN and via NPM.


Download latest Reform.js (compressed)


<script src=""></script>


npm install reform.js

Sample Useage

This chapter shows some exsamples how to correctly use Reform.js.

Setup and passing Settings

Besides adding the reform.js file at the end of your HTML-file right before closing the body-Tag after the jQuery file you have to add the following line into your JavaScript file:

$(document).ready(function() {

You can also pass some settings for reform by simply changing the code above like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    debugMode: true

Input / Textarea

Sample Build

<!-- basic input -->
  <input type="text" name="sample">

<!-- basic textarea -->
  <textarea name="sample"></textarea>

<!-- full example-->
<label class="rf-req rf-val" rf-val="email">
  <input type="email" name="sample">

CSS / LESS Rules

// default
label {}
label > p {}
label > input {}

// error
label.rf-error {}
label.rf-error > p {}
label.rf-error > input {}

// error information
label.rf-error > p.rf-error-info {}

Class List

Class Description
.rf-req Require this input field. (see minLength setting)
.rf-val After passing the required minLength the value gets validated for the setting. You can either pass the validation type via the attribute rf-val="" or Reform.js takes the input type for validation. This is the importance-ranking:
  1. rf-val=""
  2. type=""

Attribute List

Attribute Description
rf-val="{string}" This attribute contains the validation type you want the value to be validated for. These are all types:
  • url
  • email
  • phone
  • date – support planned for Reform.js v1.1.0
  • custom – You can enter a custom validation type into rf-val="" and fetch the rf-validate-custom event. (see more)

Checkbox / Radio

Sample Build

<!-- basic checkbox -->
<label class="rf-checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" name="sample">

<!-- basic radio -->
<label class="rf-radio">
  <input type="radio" name="sample">

<!-- required checkbox or radio -->
<label class="rf-checkbox rf-req">
  <input type="checkbox" name="sample">

CSS / LESS Rules

// default checkbox and radio
label.rf-checkbox, label.rf-radio {}
label.rf-checkbox > p, label.rf-radio > p {}
label.rf-checkbox > input, label.rf-radio > input {}

// checkbox styling
label.rf-checkbox > p::before {}
label.rf-checkbox > p::after {}

// radio styling
label.rf-radio > p::before {}
label.rf-radio > p::after {}

// checked checkbox styling
label.rf-checkbox > input:checked + p::before {}
label.rf-checkbox > input:checked + p::after {}

// checked radio styling
label.rf-radio > input:checked + p::before {}
label.rf-radio > input:checked + p::after {}

// error
label.rf-checkbox.rf-error, label.rf-radio.rf-error {}
label.rf-checkbox.rf-error p, label.rf-radio.rf-error p {}
label.rf-checkbox.rf-error p::before, label.rf-radio.rf-error p::before {}

Class List

Class Description
.rf-req Require this checkbox or radio field.
.rf-radio This is for a radio field.
.rf-checkbox This is for a checkbox field.


You can group checkboxes or radios with required fields. With that, only one of the checkboxes or radios have to be checked to pass the requirement. In addition, checkboxes behave like radio buttons but a checked element can be unchecked by an user.

This for example can be used to request genders optionally with radio-button styling:

<div class="rf-group">
  <label class="rf-radio rf-req">
    <input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="female">
  <label class="rf-radio rf-req">
    <input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="male">


Sample Build

<label class="rf-select">
  <select name="sample" placeholder="Please select ...">
    <option>Option 1</option>
    <option>Option 2</option>
    <option>Option 3</option>

Note: As you can see in the code sample above Reform.js adds the posibility to add a placeholder to your select. Adding the placeholder="" attribute to your select will act just like you expect to.

CSS / LESS Rules

// default select
label.rf-select {}
label.rf-select > p {}
label.rf-select > select {}
label.rf-select::after {}

// error
label.rf-select.rf-error > p {}
label.rf-select.rf-error > select {}

Class List

Class Description
.rf-req Require this checkbox or radio field.
.rf-select Defines that this label contains an select.

JavaScript Settings

General Settings

this.defaults = {
  ajax: {},
  convert: 'serialize',
  debugMode: false,
  lang: 'en',
  localization: { ... },
  type: 'post',
  url: null,
  validation: { ... }
Setting Type Default Description
ajax object {} Since Reform is build uppon the jQuery.ajax() function you can fully manipulate the ajax as noted in the jQuery.ajax() documentation.
This excludes settings Reform.js overwrites. (data, type and url)
convert string 'serialize' This setting determines how the input-data within your reform element should be converted for sending. These are the default convertion types:
  • 'serialize'
  • 'json'
You can additionally add a custom convert type. Read more about Events.
debugMode boolean false If true, Reform.js logs every single step it processes. (initalizing, validating, sending)
lang string 'en' Every message your user can see can be manipulated via the localisation setting. Read more about Localisation.
localisation object { ... } See more about in the sub-section Localisation Settings Description
type string 'post' The send-type can be manipulated with this setting. It is the type-setting of the jQuery.ajax() function and can be manipulated with this setting. The send-type can be overwritten by the form's mthod setting and additionally can also be overwritten by the rf-type attribute. This is the ranking:
  1. rf-type attribute
  2. method attribute
  3. type setting
  4. 'post' default parameter
url string null The destination url the data should be sent to. This could be overwritten with action or rf-url attribute. This is the ranking:
  1. rf-url attribute
  2. action attribute
  3. url setting
validation object { ... } See more about in the sub-section Validation Settings Description

Localisation Settings

this.defaults = {
  localization: {
    en: {
      errorMinLength: 'Please enter at lease 2 characters.',
      errorValidationUrl: 'Web url not valid.',
      errorValidationEmail: 'Email address not valid.',
      errorValidationPhone: 'Phone number not valid.',
      errorValidationCustom: 'Field could not be validated.'
Key Default
errorMinLength Please enter at lease 2 characters.
errorValidationUrl Web url not valid.
errorValidationEmail Email address not valid.
errorValidationPhone Phone number not valid.
errorValidationCustom Field could not be validated.

Validation Settings

this.defaults = {
  validation: {
    minLength: 2,
    displayRequireErrorInfo: false,
    displayValidationErrorInfo: true,
    submitOnRequireError: false,
    submitOnValidationError: false
Setting Type Default Description
minLength integer 2 The minimum length of characters a required field has to contain.
displayRequireErrorInfo boolean false If true any field that does not pass the required parameters gets a p.error-info element added.
displayValidationErrorInfo boolean true If true any field that can not be validated gets a p.error-info element added.
submitOnRequireError boolean false Also submits a form if some input fields does not pass the required parameters.
submitOnValidationError boolean false Also submits a form if some input fields can not be validated.


Example code for calling an event

var reform = $(element).reform();

reform.on('rf-validation-after', function(reformParent) {
  console.log('Reform is validated.');

All events

Event Parameters and Description
rf-initialize Gets called after Reform got initialized.
  1. {ReformObject}: reform
rf-send-before Gets called after a user started submitting the Reform form.
  1. {ReformObject}: reform
  • return {boolean}: – if false, the submit will be chancled
rf-validation-before Gets called after successfull submit-start and before the validation.
  1. {ReformObject}: reform
rf-validate-custom Gets called if a custom value is placed in the rf-val attribute.
  1. {string}: value
  2. {string}: validationType – The value in the rf-val attribute.
  3. {jQuery}: element – the wrapping label element. can be used like $(element).
  • return {boolean}: – determines if the validation was successfull. (true means passed)
rf-validation-after Gets called after the validation is completed.
  1. {ReformObject}: reform
  2. {boolean}: errorFound – if ture, the form was not validated successfully
  • return {boolean}: if false, the submit will be chancled
rf-send-after Gets called if the submit request via ajax was successfull.
  1. {ReformObject}: reform
  2. {\*}: result`


Browser support

Reform.js supports Internet Explorer 10+ and the latest two versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge. (earlier versions may work but aren't tested)


jQuery 3.0+ (earlier versions may work but aren't tested)

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2018 Daniel Neubert
Licensed under the MPL 2.0 license.

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  • danielneubert