
0.0.11 • Public • Published

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scenarist-wrapped mocha sessions on browsers to any reporters

Component Diagram

Table of Contents


reportage is a general-purpose e2e web test runner while the key design goals include applicability to fortified thin-hook applications

thin-hook applications must run in a top frame and detects unexpected intrusion into DOM and the global object except for the built-in automation interface that was originally designed for cache bundle generation

Key Characteristics

Features reportage playwright cypress
CLI optional mandatory mandatory
Test Scripts browser automation browser
Target Frame top frame top frame iframe

The table shows key architectural characteristics of reportage compared with common e2e test frameworks. The main focus here is how to satisfy the prerequisites for the motivation, not the rich features of playwright and cypress.

Getting Started

Steps to perform tests on an example project

# clone the reportage project from GitHub
git clone
# example project directory, which is excluded in the reportage npm package
cd reportage/examples 
# select an example project
cd vite-lit-ts-app 
# install dependencies 
# Note: the reportage npm package is installed from the local sources at ../.. in examples
npm i
# start reporter server at port 3000 (customizable)
npm run reporter:start
# start dev server with coverage support at port 3001 (customizable)
npm run dev:coverage
# switch to another terminal as the vite dev server is running in foreground
# CLI test
npm test
# open mochawesome and coverage reports
google-chrome http://localhost:3000/test/mochawesome-report/mochawesome.html \

For GUI test, follow the example project's README


npm i --save-dev reportage


reportage [config...]

The default config is test/reportage.config.js


  • Typical report paths, which are visible from Reporter Server
    • test/mochawesome-report/mochawesome.html - Test report
    • coverage/index.html - Coverage report


Reporter Server

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host any (typically localhost) localhost or bound local address
Port any (e.g. 3000) normally unprivileged ports
Protocol http/https v1.1, v2, v3 security requirements must be met
CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin * injected scripts are fetched via CORS
Root project root reportage and test suites must be accessible
  • Reporter server is a static web server that serves
    • HTML mocha reporter page (reportage/reporter.html) and
    • scenarist-wrapped mocha suites to app pages via CORS
  • Typically, nginx with a local configuration works fine
  • Mochawesome HTML reporter and istanbul coverage reporter can be retrieved via the reporter server if so configured

App Server

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host any (typically 127.0.0.* or *.testdomain for concurrency
Port any (e.g. 3001) normally unprivileged ports
Protocol http/https v1.1, v2, v3 security requirements must be met
Root any any dev or dist server
  • App server serves the target application
    • For concurrent test execution, each tab must have a unique origin
    • So multiple origins must be supported
      • with tricky multi-origin IPv4 loopback addresses
        • like http://127.0.0.*:3001/ or
      • with wildcard host names
        • like https://www{n}.testdomain:3001/, resolving to the same (or different) IP address
  • If the server is static, the reporter server can serve as the app server as well
  • If the application is heavy, each origin can be served by a dedicated separate server


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Extension node_modules/reportage/extension/chrome/ see Extension
Automation puppeteer playwright might be supported in the future
Popup blocking --disable-popup-blocking prerequisite for opening tabs
IPC flooding --disable-ipc-flooding-protection prerequisite for stability
PushState --disable-pushstate-throttle prerequisite for stability
Timer --disable-background-timer-throttling prerequisite for performance
  • Browser must support
    • extension that can
      • inject a script into target applications and
      • clean up browser storages
    • automation with puppeteer
    • disabling of
      • popup blocking
      • IPC flooding protection
      • pushState throttle
      • background timer throttling
    • discrete user profiles for testing
      • since the configurations are inappropriate for ordinary browsing
  • Most of Chromium-based browsers can be used such as
    • Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge
  • It is recommended to set the following alias for GUI test
alias chrome='google-chrome --disable-ipc-flooding-protection --disable-pushstate-throttle --disable-background-timer-throttling --disable-popup-blocking '
  • The above options are automatically set for puppeteer in reportage CLI
    • Even with the options, concurrent test execution may become unstable partially because of Chromium's hard-coded limitation of 6 concurrent socket connections per host
    • Cache-first service workers or aggresive caching policies should be able to mitigate the side effects of this limitation

Reporter Page

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met
Path /node_modules/reportage/reporter.html reportage package directory
Hash #/test/reportage.config.js path to configuration has to be set
Module /node_modules/reportage/reporter.js main module for the page
Module /node_modules/reportage/proxy-reporter.js mocha proxy reporter
  • Typical URLs
    • http://localhost:3000/node_modules/reportage/reporter.html#/test/reportage.config.js
      • configuration file path is specified
    • http://localhost:3000/node_modules/reportage/reporter.html#/test/reportage.config.js?scope=basic
      • target scope is specified
  • Reporter page controls
    • opening, closing, and navigation of tabs running target applications
    • cleanup of browser storages
    • dispatching of test suites to the tabs
    • collection of test results and code coverages
    • aggregation of the results and the coverages
    • redirection of the aggregated results to
      • HTML reporter in the reporter page and
      • optionally reportage CLI via puppeteer
  • The page also has a control panel that filters
    • target scope and
    • target test class
    • with "Start " button to run the targeted suites
  • The hash of the reporter page contains
    • path to reportage configuration file (typically #/test/reportage.config.js) and
    • [optional] target scope (?scope={scope name})
    • [optional] target test index (&testIndex={number})
    • [optional] target test class (&testClass={testClassName})
    • [optional] target test step in a test scenario (&testStep={number})
    • [optional] and other additional information (in the future)
  • The hash values are reflected to the control panel
  • The control panel values are reflected to the hash when the "Start " button is clicked
  • "Replay " buttons of test results in HTML reporter also change the hash values when they are clicked


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path /node_modules/reportage/mediator-worker.js SharedWorker
  • mediator-worker.js is a SharedWorker that forwards messages via MessagePort
  • Each message has a target page ID to determine which tab receives the message


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path /node_modules/reportage/mediator-bridge.html opened by app tabs
  • mediator-bridge.html is opened by each app tab to execute mediator-worker-client.js in the reporter origin
    • The tabs persist during test execution


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path /node_modules/reportage/mediator-worker-client.js loaded by mediator-bridge.html
  • mediator-worker-client.js
    • loads mediator-worker.js and
    • transfer a MessagePort instance to each app page,
    • which is the opener of mediator-bridge.html

App Pages

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host app server host(s)
Port app server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol app server protocol security requirements must be met
Path any no restriction on paths
Modules any no restriction on modules and scripts
  • Each app page runs in a separate browsing context with a dedicated process
    • driver.js CORS script has to be injected so that Reporter Page can perform test suites on the app


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met
Path /node_modules/reportage/driver.js injected CORS module script
Hash #/test/reportage.config.js path to configuration has to be set
  • driver.js is injected to each app page to perform test suites on the app
    • Typical CORS URL is
      • http://localhost:3000/node_modules/reportage/driver.js#/test/reportage.config.js
    • driver.js opens mediator-bridge.html tab to establish communication path to the reporter page


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met
Path /node_modules/reportage/sandbox-global.js
  • sandbox-global.js provides a sandbox object for mocha and scenarist
    • Functions and classes like describe, it, Suite are NOT exposed to global objects for target applications


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met
Path /node_modules/reportage/proxy-reporter.js imported by reporter.js, driver.js, and cli.mjs
  • proxy-reporter.js defines
    • ProxyReporter class that wraps and forwards mocha events to Reporter Page via MessagePort
    • ReceiverRunner class that receives aggregated mocha events and redirects them to a mocha reporter


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Local Path node_modules/reportage/extension/chrome/ for Chrome for now
  • Test Helper browser extension performs these tasks
    • injection of driver.js module to each top frame page
    • cleanup of browser storages to set up clean test environments
    • collection of navigation URLs of target app
  • Manual installation is required on GUI test
    • open chrome://extensions/
    • enable the Developer Mode
    • install the non-packaged extension from node_modules/reportage/extension/chrome/
  • Automatically installed on each CLI test execution
  • The extension is inappropriate for normal browsing
    • a dedicated user profile for testing has to be created
    • an ephemeral user profile is automatically created for each puppeteer session in reportage CLI
  • Alternatively, driver.js script tag can be injected at App Server or at build time
    • Config.driverInjectionMethod must be set other than Extension if the script is injected at the server

reportage CLI

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Local Path node_modules/.bin/reportage symbolic link to cli.mjs
Module node_modules/reportage/cli.mjs
config arg paths to reportage.config.js multiple configs can be specified
import arg --import {module} import extra module(s) (optional)
  • reportage CLI
    • takes config path(s) to load
      • test/reportage.config.js is the default config if omitted
    • opens puppeteer sessions to perform test suites by
      • opening Reporter Page
      • clicking the "Start " button
      • redirecting mocha events to console reporters
      • collecting coverage data to .nyc_output/out.json
        • nyc report command is NOT invoked
        • posttest npm script should run npx nyc report command
          • coverage instrumentation is NOT done by reportage CLI
            • instrumentation must be performed at
              • build time or
              • server middleware
    • optionally imports module(s) that can export these optional hooks
  const { onConfig, onReady, onMochaEvent, onEnd } = await import("module path");
  async onConfig({ Config });
  async onReady({ Config, page, browser });
  onMochaEvent({ Config, page, browser, event });
  async onEnd({ Config, page, browser, event });


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Host reporter server host
Port reporter server port normally unprivileged ports
Protocol reporter server protocol security requirements must be met
Path any (typically /test/reportage.config.js) path to configuration
Local Path any (typically test/reportage.config.js) local path to configuration
  • reportage.config.js is loaded by reportage CLI as well as browser modules

    • reporter.js and driver.js are loaded with hash that contains a path to reportage.config.js
  • example test/reportage.config.js from vite-lit-ts-app

    • properties starting with _ are internal to Config object
const Config = {
  configURL: import.meta.url,
  get testConfigPath() {
    return new URL(this.configURL).pathname;
  _reporterWebRootRelativeToTestConfigPath: '../',
  get testConfigPathOnReporter() {
    if (new URL(this.configURL).protocol === 'file:') {
      const baseLength = (new URL(this._reporterWebRootRelativeToTestConfigPath, this.configURL).pathname).length;
      return (new URL(this.configURL)).pathname.substring(baseLength - 1);
    else {
      return this.testConfigPath;
  _concurrency: 8,//typeof navigator === 'object' ? navigator.hardwareConcurrency : 1,
  get _targetAppHosts() {
    return [...function *() { for (let i = 1; i <= Config._concurrency; i++) yield `http://127.0.0.${i}`; }()];
  get _targetAppPorts() {
    return [ 3001 ];
  get targetAppTestBasePath() {
    let pathname = new URL(this.configURL).pathname.split('/');
    pathname[pathname.length - 1] = '';
    return pathname.join('/'); // /test/
  targetOrigin(host, port) {
    // TODO: handle port=443 and '' properly
    return `${host}:${port}`;
  targetApp(origin, path) {
    return new URL(path, origin).href;
  * originGenerator() {
    for (let host of this._targetAppHosts) {
      for (let port of this._targetAppPorts) {
        yield this.targetOrigin(host, port);
  driverInjectionMethod: [
  get reporterOrigin() {
    return `http://localhost:3000`;
  async importedBy(importerURL) {
    const _url = new URL(importerURL);
    let pathElements = _url.pathname.split('/');
    let reportagePackagePath;
    if (pathElements.length >= 3 &&
        pathElements[pathElements.length - 1].endsWith('.js') &&
        pathElements[pathElements.length - 2] === 'reportage' &&
        pathElements[pathElements.length - 3] === 'node_modules') {
      // */node_modules/reportage/*.js
      reportagePackagePath = _url.pathname.substring(0, _url.pathname.length - pathElements[pathElements.length - 1].length)
    else if (pathElements.length === 2 &&
      pathElements[0] === '' &&
      pathElements[1].endsWith('.js')) {
      // /*.js
      reportagePackagePath = _url.pathname.substring(0, 1); // '/'
    else if (_url.protocol === 'file:' &&
      (pathElements[pathElements.length - 1].endsWith('cli.mjs') || pathElements[pathElements.length - 1].endsWith('cli.js'))) {
      reportagePackagePath = _url.pathname.substring(0, _url.pathname.length - pathElements[pathElements.length - 1].length)
    if (reportagePackagePath) {
      switch (pathElements[pathElements.length - 1]) {
      case 'reporter.js': // must be called from reporter.js in reporter.html
        this._pageType = 'reporter';
      case 'driver.js': // must be called from driver.js in target app pages
        this._pageType = 'driver';
      case 'cli.mjs':
      case 'reportage':
        this._pageType = 'reportage';
      case 'cli.js':
        this._pageType = 'reportage:instrumented';
      case 'mediator-worker.js':
      case 'mediator-worker-client.js':
      if (this._pageType) {
        this.reportagePackagePath = reportagePackagePath;
    if (this.reportagePackagePath) {
      const { default: resolvedPaths } = await import(new URL('resolved-paths.js', new URL(this.reportagePackagePath, this.configURL)).pathname);
      this.resolvedPaths = resolvedPaths;
    else {
      throw new Error(`${import.meta.url}: Unexpected call to Config.importedBy("${importerURL}")`);
  resolve(bareSpecifier) { // primitive simulation of import maps
    if (!this.reportagePackagePathOnTargetApp) {
      throw new Error(`${import.meta.url}: reportagePackagePathOnTargetApp is missing in calling Config.resolve("${bareSpecifier}")`);
    if (!this.resolvedPaths) {
      throw new Error(`${import.meta.url}: resolvedPath is missing in calling Config.resolve("${bareSpecifier}")`);
    if (!this.resolvedPaths[bareSpecifier]) {
      throw new Error(`${import.meta.url}: resolvedPath["${bareSpecifier}"] is missing in calling Config.resolve("${bareSpecifier}")`);
    return new URL(this.resolvedPaths[bareSpecifier], new URL(this.reportagePackagePathOnTargetApp, this.configURL).href).pathname;
  get reportagePackagePathOnReporter() {
    if (new URL(this.configURL).protocol === 'file:') {
      const baseLength = (new URL(this._reporterWebRootRelativeToTestConfigPath, this.configURL).pathname).length;
      return this.reportagePackagePath.substring(baseLength - 1);
    else {
      return this.reportagePackagePath;
  get reportagePackagePathOnTargetApp() {
    return this.reportagePackagePath;
  mediatorWorkerPathRelativeToReportage: './mediator-worker.js',
  _mediatorHtmlPathRelativeToReportage: './mediator.html',
  get mediatorHtmlURL() {
    return new URL(this._mediatorHtmlPathRelativeToReportage, new URL(this.reportagePackagePathOnReporter, this.reporterOrigin).href).href;
  _reporterHtmlPathRelativeToReportage: 'reporter.html',
  get reporterURL() {
    return `${this.reporterOrigin}${this.reportagePackagePathOnReporter}${this._reporterHtmlPathRelativeToReportage}#${this.testConfigPathOnReporter}`;
  get cleanupOptions() {
    const commonOptions = {
      RemovalOptions: {
        since: 0,
        origins: [Config.reporterOrigin, ...Config.originGenerator()], // chrome-only
        //hostnames: [], // firefox-only
      dataToRemove: {
        start: { // only once per run; unnecessary for puppeteer sessions if a dedicated user profile is created for each session
          // non-filterable by origins/hostnames - Be aware that other apps with the same user profile are affected as well
          appcache: false, // [DEPRECATED FEATURE] Websites' appcaches.
          downloads: false, // [BASICALLY IRRELEVANT TO WEB TESTS] The browser's download list.
          history: false, // [Session history is reset on navigating to the bottom of the history stack] The browser's history, which is different from window.history object
          formData: true, // [Autofill feature should be disabled in the browser Configurations] The browser's stored form data.
          passwords: true, // [Autofill feature should be disabled in the browser Configurations] Stored passwords.
          // filterable by origins/hostnames
          cache: true, // The browser's cache.
        end: { // only once per run
          // non-filterable by origins/hostnames - Be aware that other apps with the same user profile are affected as well
          appcache: false, // [DEPRECATED FEATURE] Websites' appcaches.
          downloads: false, // [BASICALLY IRRELEVANT TO WEB TESTS] The browser's download list.
          history: false, // [Session history is reset on navigating to the bottom of the history stack] The browser's history, which is different from window.history object
          formData: true, // [Autofill feature should be disabled in the browser Configurations] The browser's stored form data.
          passwords: true, // [Autofill feature should be disabled in the browser Configurations] Stored passwords.
          // filterable by origins/hostnames
          cookies: true, // The browser's cookies.
          cache: true, // The browser's cache.
          fileSystems: true, // Websites' file systems.; not on Firefox
          indexedDB: true, // Websites' IndexedDB data.
          localStorage: true, // Websites' local storage data.
          cacheStorage: true, // Cache storage
          serviceWorkers: true, // Service Workers.
          webSQL: false, // [DEPRECATED FEATURE] Websites' WebSQL data.
        window: { // on each
          // filterable by origins/hostnames
          cookies: true, // [If the feature is not used, it can be false] The browser's cookies.
          cache: false, // The browser's cache.
          fileSystems: true, // Websites' file systems.; not on Firefox
          indexedDB: true, // Websites' IndexedDB data.
          localStorage: true, // Websites' local storage data.
          cacheStorage: true, // Cache storage
          serviceWorkers: true, // Service Workers.
          webSQL: false, // [DEPRECATED FEATURE] Websites' WebSQL data.
        suite: { // on each test scenario
          // filterable by origins/hostnames
          cookies: true, // [If the feature is not used, it can be false] The browser's cookies.
          fileSystems: false, // [If the feature is not used, it can be false] Websites' file systems.; not on Firefox
          indexedDB: false, // [If the feature is not used, it can be false] Websites' IndexedDB data.
          localStorage: false, // [If the feature is not used, it can be false] Websites' local storage data.
          cacheStorage: false, // [In most cases, Service Workers and Cache storage can persist over multiple test scenarios] Cache storage for Service Workers
          serviceWorkers: false, // [In most cases, Service Workers and Cache storage can persist over multiple test scenarios] Service Workers. 
          webSQL: false, // [DEPRECATED FEATURE] Websites' WebSQL data.
          // not supported in the browsingData.remove() API
          sessionStorage: true, // cleanup by sessionStorage API itself at driver.js
      timeout: 10000,
    return commonOptions;
  _suitesLoaderScriptRelativeToConfig: './suites-loader.js',
  _scenaristLoaderScriptRelativeToReportage: './scenarist-loader.js',
  get suitesLoaderPath() {
    return new URL(this._suitesLoaderScriptRelativeToConfig + '#' + new URL(this.configURL).pathname, this.configURL).pathname;
  get scenaristLoaderPath() {
    return new URL(this._scenaristLoaderScriptRelativeToReportage, new URL(this.reportagePackagePath, this.configURL).href).pathname;
  importOnlyTargetScope: true, // for performance
  timeout: 5 * 1000, // 5sec
  readyTimeout: 5 * 1000, // 5sec
  readyTimeoutRetries: 2, // 2 retries
  mediatorPortTimeout: 1 * 1000, // 5sec
  beaconTimeout: 5 * 1000, // 5sec
  setupInjectionTimeout: 1000, // 1sec
  dispatcherStartInterval: 50, // 50ms - insert a wait between dispatcher start events
  suitesLoaderRetries: 1, // 2 retries
  windowTarget: '_blank',
  windowFeatures: 'noopener,noreferrer',
  mochaOptions: {
    ui: 'bdd',
    timeout: 60000,
    checkLeaks: true,
    cleanReferencesAfterRun: false, // References must not be cleaned until the proxy reporter completes transferring all events
    retries: -1,
  consoleReporter: 'mochawesome',
  consoleReporterOptions: {
    reportDir: './test/mochawesome-report/',
    //reportFilename: '[status]_[datetime]-[name]-report',
    autoOpen: false,
    html: true,
    json: true,
    timeout: 5000,
    consoleReporter: 'list',
  coverageOptions: {
    enabled: true,
  get links() {
    return {
      mochawesome: new URL(this.consoleReporterOptions.reportDir + 'mochawesome.html', new URL(this._reporterWebRootRelativeToTestConfigPath, import.meta.url)).href,
      coverage: new URL('coverage/index.html', new URL(this._reporterWebRootRelativeToTestConfigPath, import.meta.url)).href,
  get _pathToChromeExtension() {
    return this.reportagePackagePath +
      (this.coverageOptions && this.coverageOptions.enabled && this._pageType === 'reportage:instrumented' ? 'test/instrumented/' : '') +
  get puppeteerLaunchOptions() {
    return {
      headless: 'new', // 'new' for headless; false for windowed
      dumpio: false,
      devtools: false,
      defaultViewport: { // null for resizable viewport in a windowed mode
        width: 1280,
        height: 720,
        //deviceScaleFactor: 1,
        //hasTouch: false,
        //isLandscape: false,
        //isMobile: false,
      args: [
        //'--profile-directory=Profile 1', // Non-puppeteer windows must be closed when a profile is specified
      executablePath: '/usr/bin/google-chrome',
export default Config;

Other Configuration Files


Features Supported Configurations Notes
URL Path /node_modules/reportage/resolved-paths.js generated at postinstall
  • resolved-paths.js is a naive hack to resolve node module paths for these modules for static Reporter Server
    • "scenarist/Suite.js"
    • "mocha/mocha.js"
    • "mocha/mocha.css"
    • "@esm-bundle/chai/esm/chai.js"


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Local Path nyc.config.mjs (optional) local path to nyc configuration


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Local Path nginx.conf (optional) local path to nginx configuration



Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path any (typically /test/suites-loader.js) Config._suitesLoaderScriptRelativeToConfig
  • suites-loader.js is configured at Config._suitesLoaderScriptRelativeToConfig to set the loader for test suites
    • it typically loads scenarist-loader.js and test suites for scopes


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path /node_modules/reportage/mocha-loader.js loaded by driver.js and reporter.js
  • mocha-loader.js
    • fetches mocha/mocha.js script
    • patches the source code for reportage by
      • disabling grep search parameters
      • exporting an installer to sandbox object


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path /node_modules/reportage/scenarist-loader.js loaded by suites-loader.js
  • scenarist-loader.js
    • imports sandbox from sandbox-global.js
    • fetches scenarist script version 1.1.10
    • patches the source code for reportage
      • use sandbox to get mocha functions such as describe, it, etc.
      • add mocha's this argument to call operation, checkpoint, setup, teardown calls
      • add sandbox argument to run calls
    • no global Suite variable
  • the path is resolved by resolved-paths.js


Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path any (typically /test/common-suite.js) loaded by suites-loader.js
  • common-suite.js or any test suites can define common methods of test classes such as

Test Suites

Features Supported Configurations Notes
Path any (typically /test/*-suite.js) loaded by suites-loader.js
  • Test Suites are defined in test classes with scenarist UI
    • they typically load common-suite.js and extend test classes
    • they are loaded by suites-loader.js

Test Phases

  • For non-SPA applications, each test scenario has to handle page navigation
  • reportage handles such test scenarios by introducing Phase concept
    • vite-lit-ts-app example shows how to handle page transitions in a test scenario
      • transition from / to /external-navi-vite.html by clicking the link and increment the phase number
  • "Seeing is believing" in the example project but an awkward explanation follows:
    • in test classes is originally designed for test fixtures
    • In E2E tests, test fixtures are whole pages in top frames
    • is then reinterpreted as a container for parameters across a single test scenario with page transitions
    • contains the current phase number in a test scenario starting from 0
    • is incremented before navigation to another page
      • the trick is to set function to be called AFTER the phase finishes for the current mocha session
        • to keep page navigations from destroying the running mocha test suites
    • the value of object is transferred to Reporter Page on navigation as suiteParameters object
    • Reporter Page requests the incremented phase of the scenario with the stored suiteParameters object
      • suiteParameters can store any clonable objects
    • the test scenario can perform operations for the current phase and skip those not for the current phase


  • [x] screenshot
  • pause-before-replay option for debugging
  • browser support
  • TBD



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