
0.2.7 • Public • Published

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TODO: unit testing TODO: documentaiton, - merge into source

REUN - require(unpkg)

Reun is:

  • 100% client-side nodejs-like require for the browser.
  • using
  • dynamic, just require(...) whatever module you want from your source file. No need for package.json, - versions can be passed to require, i.e. require('module@1.2.3').
  • pretending to be a synchronous, even though it is asynchrounous. Tries to work in the typical cases, and will always fail in certain documented edge cases. Pragmatic, and not standard compliant.
  • able to directly load many nodejs modules, that has not been packaged for the browser.
  • adding custom functionality when desired, i.e. module.meta


  • reun.eval(code, [opt]) execute code, where code is either a function, or the string source of a module. require() is available and is pretending to be synchronous, and done relative to the opt.uri. Returns a promise of the function result or module-exports.
  • reun.require(module, [opt]) loads a module, path is relative to the location.href if available. Returns a promise.

Usage example


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=></script> 


var uniq = require('uniq');


  • require('module@0.2.3') allows you to require a specific version
  • module.meta allows you to set meta information about your module, - this may later be used to automatically package the module for npm, cordova, ...


The implementation is a hack. We want to pretend to be synchronous, but we also do not want to block the main thread. Instead require throws an exception when a module is not loaded yet. When we run a file, we catch this exception, load the module asynchrounously, and then rerun the file. Later on we might also search the source for require("..."), or require('...') and try to preload these modules, but this is not implemented yet.

Also we just resolve the module name as '' + module_name. To be more compatible with node modules, we may check the package.json in the future to make sure that the relative paths in the require works.

  • Custom exceptions from require should not caught.
  • Code before a require, may be executed multiple times, - should be side-effect free.
  • require may fail within callbacks, if the module has not been loaded before.
  • If the source lives in a subdirectory, and the module is not packaged for the web, and contains relative paths, - the paths are wrongly resolved. A workaround is to require('module/lib/index.js') instead of require('module').
  • It does obviously not work with every module.

In spite of these limitations, it is still possible to require many nodejs module directly to the web.

Project setup

(function() { 'use strict';
  var da = typeof direape !== 'undefined' ? direape : require('direape');
  var reun = self.reun || {};
  var modules = {
    reun: reun,
    direape: da

reun.eval(src|fn, opt);

Functions will be called as a module with require, exports, and module as parameters, - similar to

  var runQueue = new Promise((resolve) => da.ready(() => resolve()));

  reun.eval = (fn, opt) => {
    runQueue = runQueue.then(() => do_eval(fn, opt))
      .catch((e)  => da.nextTick(() => { throw e; }));
    return runQueue;

  da.handle('reun:eval', (fn, opt) => 
      reun.eval(fn, opt).then(da.jsonify));

reun.require(module-name, opt);

  reun.require = (name, opt) => 
    reun.eval('module.exports = require("' + name + '",' +
          JSON.stringify(opt || {}) + ');',
        Object.assign({uri: self.location && self.location.href || './'}, opt));

  da.handle('reun:require', reun.require);

Implementation details


Convert a require-address to a url. path is baseurl used for mapping relative file paths (./hello.js) to url.

  function moduleUrl(module, opt) {
    var path = opt.uri || '';

    if(module.slice(0,4) === 'reun') {
      return 'reun';

    if(module.startsWith('https:') ||
        module.startsWith('http:')) {
      return module;
    path = path.replace(/[?#].*/, '');
    path = (module.startsWith('.')
        ? path.replace(/[/][^/]*$/, '/')  
        : '');
    path = path + module;
    while(path.indexOf('/./') !== -1) {
      path = path.replace('/./', '/');
    var prevPath;
    do {
      prevPath = path;
      path = path.replace(/[/][^/]*[/][.][.][/]/g, '/');
    } while(path !== prevPath);
    return path;


  function do_eval(fn, opt) {
    opt = opt || {};
    if(typeof fn === 'string') {
      fn = stringToFunction(fn, opt);
    return executeModule(fn, opt);


  function executeModule(fn, opt) {
    opt.uri = opt.uri || '';
    var require = (name, opt) => reun_require(name, opt, module);
    var module = {
      require: require,
      uri: opt.uri,
      id: opt.uri.replace('', '').replace(/@[^/]*/, ''),
      exports: {}
    if(opt.main) {
      require.main = module;

    return rerunModule(fn, module);


  function rerunModule(fn, module) {
    var result;
    try {
      fn(module.require, module.exports, module);
      result = module.exports;
    } catch (e) {
      if(e.constructor !== RequireError) {
        throw e;
      return, 'da:GET', e.url)
        .catch(() => {
          throw new Error('require could not load "' + e.url + '" ' +
              'Possibly module incompatible with'); })
        .then((moduleSrc) => executeModule(stringToFunction(moduleSrc, e.opt), 
        .then((exports) => assignModule(e.url, exports))
        .then(() => rerunModule(fn, module));
    return Promise.resolve(result);


  function assignModule(uri, exports) {

    modules[uri] = exports;

Find the short name of the module, and remember it by that alias, to make sure that later requires for the module without version/url returns the already loaded module.

    if(exports.meta && {
      modules[] = exports;

    var name = uri
      .replace('', '')
      .replace(/[@/].*/, '');
    if(!modules[name]) {
      modules[name] = exports;


  function reun_require(name, opt, parentModule) {
    if(modules[name]) {
      return modules[name];
    var url = moduleUrl(name, parentModule);
    if(!modules[url]) {
      throw new RequireError(name, url, opt);
    return modules[url];


  function stringToFunction(src, opt) {
    var wrappedSrc = '(function(require,exports,module){' +
      src + '})//# sourceURL=' + opt.uri;
    return eval(wrappedSrc);


When trying to load at module, that is not loaded yet, we throw this error:

  function RequireError(module, url, opt) { 
    this.module = module; 
    this.url = url;
    opt = opt || {};
    opt.uri = url;
    this.opt = opt;
  RequireError.prototype.toString = function() {
    return 'RequireError:' + this.module +
      ' url:' + this.url;

Main / test runner

  da.ready(() => {
    if((da.isNodeJs() && require.main === module && process.argv[2] === 'test') ||
        (self.REUN_RUN_TESTS)) {
        .then(() => da.isNodeJs() && process.exit(0))
        .catch(() => da.isNodeJs() && process.exit(1));
  if(typeof module === 'object') {
    module.exports = reun;
  } else {
    self.reun = reun;




This software is copyrighted ApS, and available under GPLv3, as well as proprietary license upon request.

Versions older than 10 years also fall into the public domain.



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