
0.7.0 • Public • Published


Sensible maintains your media-queries where they belong – in your SASS/SCSS. It also makes them available with the same name space in your JS without polluting your HTML. Check out the demo.


Install with npm / Download or checkout from Github

npm install sensible --save-dev

Import _mediaqueries.scss into your main scss/sass file.

@import 'mediaqueries';

Optionally include mediaQuery.js into your html file.

<script src="mediaQuery.js"></script>

Alternatively you can require mediaQuery.js with AMD.

require(['lib/browser/mediaQuery'], function ( mediaQuery ) {})

Note: If you support IE9 and below, make sure you include matchMedia.js. If you use bower, this should already be in your bower_components folder as it is a sensible dependency.

Usage SCSS

Set up your breakpoints

The variable $breakpoints must be defined before you import mediaqueries.

$breakpoints: (
    "mobile"              : "only screen and (max-width:740px)",
    "tablet"              : "only screen and (max-width:1050px)",
    "desktop"             : "only screen and (min-width:1051px)",
    "print"               : "print"

Use the breakpoint([device]) mixin

body {
    padding: 40px;

@include breakpoint(tablet) {
    body {
        padding: 20px;

.main {
    margin: 40px;
    @include breakpoint(mobile) {
        margin: 20px;

Usage JS

All the defined breakpoints are available

// mediaQuery.onEnter / onLeave (queryString,callback,callOnRegister)

mediaQuery.onEnter('mobile tablet', function(query){

mediaQuery.onLeave('mobile', function(query){

if ('mobile') ){
  console.log("I'm a mobile")

if ( mediaQuery.isNot('mobile') ){
  console.log("I'm a not a mobile")

Grid !Optional

_grid.scss can be included optionally. @import 'grid'; and called like this: @include sensibleGrid()

It provides a lightweight, flexible and responsive grid based on sensible. The classes generated by it will look like this:

.l-one-whole, .l-one-half, .l-one-quarter, .l-mobile-one-whole, .l-mobile-one-half, .l-mobile-one-quarter

Wrap these elements in an element with the class .l-grid. Check out the demo .

The best thing is that they work like you'd expect them to:

.l-one-whole { width: 100% }
.l-one-half { width: 50% }

You can use it with the classes listed here to fully configure it:

@include sensibleGrid (
    $modern: false, // flex-box or inline-block (consider using autoprefixer if you use flex-box)
    $gutter: 20px,	// gutter between the col's
    $gutterType: padding, //the gutter can be set as a padding or a margin (margin will use calc() doe)
    $base-font-size: 16px, // base-font-size only used for inline-block layout
    $slug: "l-", // slug used for generated classes
    $pushClasses: false, // do you need .l-push-one-quarter etc. classes ?
    $gridWidths: ( // grid withs and names
        "one-whole"         : 100%,
        "one-half"          : 50%,
        "one-quarter"       : 25%,
        "three-quarters"    : 75%,
        "one-third"         : 33.333%,
        "two-thirds"        : 66.666%,
        "one-fifth"         : 20%,
        "four-fifths"       : 80%,
        "one-sixth"         : 16.666%,
        "five-sixths"       : 83.333%
    $gridBreakpoints: "mobile-portrait" "mobile" "not-mobile" "tablet-portrait" "tablet" "not-tablet"  "print" // only include the breakpoints you use here to avoid a bloated css

Responsive visibility !Optional

This mixin generates visibility classes in order to hide or show elements on specific breakpoints. Similar to Twitter Bootstrap. _responsive-visbility.scss can be included optionally. @import 'responsive-visibility'; and called like this: @include sensibleGrid()

@include responsive-visibility(
  $overwrite: false,
  $displaTypes: "inline" "inline-block"
  • $visibility-breakpoints is a list of you breakpoints you want to include, make sure to they have the same names as in $breakpoints

  • $overwrite by default the mixin generates classes that just show or hide any elements, it will be up to you to show or hide them initially. If $overwrite is set to true, the mixin will take care of the hiding for you.

Example with $overwrite:true :

@include responsive-visibility("only-mobile" "only-tablet", true);

Will generate:

@media only screen and (max-width: 740px) {
  .is-visible-only-mobile {
    display: block !important;
    visibility: visible;
  .is-hidden-only-mobile, .is-visible-only-tablet {
    display: none !important;
    visibility: hidden;
@media only screen and (min-width: 741px) and (max-width: 1051px) {
  .is-visible-only-tablet {
    display: block !important;
    visibility: visible;
  .is-hidden-only-tablet, .is-visible-only-mobile {
    display: none !important;
    visibility: hidden;

Example with $overwrite:false:

@include responsive-visibility("mobile" "tablet" "desktop", false);

Will generate:

@media only screen and (min-width: 1051px) {
  .is-visible-only-desktop {
    display: block !important;
    visibility: visible;
  .is-hidden-only-desktop, .is-visible-only-mobile, .is-visible-only-tablet {
    display: none !important;
    visibility: hidden;


lego by jon trillana from the Noun Project

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  • atrelios