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Simple Selectors

Travis npm package

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Simple "selectors" library, forked and heavily based on the original reselect.

In brief:

  • Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state.
  • Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments change.
  • Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.

For more detailed information about the rationale behind selectors, please visit the reselect documentation.

Differences from Reselect:

  • A selector takes a maximum of two arguments, (state) or (state, props) - variadic args are not permitted.
  • createSelector also covers createStructuredSelector when passed an object.
  • createSimpleSelector creates a non-memoized selector for situations where memoization is not helpful
  • Simplified memoization, only the equality operator can be configured via memoizedSelectorCreator
  • Simpler internals for easier debugging


createSelector(...inputSelectors | [inputSelectors], resultFunc)


Takes one or more selectors, or an array of selectors, computes their values and passes them as arguments to resultFn.

createSelector determines if the value returned by an input-selector has changed between calls using reference equality (===). Inputs to selectors created with createSelector should be immutable.

Selectors created with createSelector have a cache size of 1. This means they always recalculate when the value of an input-selector changes, as a selector only stores the preceding value of each input-selector.

const mySelector = createSelector(
  state => state.values.value1,
  state => state.values.value2,
  (value1, value2) => value1 + value2
// You can also pass an array of selectors
const totalSelector = createSelector(
    state => state.values.value1,
    state => state.values.value2
  (value1, value2) => value1 + value2

It can be useful to access the props of a component from within a selector. When a selector is connected to a component with connect, the component props are passed as the second argument to the selector:

const abSelector = (state, props) => state.a * props.b
// props only (ignoring state argument)
const cSelector =  (_, props) => props.c
// state only (props argument omitted as not required)
const dSelector = state => state.d
const totalSelector = createSelector(
  (ab, c, d) => ({
    total: ab + c + d

Structured Selector:

createSelector may also take an object whose properties are input-selectors and returns a structured selector. This "structured selector" returns an object with the same keys as the inputSelectors argument, but with the selectors replaced with their values.

const mySelectorA = state => state.a
const mySelectorB = state => state.b
const structuredSelector = createSelector({
  x: mySelectorA,
  y: mySelectorB
const result = structuredSelector({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // will produce { x: 1, y: 2 }

Structured selectors can be nested:

const nestedSelector = createSelector({
  subA: createSelector({
  subB: createSelector({

createSimpleSelector(...inputSelectors | [inputSelectors], resultFunc)


Same API as createSelector, however it does not perform any memoization on the selector.


memoizedSelectorCreator can be used to make a customized version of createSelector.

The equalityCheck determines how equality is used when checking against previous values.

import shallowEquals from 'shallow-equals'
function shallowish(maxDepth = 1) {
  return function eq(a, b, currentDepth = 0) {
    if (=== b) return true
    if (currentDepth >= maxDepth) return false
    if ((Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) || (isPlainObject(a) && isPlainObject(b))) {
      return shallowEquals(a, b, (a, b) => eq(a, b, currentDepth + 1));
    return false
const customSelector = memoizedSelectorCreator(shallowish(2))
customSelector(selectorA, selectorB, (a, b) => a.concat(b))



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  • tgriesser