
0.1.2 • Public • Published

Sinaps Object Document Model

Sinaps ODM is a object document model for MongoDB-like databases.

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Why not using Mongoose or Camo?

After a few month of building up frustrations with Mongoose, I tried Camo ODM. Camo is really a great step in the right direction but was missing a few key feature I needed. That's why Sinaps ODM was born.

Key features

  • Built around ES6 Promise and Classes.
  • Feature a strong Schema model that support nested Schema and array of Schema. All field in schema are typed, provide default value, custom getter and setter.
  • All data are observed and can be listened for changes. Nested data change event bubble up to the root document.
  • Provide built-in memory cache for reusing existing document.
  • Trimed down, nothing-more-nothing-less than what you'd expect from an ODM.


npm install --save sinaps-odm

Getting started

Initialize connection to database

Import Client from sinaps-odm package and initialize new connection using Client.fromUri(uri). It returns a Promise and when it succeed, your ready to go.

var Client = require('sinaps-odm').Client;
	.then(client => {

		// From now on you can create & use Document using client

	.catch(err => {
		console.error('Error', err.stack);

Create your first document

With the resulting client, you can define new Document using client.document(collection, schema, options).

// Create new Document for users
var User = client.document('user', {
	name: String,
	email: String

// Create new object for John Doe
var john = new User({
	name: 'John Doe',
	email: ''

// Save user
	.then(() => {
		console.log('John saved');
	.catch(err => {
		console.error('Could not save', err.stack);

Link two Document together

Let's say you have a Post document with a field author that links to a User document.

var Post = client.document('post', {
	title: String,
	author: {
        type: Client.ObjectId,
        ref: 'user'

var postA = new Post({
	title: 'Awesome new post by John',
	author: '56aec5a51e4e6e1022d7e301' // ID of previously inserted John Doe
console.log(; // undefined, name is not a property of String('56aec5a51e4e6e1022d7e301')

Well that wasn't what we were expecting eh? That's because the process of populating the linked document is asynchronious.

var postA = new Post({
	title: 'Awesome new post by John',
	author: '56aec5a51e4e6e1022d7e301' // ID of previously inserted John Doe

// You could wait a bit for the database to respond
setTimeout(function () {
	console.log(; // John Doe
}, 1000);

// or you could use populate factory
	title: 'Awesome new post by John',
	author: '56aec5a51e4e6e1022d7e301'
}).then(postB => {
	console.log(; // John Doe

// or populate your document in multiple step
var postC = new Post({title: 'Awesome new post by John'});
postC.populate({author: '56aec5a51e4e6e1022d7e301'}).then(postC => {
	console.log(; // John Doe
console.log(; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined



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  • mgrenier