
1.2.2 • Public • Published

universal-alias-loader • Build Status

Loader that will replace aliases in your css and js files, supports absolute, relative and url paths

Turn this

import { ru, en } from '../../../utils/i18n'

Into this

import { ru, en } from '@utils/i18n'


npm i universal-alias-loader


Like any other loader

  enforce: 'pre', //so it will run before other loaders
  test: /\.(css|js|jsx)$/, //yep, it parses syntax from filename (but you can set syntax yourself)
  exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
  use: {
    loader: 'universal-alias-loader',  
    query: {
      alias {
        '@redux': path.join(__dirname, 'src/redux'), //or simply
        '@components': 'src/components'
        '@cdn': 'http://your.awsome.cdn.com',

What can be an alias?


Any string, no matter how long, but keep in mind that if you set / or \\ as alias universal-alias-loader WILL replace them


Should return path string

Arguments passed for the function would be (alias, importPath, filePath)

  • importPath is a string with contents of found import \ url expression
  • filePath is a string with path to file currently being processed
  • alias alias this function should handle, basically key in options.alias this function is paired with

Example usage

alias: {
  //we use folder structure like src/pages/{pagename}/**
  //this alias replaces @thispage with path to that page
 '@thisPage': (alias, importPath, filePath) => {
             let splitFilePath = filePath.split(path.sep)
             let pagePath = splitFilePath
               .slice(0, splitFilePath.indexOf('pages') + 2)
             return importPath.replace(alias, pagePath)

I really use it this way in one of my project, because we have one complex page with visual storytelling and sometimes files like {pagename}/story/stages/0.js need to access {pagename}/utils but we want to keep them movable and avoid unclear ../

Options (Query)1

Name Type Default Description
alias {Object} {} Object keys are aliases, values are resolves {'@alias': 'resolve'}
syntax {String} auto js for ES6 import & CommonJS require(). css for css @import & css url() css-modules from replacements. auto determines syntax for each file individually based on the file extension

Syntax support

Syntax Example Supported
CSS url() background: url('@cdn/pics/main-bg.png'); /* With double, single, no quotes */ ✔️
CSS Import @import '@src/reset.css'; @import url(@cdn/Roboto.css); @import "@utils/print-layout.css" print; ✔️
CSS Modules from composes: className from '@components/btn.css'; ✔️
ES6 imports import { Foo as Bar, Qux} from "~/constants" //multiline will be ok ✔️
CommonJS require require(@components/${name}) ✔️
webpack magic comments import(/* webpackChunkName: 'Anything' */ '@alias') ✔️

Webpack magic comments are on the way, but PRs are welcome (modify js-require & js-es6import pathfinders)


If your webpack.confing.js is not your project in root make sure to have the context property in your confing set to the project root

Alias staring with http://, https://, ws://, wss://, ftp://, ftps:// are determined as absolute

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  • vsevolod-trofimov