
0.3.0 • Public • Published

npm (scoped) license Standard Travis AppVeyor

The xPack SVD manager

A Node.js CLI application to manage the new XSVD files and the CMSIS SVD files.


The xsvd tool is intended to:

  • generate device peripheral headers for RISC-V devices
  • generate the peripheral descriptions in GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU.


A recent Node.js (>7.x), since the ECMAScript 6 class syntax is used.

If this is your first encounter with npm, you need to install the node.js JavScript run-time. The process is straightforward and does not pollute the system locations significantly; just pick the current version, download the package suitable for your platform and install it as usual. The result is a binary program called node that can be used to execute JavaScript code from the terminal, and a link called npm, pointing to the npm-cli.js script, which is part of the node module that implements the npm functionality. On Windows, it is recommended to first install the Git for Windows package.

Easy install

The module is available as xsvd from the public repository; with npm already available, installing xsvd is quite easy:

$ sudo npm install xsvd --global

On Windows, global packages are installed in the user home folder, and do not require sudo.

The module provides the xsvd executable, which is a possible reason to install it globally.

The development repository is available from the GitHub xpack/xsvd-js project.

To remove xsvd, the command is similar:

$ sudo npm uninstall xsvd --global

(On Windows sudo is not required`).

User info

To get an initial glimpse on the program, ask for help:

$ xsvd --help
The xPack SVD manager
Usage: xsvd <command> [<subcommand>...] [<options> ...] [<args>...]
where <command> is one of
  code, convert, patch
Common options:
  --loglevel <level>      Set log level (silent|warn|info|verbose|debug|trace)
  -s|--silent             Disable all messages (--loglevel silent)
  -q|--quiet              Mostly quiet (--loglevel warn)
  -v|--verbose            Informative verbose (--loglevel info)
  -vv                     Very verbose (--loglevel verbose, or -v -v)
  -d|--debug              Debug messages (--loglevel debug)
  -dd|--trace             Trace messages (--loglevel trace)
  -C <folder>             Set current folder
xsvd -h|--help            Quick help
xsvd <command> -h|--help  Quick help on command
xsvd --version            Show version 
xsvd -i|--interactive     Enter interactive mode 
npm xsvd@0.1.8 '/Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/xPack/npm-modules/xsvd-js.git'
Home page: <https://github.com/xpack/xsvd-js>
Bug reports: <https://github.com/xpack/xsvd-js/issues>

As shown, the xsvd application has multiple functionality, via several subcommands.

To generate QEMU peripheral descriptions, there are three steps, each with a separate command:

  • convert the vendor SDV file from XML to JSON
  • patch it with mandatory information
  • generate the QEMU support code

Convert an ARM SVD file from XML to JSON

$ xsvd convert --help
Convert an ARM SVD file from XML to JSON
Usage: xsvd convert [options...] --file <file> --output <file>
Convert options:
  --file <file>           Input file in ARM SVD format 
  --output <file>         Output file in JSON format 


$ xsvd convert -C ${HOME}/tmp --file STM32F0x1.svd --output STM32F0x1.json --verbose
Convert an ARM SVD file from XML to JSON
Reading '/tmp/STM32F0x1.svd'...
Parsing XML...
Converting to JSON...
Device STM32F0x1 1.0
Writing '/tmp/STM32F0x1.json'...

Modify SVD JSON file using a JSON patch

$ xsvd patch --help
Modify SVD JSON file using a JSON patch
Usage: xsvd patch [options...] --file <file> --patch <file> --output <file>
                  [--group-bitfield <name>]* [--remove <name>]*
Patch options:
  --file <file>            Input file in JSON format
  --patch <file>           Patch file in JSON format
  --output <file>          Output file in JSON format
  --group-bitfield <name>  Group bitfields into a larger field (optional, multiple)
  --remove <name>          Remove nodes (optional, multiple)


$ xsvd patch -C ${HOME}/tmp --file STM32F0x1.json --patch STM32F0x1-patch.json --output STM32F0x1-qemu.json --remove NVIC --verbose
Modify SVD JSON file using a JSON patch
Reading '/Users/ilg/tmp/STM32F0x1.json'...
Reading '/Users/ilg/tmp/STM32F0x1-patch.json'...
Writing '/Users/ilg/tmp/STM32F0x1-qemu.json'...

Generate QEMU peripheral source files for a given family

To generate the QEMU source files, use the patched xSVD file; the header and source files for all peripherals are written to the destination folder.

For STM32 devices, the vendor/family/device definitions can be derived from the SVD device name, and are optional.

$ xsvd code --help
Generate QEMU peripheral source files for a given family
Usage: xsvd code [options...] --file <file> [--dest <folder>]
                 [--vendor-prefix <string>] [--device-family <string>]
                 [--device-selector <string>]
Code options:
  --file <file>               Input file in JSON format 
  --dest <folder>             Destination folder (optional, default SVD device name)
  --vendor-prefix <string>    Prefix, like STM32 (optional)
  --device-family <string>    Family, like F4 (optional)
  --device-selector <string>  Selector, like 40x (optional)


$ xsvd code -C ${HOME}/tmp --file STM32F0x1-qemu.json --verbose
Generate QEMU peripheral source files for a given family
Reading '/Users/ilg/tmp/STM32F0x1-qemu.json'...
Header file 'STM32F0x1/adc.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/adc.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/can.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/can.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/cec.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/cec.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/comp.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/comp.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/crc.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/crc.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/crs.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/crs.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/dac.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/dac.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/dbgmcu.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/dbgmcu.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/dma1.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/dma1.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/exti.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/exti.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/flash.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/flash.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/gpioa.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/gpioa.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/gpiof.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/gpiof.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/i2c1.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/i2c1.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/iwdg.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/iwdg.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/pwr.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/pwr.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/rcc.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/rcc.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/rtc.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/rtc.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/spi1.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/spi1.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/syscfg.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/syscfg.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim1.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim1.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim14.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim14.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim15.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim15.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim16.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim16.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim2.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim2.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tim6.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tim6.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/tsc.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/tsc.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/usart1.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/usart1.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/usb.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/usb.c' written.
Header file 'STM32F0x1/wwdg.h' written.
Source file 'STM32F0x1/wwdg.c' written.

Generate device peripherals header

To generate the RISC-V peripheral headers, use the xsvd file describing the devices.

$ xsvd gen-headers --file xsvd/fe310-xsvd.json --dest include/sifive-devices/fe310
Generate device peripheral header files from an XSVD file
Reading '/Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/uOS/xpacks/sifive-devices-xpack.git/xsvd/fe310-xsvd.json'...
Header file 'include/sifive-devices/fe310/device-peripherals.h' written.
'xsvd gen-headers' completed in 294 ms.
Generate device peripheral header files from an XSVD file

Developer info

Git repo

The project is available on GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/xpack/xsvd-js.git xsvd-js.git
$ cd xsvd-js.git
$ npm install
$ sudo npm link 
$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/node_modules/

A link to the development folder should be present in the system node_modules folder, and also a link to the xsvd executable should be available system wide.


The tests use the node-tap framework (A Test-Anything-Protocol library for Node.js, written by Isaac Schlueter).

As for any npm package, the standard way to run the project tests is via npm test:

$ cd xsvd-js.git
$ npm install
$ npm test

A typical test result looks like:

$ npm run test
> xsvd@0.1.10 test /Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/xPack/npm-modules/xsvd-js.git
> standard && npm run test-tap -s
test/tap/cmd-code.js ................................ 40/40
test/tap/cmd-convert.js ............................. 43/43
test/tap/cmd-patch.js ............................... 46/46
test/tap/interactive.js ............................. 14/14
test/tap/module-invocation.js ......................... 9/9
test/tap/options-common.js .......................... 24/24
total ............................................. 176/176
  176 passing (12s)

To run a specific test with more verbose output, use npm run tap:

$ npm run tap test/tap/cmd-convert.js
> xsvd@0.1.10 tap /Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/xPack/npm-modules/xsvd-js.git
> tap --reporter=spec --timeout 300 "test/tap/cmd-convert.js"
  xsvd convert
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ has two errors
    ✓ has --file error
    ✓ has --output error
    ✓ has Usage
  xsvd convert -h
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ has enough output
    ✓ has title
    ✓ has Usage
    ✓ has convert options
    ✓ has --file
    ✓ has --output
    ✓ stderr empty
  xsvd con -h
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ has enough output
    ✓ has title
    ✓ has Usage
    ✓ stderr empty
  xsvd con --file xxx --output yyy
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ stdout empty
    ✓ ENOENT
    ✓ STM32F0x0-convert.tgz unpacked into /var/folders/n7/kxqjc5zs4qs0nb44v1l2r2j00000gn/T/xsvd-convert
    ✓ chmod
    ✓ mkdir ro
    ✓ chmod ro
  xsvd con --file STM32F0x0.svd --output STM32F0x0.json
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ no output
    ✓ no errors
    ✓ read in
    ✓ json parsed
    ✓ has warning
    ✓ has device
  xsvd con --file STM32F0x0.svd --output STM32F0x0.json -v
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ done message
    ✓ no errors
  xsvd con --file STM32F0x0.svd --output ro/STM32F0x0.json -v
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ up to writing
    ✓ EACCES
  xsvd con -C ... --file STM32F0x0.svd --output ro/STM32F0x0.json -v
    ✓ exit code
    ✓ up to writing
    ✓ EACCES
    ✓ chmod
    ✓ tmpdir removed
  43 passing (4s)

Coverage tests

Coverage tests are a good indication on how much of the source files is exercised by the tests. Ideally all source files should be covered 100%, for all 4 criteria (statements, branches, functions, lines).

To run the coverage tests, use npm run test-coverage:

$ npm run test-coverage
> xsvd@0.1.10 test-coverage /Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/xPack/npm-modules/xsvd-js.git
> tap --coverage --reporter=classic --timeout 600 "test/tap/*.js"
test/tap/cmd-code.js ................................ 40/40
test/tap/cmd-convert.js ............................. 43/43
test/tap/cmd-patch.js ............................... 46/46
test/tap/interactive.js ............................. 14/14
test/tap/module-invocation.js ......................... 9/9
test/tap/options-common.js .......................... 24/24
total ............................................. 176/176
  176 passing (22s)
File                   |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files              |    58.01 |     39.2 |     66.3 |    58.01 |                |
 bin                   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  xsvd.js              |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 lib                   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  main.js              |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 lib/utils             |    38.98 |    28.57 |       40 |    38.98 |                |
  asy.js               |    51.43 |       40 |    45.45 |    51.43 |... 122,137,147 |
  liquid-extensions.js |    20.83 |    16.67 |       25 |    20.83 |... 192,193,195 |
 lib/xsvd              |    59.03 |    40.69 |    71.05 |    59.03 |                |
  code.js              |    87.37 |    69.44 |    78.57 |    87.37 |... 299,311,314 |
  convert.js           |    54.44 |    36.41 |    63.89 |    54.44 |... 757,761,762 |
  patch.js             |    53.59 |    39.25 |    76.92 |    53.59 |... 494,497,501 |

Continuous Integration (CI)

The continuous integration tests are performed via Travis CI (for POSIX) and AppVeyor (for Windows).

To speed up things, the node_modules folder is cached between builds.

Standard compliance

The module uses ECMAScript 6 class definitions.

As style, it uses the JavaScript Standard Style, automatically checked at each commit via Travis CI.

Known and accepted exceptions:

  • none.

To manually fix compliance with the style guide (where possible):

$ npm run fix
> xsvd@0.1.10 fix /Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/xPack/npm-modules/xsvd-js.git
> standard --fix

Documentation metadata

The documentation metadata follows the JSdoc tags.

To enforce checking at file level, add the following comments right after the use strict:

'use strict'
/* eslint valid-jsdoc: "error" */
/* eslint max-len: [ "error", 80, { "ignoreUrls": true } ] */

Note: be sure C style comments are used, C++ styles are not parsed by ESLint.

How to publish

  • commit all changes
  • npm run test (fix included)
  • update CHANGELOG.md; commit with a message like CHANGELOG: prepare v0.1.2
  • npm version patch
  • push all changes to GitHub; this should trigger CI
  • wait for CI tests to complete
  • npm publish


The original content is released under the MIT License, with all rights reserved to Liviu Ionescu.



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